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Kratki svakodnevni program:

Shashankasana, bhujangasana, trikonasana, yoga mudra, matsyasana, janu sirshasana,

garudasana i moordhasana, pracena shavasanom.

Shashankasana (polozaj Mjeseca):

Sedite u Vajrasanu (klececi polozaj) i stavite shake na kolena. Na udah podignite ruke tako da
budu ispruzene vertikalno iznad glave.
Sa izdahom savijte tijelo napred drzeci ruke u liniji trupa. Na kraju pokreta celo i ruke trebaju
da se oslanjaju na pod ispred tijela. Zadrzite disanje neko vrijeme u konacnom polozaju, a
zatim se uz UDAH polako vratite u vertikalni polozaj.
Opat se polako spustite sa IZDAHOM.
Ponovite vjezbu nekoliko puta.
(nekada se savjetuje 10 ili 8 puta. Al u pocetku je najbolje drzati se prakse da se sve ponavlja
3 puta. Kasnije mozete sami mjenjati broj izvodjenja. S tim da ako jednu asanu radite 3 puta, i
sve ostale radite isto 3 puta.)

U spustenom polozaju mozete ostati duze vrijeme uz lagano duboko disanje ili uz normalono
disanje. Al je redosled udisaja i izdisaja uvijek isti.
Hocu reci, izdaj je spustanje a udah je podizanje.. Nakon dozeg boravka u ovoj Asani, uvijek
se vracate uz udah ka gore.. kao sto se spustate uz Izdah.

Bhujangasana (polozaj Kobre)


Lezite na trbuh, noge is topala prvo ispruzite jednu pored druge. Celo na pod. Stavite dlanove
na pod ispod ramena. Opustite tijelo. Lagano podizite glavu i ramena sa poda, savijajuci glavu
unazad koliko je to moguce. Nastojste da ramena podignete bez upotrebe ruku, koristeci samo
mislice ledja. Pri kraju oslonite se na ruke i nastavite lagano savijanje unazad, dok se ruke ne
isprave. Pupak bi trebao da ostane na podu. Drzite ovu asanu koliko mozete bez naprezanja.

Udisite lagano dok izdizete tijelo sa tla.
Disite normalno u zavrsnom polozaju.
Ako zavrsi polozaj drzite kratko, par sekundi, zadrzite dah do se ne pocnete spustati.
Izdisete prilikom spustanja na pod.

Ova vjezba pomaze u otklanjanju raznih poremecaja zenskih polnih organa, kao sto su
poremecaji menstruacije, bjelo pranje i amenorea. Osvjezava jajnike i maternicu, podstice
apetit i odstranjuje zatvor.
Korisna je za sve trbusne organe, a narocito za jetru i bubrege. Odstranjuje bolove u ledjima,
ipravlja iskliznute kicmene prsljenove i odrzava kicmu gipkom i zdravom.

Trikonasana (polozaj istegnutog trugla)


Stanite pravo sa stopalima razdvojenim za oko 3 sirine kukova.

Podignite ruke stranu, gorizontalno sa tlom.
Okrecite tijelo udesno, savijajuci malo koljena. Desnom rukom dotaknite desno stopalo drzeci
ruke i dalje u liniji jednu sa drugom.
Gledajte gore u ljevu shaku. Vratite se u stojeci polozaj drzeci i dalje ruke u horizontalnoj
liniji. Ponovite sa suprotnom stranom.

Udisite do podizete ruke i kada se vracate u uspravan polozaj.
Izdisite dok se savijate.

Postoje i varijante ove vjezbe. Opisacu ih na kraju.. serijala.

Yoga Mudra (psihicko jedinstvo)

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Sjedite u Padmasanu (polozaj lotosa), ako nije moguce onda u vajrasanu (polozaj klecenja, ili
polozaj dijamanta).
Opustite tijelo za neko vrijeme disuci normalno.
Iza ledja jednom shakom uhvatite zglob druge shake.
Lagano savijte trup napred dok vam celo ne dotakne pod, ili bude blizu poda.
U zavrsnom polozaju nastojte da opustite cijelo tijelo koliko god mozete.
Polako se vratite u pocetni polozaj.

Udahnite polako i duboko u pocetnom polozaju.
Izdahnite dok se saginjete napred.
Disite duboko i polako u zavrsnom polozaju.
Udisite dok se vracate u pocetni polozaj.

Nastojte da ostanete u zavrsnom polozaju nekoliko minuta. Ako niste u stanju ostati toliko,
ponovite ovu asanu nekoliko puta sa trajanjem koliko vam je ugodno.

