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Dear anyone reading this,

You may know me and maybe not. Have you ever thought life would be the way it
is at this very moment?
Well... I have known it would be like this for a while now. Taking my last day
walking along the rushing river. Feeling the breeze through my hair. Watching the
sunrise and hearing the quiet caws of birds chirping.
Although, I never thought I was going to miss it. I never thought I was going to
miss hearing my siblings run through the halls. The pitter-pattering on the floor as
they giggle. I never thought I was going to miss the bickering of unimportant
arguments between my friends. I never thought I was going to miss coming home
after a long day and laying on my bed as my dog curls up next to me and the fan
blowing me in the face.
I never thought I would miss myself. All before I turned into a different person.
Before I didn't want to get out of bed every morning. Before sleeping until 12 am
just to get quiet time.
Before I became a disappointment.
So, I leave to you my last letter. In hopes that you won't turn out like me. When
you find this take a step back and enjoy the river, I lay next to. Enjoy the smell of
the fresh morning air.

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