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Thaxton 1

Kaleigh Thaxton
English Composition II
Professor Riley
23 May 2019
Black Holes
A black hole is a place where gravity is so strong that nothing enters, not even light can

escape. For instance, if you wanted to go to space you would have to travel at a certain velocity,

which is about eleven kilometers per second. Black holes are the same, you must travel at a

certain velocity to escape a black hole, which is faster than the speed of light. If we could figure

out whether, black holes could be used for power sources or not, we could provide ourselves

with more sufficient energy sources. This could affect everyone in the universe. Not only would

it allow for further research on this topic and how we can dive deeper into space.

The reason this topic interests me so much is because I have always been interested in

astronomy. Stephen Hawking’s work was always fascinating to me; I read every single one of his

books. His theory about black holes always stood out the most to me. I also saw an article on

how black holes give off energy. That got me thinking, could they be used for a power source in

the future?

Before I did my research, I loved learning about black holes and anything I could

possibly learn at all. When I was younger, stars amazed me. I could stare at them all night. I

always wondered if they had any purpose like me. I believe that we could eventually figure out

how to make this possible. I feel that making a power source is very possible in the next one-

hundred years. Energy from black holes can be extracted because it was seen by astronomers in

2001. First, the black hole spins and pushes out energy through a cord-like magnetic field lines,

which then make the gas.

Thaxton 2

I still need to learn a lot about black holes in general. The topic is so widely researched,

and I plan to figure out a way that we could possibly use the energy from the black holes. While

also giving evidence from other scientists and astronomers. Two questions I have are Could

black holes be used as a power source, and how would that effect our life on Earth? I am

interested in learning more about black holes and how they may have changed over the year.

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