Matsyasana (polozaj ribe)


Sjedite u Padmasanu ili u Vajrasanu.

Savijte se unazad oslanjajuci se na ruke i laktove sve dok vam vrh glave ne dotakne pod.
Ako radite u Padmasani: uhvatite palceve stopala i oslonite laktove na pod.
Ako radite iz Vajrasane: uhvatite se za pete i oslonite laktove na pod.

Druga varijanta:
Razdojite stopala tako da vam dupe bude na podu izmedju stopala, i spustite se na pod,
potpuno koliko mozete. Ruke su sa strane tijela.

Disite duboko i lagano u zavrsnom polozaju.

Duhovna: na manipuru ili anahata chakru
Fizicka: na trbuh, grudi ili dah.

Ova vjezba isteze crijeva i trbusne organe i veoma je korisna za sva trubusna oboljenja. Za
odstranjivanje zatovra treba popiti tri case vode, a zatim uraditi ovu vjezbu. Ovo je veoma
dobra vjezba i za oboljenja pluca, kao sto su astma, bronhitis, jer ova vjezba pospjesuje
duboko disanje. Takodjer pomaze i u recirkualciji ustajale krvi iz ledja, a regulise i funkciju
stitne zljezde.

Janu Sirshasana (polozaj glava na koljenu)


Sjedite sa nogama opruzenim napred.

Savijte jednu nogu i stavite petu na perineum, sa tabanom priljubljenim uz suprotnu butinu.
Koleno treba da je pravo tokom cijele vjezbe.
Savijte se napred. Uhvatite prste ispruzene noge obema rukama. Povucite trup lagano napred,
koristeci samo ruke (ne i ledjne misice), tako da glavu polozite na ispruzeno koljeno.
Ponovite postupak i sa drugom nogom.

Izdisite dok savijate trup napred.
Zadrzite dah ako u zavrsnom polozaju ostajete krace vrijeme.
Ako polozaj drzite duze, disite normalno.
Udahnite pri povratku u sedeci polozaj.

Na Swadhisthana chakru (druga chakra).
Fizicka i mentalna: Na trbuh, opustanje ledjnih misica ili na dah. U pocetku dok ne mozete
izvesti skroz polozaj, obratite paznju na istezanje u predjelu zadnje loze butina ili u predjelu

Isteze misice nogu i opusta zglobove kuka. Efikasno odstanjuje salo u predjelu trbuha. masira
sve trbusne organe i povoljno djeluje na oboljenja probavnog sistema i secernu bolest.
Aktivira bubrege, jetru, pankreas i nadbubrezne zljezde. Jaca organe karlice i korisna je za
odstranjivanje poremecaja zenskog polnog sistema. poboljsava cirkualciju krvi u ledjnim
mislicima i oko kicmenih nerava, sto blagotvorno djeluje na ovaj predeo i na opste zdravlje.
Ovo je veoma mocna asana, kao varijacija Paschimottanasane. Djeluje na duhovno budjenje i
zauziva visoko mjesto u starim yoga tesktovima.

Garudasana (polozaj orla)


Zauzmite stojeci polozaj. Podignite desnu nogu i obavijte je oko leve noge.
Desna butina bi trebalo da bude ispred leve butine, a desno stopalo da se oslanja na zadnji dio
potkolenice leve noge. Sada savijte ruke i desnom obavijte ljevu, tako da se dlanovi sastave
ispred nosa, podjecajuci tako na orlov kljun.
Savijte ljevu nogu u kolenima i spustajte tijelo dok prsti desnog stopala ne dotaknu pod.
Drzite polozaj koliko mozete i dok je ugodno.

Na odabranu tacku ispred sebe i na ravnotezu.

Jaca misice, osvjezava nerve i cini zglobove nogu gipkim. Pomaze u odstranjenju Isijasa i
reumatizma u rukama i norama. Eliminise hidrocelu i razvija ravnotezu.

Moordhasana (polozaj na osnovi glave)


Stanite pravo sa stopalima razmaknutim 3 do 4 sirine kukova ili vise po potrebi. Savijte tijelo
u kukovima i postavite shake tacno ispred stopala. Stavite vrh glave na pod izmedju shaka
(varijanta 1).
Podignite ruke i prepletite ih iza ledja. Podignite pete i odrzavajte ravnotezu na glavi i prstima
stopala (varijanta 2)
Zadrzite se u tom polozaju do 1 minut, a onada vratite ruke i tele u uspravan polozaj.
Posle kraceg odmora, ponovite vjezbu onoliko koliko ponavlajte i ostale.

