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Group: 1HUMSS

Albarico, Kyrell
Dela Peña, Kristel
Erice, Charlize Justine
Esmeña, Darielle
Fernandez, Jhenilynn
Gasta, Abell
Peralta, Charlize Kate

I. Overview

Morning classes are those that takes place between 6 A.M until 12:30 P.M. A lot of
educational institutions starts their classes during these hours. Caloocan Senior High School is no
different from those schools. As the school year for 2019-2020 has started, the school
implemented that classes should started by 6:30 in the morning. This study will be about the
effects of morning classes to the academic performance of students. In a study by sleep
researchers, they found that adults and adolescents need to take 8-9 hours of sleep because if you
don’t have the right amount of sleep, your brain and body will not be able to function well.

The researchers saw the need to conduct a study about the effects of having morning classes to
the Senior High School Students of Caloocan High School. This study will be helpful to the
students for they will be able to understand and know the possible consequences of their actions
when it is school night. In order for this study to be successful, the researchers will look for data
that are related to the study. It will be gathered through an interview with the Senior High
Students in Caloocan High School. The grades of the student during their Practical Research 1
last year will be compared to their future grade on Practical Research 2 to check if having class
as early as 6 A.M. compared to 8 A.M. has an impact to the academic performance of the
students. The result will help the researchers get a better view of the effects of morning classes to
the academic performance.

II. Proposed Title

Effects of Morning Classes in the Academic Performance of Senior High Students from
Caloocan High School.
III. Statement of the Problem

1. What are the demographic profile of the student in terms of:

A. Sex
B. Age
C. Strand/Section
D. Schedule

2. How does the Grade 12 students manage their time to be able to attend morning classes?

3. How does 6 A.M. classes affect the students' academic performance especially during their
first and last subject?

4. How does morning classes affect the behavior of the students during their class?

5. What are the recommendations and suggestions for the enhancement of the study?

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