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a = ics ear teeite —_-Here’s Health — | r Earle Liederman _s this hook the author steps away from his usual em- I phasis on muscles and strength, and gives you straight- from-the-shoulder talks on physiology and hygiene. This is one of the brightest and breeziest hooks of its kind ever written. Full of pep and shows another side of Earle Liederman's life. You have always pictured Earle Liederman as a stern, serious man, who never laughs. Well, he does Jaugh, for he has a remarkable sense of humor, and you too will laugh at some of the comparisons and characters he portrays within these pages. If you want to know how to take care of yourself—if you want to learn about the inside of your wonderful body, don’t miss reading this gripping, intensely interesting book, Tt is not the usual dull and dry and hard-to-get-interested- in treatise on physiology, but a highly interesting and entertaining book that is as to read as a story—and choek full of sound common sense and helpful advice. It covers every organ of the human anatomy—goes straight to the point about the part of each organ in the work and health of the body and shows how to keep cach organ func- tioningatits best. Prag og $1.75 oo Did you know Earle Liederman onee studied to become a physician? After spending over four years at this study he suddenly gave it up, because he decided he would rather help people prevent and overcome sickness and weakness by strengthening and building up their bodies in NatuRat.eays than to doctor sick people by prescribing drugs. The Science of Wrestling and The Art of Jiu Jitsu By EARLE LIEDERMAN HE most elaborate instructions in wrestling ever produced; highly illus- trated from life, together with a most detailed course in Jiu Jitsu—the most dangerous art of self-defense ever practiced by mankind, Each and every hold, if fully exeouted, means a broken bonc or fatal results. With such knowledge in your povsession you need never fear attack, whether your opponent he armed or unarmed: The Jiu Jitsu education is :o.eomplete and so simply described that this alone is worth far more than the price asked for the entire book. The course in wrestling is complete to the minutest detail. No doubt you have frequently wondered how a professional wrestler has thrown a man twice his size, or how some of our former lightweight champions have sue- ceeded in throwing practically any man, no matter what his size or weight might be. These trick holds are simple enough if you could only learn them, but few know them and the professionals do not care to disclose them to the public. THE SECRET TOLD Earle Liederman has been severely criticized by numerous wrestlers for revealing these secrets, but he ignored unjust criticism. He determined to present this knowledge to his pupils and readers, Suppose this very night some thug should attack you? | Suppose a man many pounds heavier than you and well armed should attempt to hold you up, what would you not to know how to immediately place him at your mercy? You will find just such information as this in “The Science of Wrestling.” This book is not for sale at book-stores or news-stands. It cannot he bought anywhere in the world except from Karle Liederman, for it is i private edition, This book will prove a revelation to you. You will marvel at it. It contains nearly two hundred ful!-page photographs, the size of each page being 6x9 inches. It is handsomely bound in leatheroid cover, embossed in blue and gold, and is worthy of a prominent place in anyone’s library collection. PRICE, POSTPAID, $3.00

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