Udahnite pre savijanja i zadrzite dah unutra dose savijate i dok se vracate.
Disite normalno kada uspostavite ravnotezu.

Duhovna: na Sahasraru chakru
Fizicka i mentalna: Na disanje i ravnotezu.

Povecava protok krvi kroz mozak i dobra je priprema za stoj na glavi.

Shavasana (polozaj mrtvaca)

Lezite ravno na ledja sa rukama pored tijela u liniji tijela, sa dlanovima okrenutim ka gore.
Noge neka budu blago rastavljene do udubnog polozaja i zatvorite oci.
Opustite cijelo tijelo. Ne pokrecite ni jedan dio tijela cak i u slucaju da se pojavi neka
Neka vam dah postane ritmican i prirodan.
Postanite svesni udaha i izdaha.
Ako um pocne da luta vratite ga na pracenje disanja.

U principu sto duze.
Ali najmanje izmedju 1 - 2 minute.

Opusta ceo psihofizicki sistem. Idealno je vezbati pred spavanje, pre i u toku vjezbanja asana,
a narocito posle dinamickih vjezbi kao sto je Surya Namaskar.

Ovo je kompletan program Asana za pocetnike.

Po redu i po zakonima kako Asane moraju jedna za drugom da idu. Tj. poŠtujući redosljed i
način izvođenja.
Ovo je početnički program kakav se uči u Tantričkim školama. Jedne od najosnovnijih Asana
koje bi svaki čovjek trebao da radi. Naravno mislim na ljude koji rade sa Hatha Yogom.
Ono što vas uče u tzv. školama koje pohađate, je najobičnije sranje. Nemoj krivo shvatiti.
IMa svoju korist, tipa da vidite kako Asane izgledaju, ali ne i praktičnu vrijednost aktivacije
Ide, Pingale i Shushumne, kao i aktivacije donjih chakri.

Elem, ovdje nisam objasnio 90 posto stvari koje se uče. Jer ovaj dio programa to ne traži.
Kada bi se upustio u pojašnjenje Asana, mogao bih fino zaboraviti bilo koju drugu temu
narednih 3 mjeseca i to samo kada bih išao na osnovne Asane i način rada sa njima i to samo
za početnički i srednji nivo.
Napredni ni da ne pričam.

Ujjayi pranayama je osnova rada sa pranayamama i zna se jako dobro zašto. Također je
osnova i mnogim tehnikama Meditacije, također sa jasnim ciljem koji je skroz praktičan.

Elem, obično Tantričke Škole koje su Izvorne, daju najosnovnije Asane učenicima kao jedine
Asane koje oni trebaju raditi i od kojih imaju neke koristi. Inače, sve ostalo je na tehnikama,
radu sa Tattvama, buđenjima Chakri, buđenju Ide i Pingale i naposljetku Shushumne, te
pokušaja da čovjeka dovedu uz pomoć Mantri i Vizualizacije do toga da uvide da je Suština
Svijeta Shiva ili Brahman (u zavisnosti od škole kojoj pripadaju).

Elem, Asane imaju pretežno škole koje imaju naglasak na yoga sistemu. Kao recimo Biharska
škola Yoge.
Ako imaš knjigu Asana, Pranayama, Banda (mislim da se tako zove, a imaš link na knjigama
pa potraži) tu ti je napravljen savršeno fin sistem od početničkih do naprednih Asana.

Evo ono što baš sada gledam u Satyanandinoj knjizi, i to kaže on, napredniji program za

Surya Namaskar
ardha shalabhasana
saral dhanurasana
pada hastasana
meru wakrasana
poorwa halasana

Sada, kada sam radio po programu jedne škole i kada su mi rekli da moram raditi neke Asane,
to je bilo:

Pretklon ili ti Paschimotasana

Otklon iz Vajrasane
Matsyendrasana ili ti uvrtanje kičme
Yogasana ili Yogamudra

i to bi bilo to, koliko se sjećam. Možda je bila još jedna, ali nikako ne mogu da se sjetim.

Evo ti spisak tih Asana koje se rade u toj školi. Vjerujem da si se već susretala sa svim ovim
Asanama do sada.

