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Nicole Lawson

ENG 1201-515

Mrs. Pedrotti

25 May 2019

Police Brutality

It seems like almost every day now; you get on social media and you can see a video of a

police officer abusing their authority. I never understood how someone that we are supposed to

respect and trust could abuse their authority and use it for bad instead of good. I can remember

the day that I realized that I wanted to be a police officer, since I was young, I have wanted to

make a real change in the world. Knowing that police brutality is an epidemic we are facing

today, I want to bring a positive change to the police force.

I feel passionate about the topic of police brutality; I feel upset that in some situations

these instances get swept under the rug and officer is not required to face punishment. I feel as a

society we need to step up and fight for what is right, we need to be aware of what is happening

and try to make positive change. I think that police departments need to do more to make sure

that the police officers on the street are qualified for their job, and that when they abuse their

power, they need to be punished. I believe that police brutality is far more likely to happen to

people of color over Caucasian people. I also believe that when it is a person of color the police

department does not do enough to compensate the victim. I already know that police brutality has

continued to get worse over the years, and I know that the public is more aware of it due to social

media and the use of cell phones.

I am interested to find out some proposals for how we could help decrease instances of

police brutality. I am interested to learn what gender, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation could
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affect your chances of being personally affected by police brutality. Finally, I am interested to

learn how we can do more to compensate the victims and the families of the victims that are

affected by police brutality.

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