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The economy and the health are inseparable binomial, the economy is a determinate into

the health of the population, because, all economic decision affects it direct or indirectly, as
well as, the decisions that are taken regarding health have implications into the economy.
The population wants to live more and more years, in fact, the average life expectance in
several countries of the world has increased, thus, it is increasing the amount of the older
population. According to the world economic forum (WEF) in the actually the older
population of sixty five years to world level is the 10%, but it is expected that by mid-
century, this proportion increases a 12% that representing around 22% of the total. During
the next decades, the fast aging of the population are going to are challenges and one of the
transformation forces most powerful that affect to the society.
Although, the change demography begin in the economies most development as Japan, it is
becoming in a generalized condition to the world level. The economic forum explain that
this would have a significant impact in areas such as social protection, public the health, the
economic prosperity and the pension system.
The world health organization has been contributing to find suitable methods to adapt the
health sector mission to the new social and international economic context. In this aspect,
the concept of health economics in its approach analysis and methodology is to help
regulate the conscious participation of the different factors, which intervene in the health
issue, as well as the efficient use of human resources, materials and financiers within the
health sector.
In 1987, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) stated that without the drastic
reduction of poverty, economic development is not sustainable and democracy is difficult
to consolidate. The economic solvency of the countries is a factor that can favor the
universal social protection in health because they protect their population through a
sufficient public budget for the health, education and environment.

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