List of ásanas

No one should risk harm by practising ásanas and mudrás without the permission of an
(1) Sarváuṋgásana (all-limbs posture):
(a) Lie down on your back. Gradually raise the entire body and keep it straight, resting its
weight on your shoulders. The chin must be in contact with the chest. Support both sides of
your trunk with your hands. The toes must remain together; the eyes must be directed at the
(b) Lie down in padmásana. Gradually raise the body and rest its weight on your shoulders.
Support both sides with the hands. This ásana is also known as úrdhvapadmásana (inverted
lotus posture).
Practise three times, up to five minutes each time.
(2) Matsyamudrá (fish posture): Lie down in padmásana. Rest the crown of the head on the
floor and grasp both the big toes with the hands. Practise three times. Maximum time for
practice is two-and-a-half minutes.
(3) Matsyásana (fish posture): Lie down in padmásana. Grasp each shoulder with the opposite
hand from behind. The head will rest on both the forearms. Practise three times, each time for
half a minute.
(4) Matsyendrásana (Matsyendra’s posture): generally for males:
(i) Press the múládhára cakra with the right heel. Cross the left foot over the right thigh and
keep it to the right of the thigh. Grasp the left big toe with the right hand, keeping the right
arm along the left side of the left knee. Reach backwards from the left side with the left hand
and touch the navel.
Turn the neck to the left as far as possible.
(ii) Then press the múládhára with the left heel and reverse the process. One round means
completing the process on both sides.
Practise four rounds, half a minute each time.
(5) Viirásana (viira posture): Kneel down and sit on the heels. Bend the toes downwards. Rest
the backs of the hands on the thighs, the fingers pointing towards the groin. Direct the vision
at the tip of the nose. The ácárya will give directions as to the duration of this ásana.
(6) Cakrásana (wheel posture): Lie in a supine position. Flex the legs to bring the lower legs
in contact with the thighs. Both the hands will rest close to the shoulders. Supporting the
weight on the soles and the palms, raise the head and the trunk. The body will assume the
shape of a wheel in this ásana. Duration – half a minute. Practise four times.
(7) Naokásana (boat posture) or dhanurásana (bow posture): Lie in a prone position. Flex the
legs to bring the lower legs close to the thighs. Directing the hands over the back, grasp the
ankles. Raise the entire body, supporting the weight on the navel. Extend the neck and chest
as far back as possible. Look towards the front. Breathe in while raising the body and
maintain yourself in that state for eight seconds. Resume the original posture while breathing
out. Practise the ásana eight times in this manner. The body assumes the shape of a bow
during this ásana.
( Utkat́a pashcimottánásana (difficult back-upwards posture): Lie in a supine position and
extend the arms backwards, keeping them close to the ears. Rise while exhaling and insert the
face between the knees. Make sure that the legs remain straight. Grasp both the big toes with
the hands. Remain in this state for eight seconds. Now resume the original posture while
inhaling. Practise eight times in this way.
(9) Parvatásana (mountain posture) or halásana (plough posture): Assume the position of
sarváuṋgásana. Gradually bring the legs backwards and extend them as far as possible. Let the
toes of both feet touch the ground. Keep both the hands in a prone position on either side of
the body. Duration – as in the case of sarváuṋgásana.
(10) Shivásana (Shiva posture): Assume the position of Parvatásana. Bend the knees until

