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Story Ideas

An amateur poker player has been called by a successful player to share his secrets, when he arrives,
he finds the rich poker player dead.

Elements I am good at: Poker, music, guitar, mind etc.

The goal is to write short stories. I should write close to 12- 13 short stories to make an interesting

The grind

72 year old software programmer and gamer has cracked the ultimate formula for success in poker
games. He doesn’t have the time nor the energy to grind. He finds a young guy to grind for him in
exchange for ??

A struggling poker player meets a chess wizard who gives him the ultimate formula for success in
poker. The struggling poker player uses the formula and creates a fortune for himself . abut then
realizes that the chess player had a hidden agenda of his own.

Or cfeate a novel with the following characters

A talented guitar player

A struggling poker player

A banker

Las Vegas

A murder

Circus Circus

Interesting character faceoffs?

Obese woman (early 30s), 17 year old drug dealer(marijuana), struggling poker player (early 40s) a
blind mathematician. (early 60s)

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