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A Conceptual Framework of Safety Climate Effect on Safety

Behavior in Construction Industry

Sarnaeni B., M. Asad Abdurrahman, Muralia Hustim

Abstract. Increased development in the construction sector in Indonesia has not been followed
by an increase in the performance of the Occupational Safety and Health System. The
construction industry is one of the industrial sectors that has a high risk of work accidents
because the construction project is unique, which means there has never been an exact series of
activities (no identical projects but similar projects), projects are temporary and always involve
different groups of workers, complex management processes, environmental problems, heavy
work pressure and complicated equipment used. The most dominant factor as the cause of
accidents and injuries is the low level of safety behavior. This study aims to develop a
conceptual framework of the influence of climate safety and individual factors on safety
behavior. Perceptions of safety climate can affect workers' safety attitude, the way workers
carry out work and the way workers interact with fellow workers so that workplace accidents
can be minimized.

Key words : OSH, safety climate, safety behavior, individual factor

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