they come close to the ears. Do not place the hands as in parvatásana, but interlock the fingers
firmly and keep the hands in contact with the ground. Duration – as for sarváuṋgásana.
(11) Vajrásana (thunder posture): Bend the right leg at the knee and direct the foot backwards,
in such a way that it does not touch the right thigh. Supporting the weight on both the hands,
direct the left foot backward in the same way. Now gradually sit on the floor. Raise the hands
and place them on the knees. In the beginning practise this ásana very cautiously. Injury may
result from trying to squat forcibly. Duration – half a minute. Practice four times.
(12) Siddhásana (siddha posture): Press the múládhára cakra with the left heel. Then press the
svádhiśt́hána cakra with the right heel. Place the hands palm up on the respective knees.
Duration – as long as you wish.
(13) Baddha padmásana (bound lotus posture): Assume the position of padmásana. Direct the
right hand backwards from the right side and grasp the right big toe. In the same way, direct
the left hand backwards and grasp the left big toe. Duration – half a minute. Practise four
(14) Kukkut́ásana (cock posture): Assume the position of padmásana and insert the hands and
forearms in between the respective lower legs and thighs. Then raise the whole body,
supporting the weight on the hands. Look forward. Duration – half a minute. Practise four
(15) Gomukhásana (cow’s head posture):
(i) Sit down and extend the legs forwards. Bring the right leg under the left thigh, placing the
right foot under the left buttock. Now bring the left leg across the right thigh and place the left
foot under the right buttock. Place the left hand on the spine. Then bring the right hand
backward over the right shoulder and interlock the fingers of the hands in a chain-like fashion.
(ii) Practise in the same way with the left leg under the right leg. Completing this on both
sides constitutes one round.
Duration of each position – half a minute. Practise four rounds.
(16) Mayúrásana (peacock posture): Assume a squatting position. Bring the wrists together
and place the palms on the floor, with the fingers pointing towards the feet. Now bring the
elbows in contact with the navel and stretch the legs backward. Supporting the weight on the
elbows, raise the head and the legs from the floor. Duration – half a minute. Practise four
(17) Kúrmakásana (tortoise posture): Assume the position of padmásana. Insert both the
forearms in between the lower legs and the thighs. Then grasp the neck with both the hands.
Both the elbows will touch the floor, and the head will be bent forward. Look steadily in front
as far as possible. Duration – half a minute. Practise four times.
(18) Sahaja utkat́ásana (simple chair posture): Seat yourself as if in a chair (but actually there
will be no chair). Keep the arms straight to conform to the arms of the chair. Duration – half a
minute. Practise four times.
(19) Shalabhásana (locust posture): Lie down on your chest. Stretch the hands backward with
the palms upward. Raise the legs and the waist, keeping the fists clenched. Duration – half a
minute. Practise four times.
(20) Bhújauṋgásana (snake posture): Lie down on your chest. Supporting the weight on the
palms, raise the chest, directing your head backward. Look at the ceiling. Breathe in while
rising, and after having risen, hold your breath for eight seconds. Come down to original
position while breathing out. Practise eight times.
(21) Shasháuṋgásana (hare posture): Kneel down and grasp both the heels firmly. While
exhaling, bring the crown of the head into contact with the floor in a posture of bowing down.
The forehead should touch the knees. Maintain this posture for eight seconds, holding the
breath. Breathe in while rising. Practise eight times.
(22) Bhastrikásana (bellows posture): Lie on your back, and while breathing out, bend the

right leg and bring the thigh into contact with the chest. Grasp the leg firmly with both hands.
Maintain this position for eight seconds, holding the breath. Resume original position while
breathing in. Practise similarly with the left leg, and then with both legs together. One round
comprises this process with the right leg, the left leg, and both legs together. Practise eight
such rounds, i.e. 8 x 3 = 24 positions.
(23) Jánushirásana (head-to-knee posture): Press the múládhára with the right heel. Extend the
left leg forward. While exhaling, touch the left knee with the forehead. Then, interlocking all
the fingers firmly, press the left sole with the hands. There should be complete expiration
when the forehead touches the knee. Maintain this position for eight seconds. Separate the
hands and sit erect, while breathing in. Then press the múládhára with the left heel and repeat
the above process exactly. One round comprises practising once with the left and once with
the right leg. Practise four rounds.
(24) Ardhashivásana (half Shiva posture): The only difference between this ásana and
Shivásana is that in Shivásana, while the legs are bent close to the ears, the feet remain on the
ground; whereas in this ásana while the knees are kept close to the ears, the legs are extended
upwards as in the case of sarváuṋgásana. Duration – half a minute. Practise four times.
(25) Ardhakurmakásana (half tortoise posture) or diirgha prańáma (long bowing posture):
Kneel down, and holding the palms together, extend the arms upward, keeping them close to
the ears. Then bend forward in a posture of bowing down, touching the floor with the tip of
the nose and the forehead. The buttocks must continue to touch the heels. While bending
down breathe out and stay in a state of complete exhalation for eight seconds. Then rise up,
breathing in. Practise eight times.
(26) Yogásana or yogamudrá (yoga posture): Sit in bhojanásana. Pass both hands backward
and grip the left wrist with the right hand. Then bring the forehead and the nose into contact
with the floor, breathing out during the process. Maintain this state for eight seconds and then
rise up, breathing in. Practise eight times.
(27) Tuládańd́ ásana (balance posture):
(i) Standing on the left foot, direct the other foot backward and raise it. Grasp the waist on
either side with the respective hand, and then bend the trunk and the head forward such that
the head, the trunk and the leg (extended backward) are parallel to the floor.
(ii) Standing on the right foot, repeat the process. Duration – half a minute. Practise four
(28) Uśt́rásana (camel posture): Lie in a supine position. Raise the extended legs from the
floor in such a way that they form an angle of 30 degrees. In the meantime keep both the arms
extended, touching the sides. Duration – half a minute. Practise four times.
(29) Utkat́a kúrmakásana (difficult tortoise posture): Bring the right leg over the right
shoulder. Then bring the left leg over the left shoulder and place it on the right ankle.
Interlock the fingers firmly and hold them forward in the namaskára position. Duration – half
a minute. Practise four times.
(30) Jat́ila utkat́ásana (difficult chair posture): Squat down, supporting the entire weight of the
body on the big toes. Grasp the waist on each side with the hands, the buttocks resting on the
heels. Duration – half a minute. Practise four times.
(31) Utkat́a vajrásana (difficult thunder posture): Lie down in vajrásana. Place the arms as in
matsyásana. Duration – half a minute. Practise three times.
(32) Padahastásana (arm-and-leg posture): Stand erect, raising the arms, palms open. Then
bend the trunk and the left arm leftwards while breathing out, and in a state of full expiration
touch the left foot with the left hand. After maintaining this position for eight seconds, raise
the body and extend the left arm upwards, breathing in throughout the process. When the
body is perfectly erect again, bend the trunk and the right arm rightwards, breathing out, and,
in a state of complete expiration, hold for eight seconds, touching the right foot with the right

hand. Then raise the trunk, extending the right arm upwards, inhaling throughout the process.
Then bend the trunk forward, breathing out in the process, and catch hold of the big toes. Stay
in this position for eight seconds. Then, breathing in, rise up, and raise the arms and extend
them backward. When you cannot bend any farther back, hold yourself in that position for
eight seconds, retaining the breath. Then bend forward while breathing out, and, just touching
the big toes (i.e., without staying in that position), raise the trunk and the arms, breathing in.
One round is then complete. Practise eight rounds, making sure that no part of the body below
the waist is bent at any time.
(33) Shavásana (corpse posture): Lie quietly on the back like a corpse and imagine that you
are dead. Keep the arms away from the chest, on the floor, in a perfectly relaxed condition.
Duration – Those for whom shavásana has been specially prescribed will practise up to ten
(34) Padmásana (lotus posture): Place the right foot on the left thigh and the left foot on the
right thigh. Clench the jaws and press the tongue against the roof of the mouth. You can
maintain this posture as long as you like.
(34) Karmásana (action posture): This ásana is made up of two parts. The second part is the
complement of the first. One performance of the first and second parts makes a complete
round. Four rounds should be practised.
First Part
Stand upright, and placing both hands behind the back, interlock the fingers and press the
palms together. Keeping the body below the navel steady, move the upper body in four
directions as in padahastásana.
(i) Bend the upper part of the body leftwards, breathing out, and stay in this position for eight
seconds, holding the breath. Resume original position, breathing in. Move the interlocked
hands to the right when the body bends leftwards. Remember that the left arm should touch
the back when the body is bent, and keep touching it while holding this position.
(ii) Practise similarly on the other side, that is, bend the upper part of the body to the right and
move the interlocked hands to the left.
(iii) Bend downward exhaling slowly. As you bend lower and lower, gradually raise the
interlocked hands upwards. Bring the head as low as possible and raise the arms upwards with
the hands interlocked. The knees should not bend. Maintain this position for eight seconds
without inhaling. Resume original position, inhaling.
(iv) Bend the upper part of the body backwards while inhaling. While bending the trunk, head
and neck backwards, hold the interlocked hands straight down. Stay in this position, holding
the breath, for eight seconds. Breathing out, resume original position.
Second Part
In the first part of karmásana you do the ásana standing, while in the second part you kneel
down and sit on the heels. Then repeat the same exercise as in the first part, moving the body
in all four directions. The toes should point forwards. The duration and manner of breathing
should be the same as in the first part. In this part also the body below the navel should not
bend. The second part differs from the first part as follows:
(i) and (ii) are no different from the first part.
(iii) – While bending forwards, the nose and forehead should touch the ground.
(iv) – while bending the chest and head backwards, the interlocked hands should graze the
soles of the feet and touch the ground, supporting the weight a little.
(36) Jiṋánásana (knowledge posture):
(i) Squat, sitting on the heels, with the arms a little behind the buttocks. Shift the left leg a
little forward and put the right ankle on the lower part of the left thigh, just above the knee, in
such a way as to form a triangle in a plane parallel to the earth. Raise the left arm upwards,
touching the ear. Look forward. Keep the balance by touching the ground with the fingers of

the right hand. Maintain this position for half a minute.

(ii) Repeat this process on the other side.
(i) and (ii) constitute one round, and four rounds should be practised.
(37) Bhávásana (ideation posture):
(i) Sit as in sahaja utkat́ásana, keeping the feet slightly apart and pointing in opposite
directions, but instead of holding the arms parallel to each other, bring the palms together as
in a greeting. Keep the vision on the trikut́i. Duration – eight seconds.
(ii) Extend both arms to the right, the left arm touching the chest and stretching rightwards as
far as possible. Duration – eight seconds.
(iii) Extend the arms leftwards in the same way. Duration – eight seconds.
(iv) Put the arms behind the back and bring the palms together. Duration – eight seconds.
Practise four times.
(38) Granthimuktásana (knot-loosening posture): Stand erect. Hold your left ankle with your
right hand and touch the left big toe to your right nostril, and raise the left hand straight
upwards. Duration – eight seconds. In the same way, touch the right big toe to the left nostril.
This makes one complete round. Practise four rounds.
(39) Garud́ ásana (bird posture): Stand erect. Stretch the right leg as far back as possible.
Extend the left arm forwards and the right arm backwards, keeping both arms parallel to the
ground. Then try to touch the right big toe with the right hand (it will not touch). Do not bend
the body at all, but the right leg may be bent slightly upwards. The posture will resemble that
of a flying bird. Duration – half a minute. In the same way, try to touch the left big toe with
the left hand. These processes will make one round. Practise four rounds.
(40) Dvisamakońásana (double right-angle posture): Sit in sahaja utkat́ásana. Extend the right
leg forward, parallel to the ground, and raise the left arm upwards. Hold the waist with the
right hand. Duration – eight seconds. A similar process on the other side makes one round.
Practise four rounds.
(41) Tejasásana (energy posture): Practise parvatásana, but instead of placing the hands on the
floor, clasp the knees with them. Duration – two minutes. Practise three times.(42)
Mańd́ ukásana (frog posture): Sit in padmásana and, placing the arms beside the knees and
under the legs, clasp the hands with your palms on the ground. Then raise the body, resting it
on the palms, and skip forward three times and then backward three times. This completes one
round. Practise three such rounds.

Ono što je interesantno kada se radi sa Asanama jeste da svaka od njih, kao što znamo,
aktivira određenu oblast u kojoj ima najjače djelovanje, tj. oblast određene chakre. Kada se
spoji to "znanje" o čakrama i položaj tada primječujemo kako određena Asana djeluje na to
područje stiskanjem ili pritiskom što dovodi do hemijskih rekacija u tijelu, ali putem tim
hemijskih rekacija i samog položaja može se dokučiti i pozadinski sadržaj, da tako kažem.
Ovdje prvenstveno mislim na to da Tijelo i Um nisu razdvojeni već da imaju sadjejstvo jedni
na druge.

Svaki energetski blok ima resleksiju na emociju i misao, kao i na tijelo. Upravo to je jedan od
ciljeva Asana. Djelovanje na određene centre u tijelu s ciljem oslobađanja tih Energetskih
blokova, omogućavanja bolje protočnosti energije, pripremanja nerava na povečanu količini
Prane te povećanja Svijesti.. itd.

Ono što sam posmatrao kod sebe jeste da svaki položaj tijela, nebitno je sada da li je to Asana
ili ne, u sebi sadrži mentalno-emotivne reakcije i samim tim postaje akcija za mentalno-
emotivnu sferu. Kao što, u isto vrijeme, mentalno-emotivna sfera jeste akcija i za fizičku

Kada Asane postatramo sa stanovišta povećanja Budnosti, iako to na prvi pogled ne izgleda
tako, možemo shvatiti da je upravo djelovanje na oslobađanje Uma od tuposti (što je i
definicija Tantre) putem određenih položaja, pomoć Učeniku ali i nerijetko i opterečenje.

Tipa, sako se tokom rada sa Asanama zadržava Svjesnost na samog Sebe, i na Asanu i njen
sam položaj tj. pritisak na određenim regijama u tijelu možemo primjetiti da to aktivira
određeni mentalno-emotivni podprogram ili određeno Stanje ako nema previše blokova ili
određena Raspoloženja, Emotivne fluktacije ili Mentalne koncepte. U isto vrijeme doživljava
se jedno specifično osjećanje tj. možemo percepirati Utiske koji su sadržani u tim određenim
položajima što nam govori o kvaliteti kompletnog sistema Uma i Tijela.

KAda se desi osvještavanje i kada se većina blokova oslobodi možemo da lako utičemo na
promjene Raspoloženja i Stanja Svijesti putem Asane i Svjesnosti. Kada se u to doda vibracija
bija Mantri u skladu sa čakrom koja je pod dejstvom Asane mogu se proizvesti određena
Stanja, Emocije, ili stanja Mentala te na taj način dovesti u Svijest masu novih Utisaka koji
utiču na bržu izgradnju Svijesti i viših Tijela.

Tako da tada Rad sa Asanama počinje dobijati sasvim novu dimenziju koja ide mnogo dublje
od onoga što se nama daje kada priđemo nekoj školi.
Svaka čakra ima svoje određeno djelovanje na sferu Svijesti. Djelovanjem na čakru putem
položaja, a zatim i putem Vibracije pojačava ta određena stanja Svijesti što rezultira dubljim
"prodiranjem" u Svijest o samom Sebi.
Nekako sam mišljenja da tek kada čovjek zadobije to treće stanje Svijesti i kada može u
njemu ostati neko određeno vrijeme, on ima veće koristi od bilo kakve vježbe Asana ili
Pranayama. S tim da recimo, Tantričke Škole inzistiraju da sistem mora biti pročišćen u
dobroj mjeri prije nego što se krene sa radim na Pranayamama, a upravo tome služe Asane.
Sada, u zavisnosti od Škole do Škole svaka ima neku svoju teoriju po kojoj radi, i baš ne bih
previše ulazio u njih, jer nisam previše kompetentat da tumačim određene tradicije.

Kada sam posmatrao bivšeg Majstora kada mi je pokazivao neke od Asana i Surya Namaskar
bilo mi je interesantno kada sam otrio da on uopšte ne zdržava, da tako kažem, posmatranje ili
koncetraciju na regiju djelovanja Asane, već da cijelo vrijeme održava Svijesnost o samom
Sebi. Što me je dobro iznenadilo. Jer školski sam naučen da se mora održavati koncentracija
na regiju djelovanja Asane.
Kasnije kada sam to probao tada sam uvidio da je "njegov sistem" mnogo djelotvorniji kada je
u pitanju izgradnja Svjesnosti i "ulaženja" u dublje sfere Svijesti.
Tada mi je postalo jasno zašto Tantričke Škole inzistiraju, ne sve samo neke, na tome da se
Asana mora raditi poslje Meditacije i Pranayame. Prosto je postalo očigledno. No, Škole koje
rade na principu podizanja Energije rade obrnuto. Prvo Asane, pa Pranayama, pa Meditacija
ili kako bi oni rekli Samadhi.
Opet, sve to zavisi od Škole do Škole.

Kada se radi na otklanjanju blokova tada se pristupa radu sa Asanama na taj princip koji sam
pojasnio, a to je održavanje Svijesti o Samom Sebi, tj. Svjenosti Sebe i posmatranja regije
djelovanja Asane. U tim trenutcima pojavljuje se tačno određeni osjećaji, emocije ili čak
suptilni mentalni koncepti u svijesti Učenika na što ovaj mora ostati Neidentifikovan te prosto
Posmatrati to što se zbiva održavajući pritisak koliko je moguće. Zanimljivo je da nakon
nekoliko puta, tj. nekoj vremena rada sa tim prestaju ti popratni efetci koje je doživljavao u
početku i sam položaj u kojem se nalazi, kada se oslobodi bloka, postaje izuzetno ugodan i u
nama probuđuje jako fine Utiske, što je vidljivo nekom ko posmatra sa strane. Tj. svaka

Asana počinje izazivati osjećaj blaženstva ili ekstaze dok se nalazimo u njoj.

S druge strane, ako je čovjek sposoban i ima razvijenu Energetsku "suštinu" tada on može da
djeluje na cijeli prostor i ljude koji u tom prostoru rade kroz rad sa Asanama i to ima jako
zanimljive efetke. Kako je naš sistem pročišćen i kako možemo održavati Svijest o sebi tada
se putem te prakse, da tako kažem, oko tog čovjka širi takva vrsta Energije koja pozitivno
djeluje na ostale.
Ono što sam eksperimentisao u tim trenutcima bilo je da mjenjam svoja Raspoloženja ili
Emotivna stanja i zanimljivo je bilo posmatrati kako to sve djeluje na okolinu ili grupu koja
radi Asane u istom prostoru.

E to je ono što sam probavao sa radom na Asanama i to je ono što sam mislio pod tim da
mnogi ni ne znaju a ponajmanje koriste te načine u svom radu sa Asanama.
Sada, postoji niz "kvaka" a jedna je da mi je jednom jedan Majstor rekao nešto što me je
ponukalo na razmišljanje. Tip: "Zar misliš da je potrebno ostati u Asani više od nekoliko
sekundi?" Kasnije je dodao da su prve Asane više ličile na spori Surya Namaskar nego na
Asane kakve mi danas imamo, ali da je tada bila na raspolaganju malo drugačija energije i
ljudi su mnogo brže ulazili u povišena Stanja nego danas.

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