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Food is one of our main sources of energy. It can give us a lot of nutrients. In other word

it can bring life. Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for an organism.

Vegetables are important part of healthy eating and vitamins A, E, and B6, that keeps our body

healthy. Potatoes are example of nutritious vegetable. It contains fiber, vitamins, minerals and

phytochemicals it provides can help ward off disease and benefit human health. In various way

in which the potato might various way in which the potato might contribute to a healthful

lifestyle, including preventing osteoporosis, maintaining heart health and reducing the risk of


Another healthy vegetable is carrots. A carrot contains antioxidants which may protect

against cancer. While they may not help you see in the dark, the vitamin A in carrots helps

prevent vision loss. Carrots are also rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, beta. Carotene that

supplementation may reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. While, Cardaba

banana were usually known as ‘Saba Banana” here in the Philippines. It is very popular

worldwide because of its sweet and delicious taste. Banana contains vitamin B and one mineral,

which reduces the negative effects of nicotine on the body when you are smoking. It has also

vitamin B that regulates the temperature of pregnant woman and reduces menstrual pain. It is an

excellent source of potassium, which has the ability to regulate the body circulatory system to

maintain hearts health and it is also rich in fiber that was the ability to reduce constipation

without chasing diarrhea.

Carnatato Bite is one dessert that can be serving anytime of the day and appeals to all age

groups. It’s made up of a fried mixture of mashed potato and carrots, while the Saba banana is

inside which is the mashed potato and carrots mixed to cover it, then slice it for size bite and

flour for binding and chocolate syrup or caramelize for a good taste. Hence, it is called carnatato


Nowadays, Some of the teachers now are hard to eat healthy foods or even fruits because

of hectic schedules and maybe even the weekends are a working days for them, In result they do

not have time to cook healthy foods. The reason of these are the rush paper works that they

needed to accomplished on time. They do not bothered to eat some junk foods, meats, processed

food like (noodles, in can foods etc:) that don’t have enough nutrients to supply their whole

body. So the researchers made this study for them to have a healthy eating habit and get enough

nutrients. It is important for the teachers to eat healthy food because healthy foods make their

body healthy and to support their body needs.

Background of the Study

Carnatato bite devided from the merienda (Filipino afternoon snack) or desert turon. The

researchers mixed the mashed potato and carrots to coat on the Saba Banana to be flour lumpia

wrapper to make it more nutritional. Turon is a popular Filipino snack that is sweet, crunchy, and

satisfying. Ripe Saba banana and brown sugar are rolled together in a flour lumpia wrapper and

fried to a golden crisp, but sometimes they added jackfruit to become more good taste.

According to J.M. Murray, I.A. Baxter, in Encyclopaedia of Food Sciences and

Nutrition (Second Edition), 2003. Food acceptability is affected by many factors, which may be

related to the individual, the food, or the environment in which the food is consumed.

Acceptability is a subjective measure based on hedonics (pleasure), which in turn is influenced

by the sensory properties of the food, previous exposure to it and subsequent expectations,

contextual factors, an individual's culture, physiological status (i.e., hunger, thirst, and

presence/absence of illness), and many other variables. The measurement of food acceptance is

highly complex and relies on psychometrics (scales) and/or behavioural models (food-choice

models). This research aims to discuss some innate factors that impact on foods' sensory

acceptability and how these can be measured and understood.

The study is inspired by the American school where they made their own healthy food for the


Statement of the problem

The purpose of this study is to know the Level of Acceptability on the Food Innovation

Carnatato Bite as Perceived by Senior High School Teachers in San Jose Del Monte National

High School. Specifically, it will seek answers to the following question:

1. What is the Level of Acceptability on the Food Innovation Carnatato Bite as

Perceived by Senior High School Teachers in San Jose Del Monte National High

School in terms of its:

1.1 General Appearance

1.2 Palatability

2. What is the overall satisfaction Level of SHS teachers from SJDMNHS to

Carnatato Bite?

Conceptual Framework

Teachers Appearance

Level of


The illustration above shows of the study wherein the Senior High School teachers level

of acceptability is based on the General Appearance and Palatability of the Food Innovation

“Carnatato Bite”

Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following:

Students • This study will be beneficial to the students due to the main products contents of

vitamin A, B, B6, fiber and other minerals, this aid with their daily school and activities to make

their body healthy and be active in class.

Teachers • This study will provide health benefits to their daily needs in school, especially in do

their papers, in teaching a students and it can boost a teachers memory.

Future Researchers • This can be reliable sources as a reference for a similar study.

Scope and Delimitation

This study covers the health benefits of “Carnatato Bite”, the procedures in making the

products and the taste of the products. The researchers selected a number of Senior High School

Teachers of San Jose del Monte National High School as respondents in the study.

Definition of terms

Anti-oxidants – a substance that is added to food and other products to prevent harmful

chemical reactions in which oxygen is combined with other substances.

Beta-carotene – an isomer of carotene found in dark green and dark yellow vegetables and


Cardiovascular – a class of disease that involve the heart of blood vessels.

Circulatory System – the system of blood, blood vessels, lymphatics, and heart concerned with

the circulation of the blood and lymph.

Constipation – the condition of being unable to easily release solid waste from your body.

Diarrhea – an illness that causes you to pass waste from your body very frequently and in liquid

rather than solid form.

Menstrual Pain – are painful sensations that affect many woman before during menstrual


Nicotine – a poisonous substance in tobacco that makes it difficult for people to stop smoking


Osteoporosis – a condition in which the bones become weak and break easily.

Phytochemical - a chemical compound (such as beta-carotene) occurring naturally in plants.




In the study of Brazier (2007), Potato is a starchy crops, it contains sodium, alpha acid,

antioxidants, fiber, etc. there are more benefits in potatoes like; our bone health, blood pressure,

heart health, inflammation, it can fights cancer.

According to Jayathilake, Visanathan, Jayawaidana and Liyanage (2016), Potatoes

have shown healthy promoting properties in human cell culture, antioxidant,

hypocholesterolemic, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity, anti-cancer and anti-diabetic effects.

Potatoes have also fiber starch and proteins. Some study support a protective effect of potato

consumption in weight management and diabetes, while other studies demonstrate no effect and

few suggest a negative effect.

Another study according to Ramon (March 14, 2018). Potatoes are rich in vitamins,

minerals and antioxidants, which make them very healthy. Studies have linked potatoes and their

nutrients to a variety of impressive health benefits, including improved blood sugar control,

reduce heart disease risk and higher immunity. They may also improve digestive health and

combat signs of aging. Potatoes are also quite filling which means they may help you lose by

curbing hunger pains and carving. All in all, potatoes are a great addition to your diet in

moderation. They are also naturally gluten-free, which means they can be enjoyed by almost


Also in Glaberson (2017) study, Potato has high nutrition value compared to other

starchy food sources. It also derived flour best source of vitamin A and could be used to reduce

deficiency. Potato also could develop improved varieties of prolific, hardy, disease and drought


Pennington and Wilkening (2007), Chut et al, (2005), Kaspar et al (2011) and

Vinson et al, (2012). Potatoes offer consumers a wide array of complex carbohydrates, protein,

vitamins and phytonutrients. For these reasons, and others, many scientists believe potatoes will

have a Rey role in providing “food security” which can be defined as “when all people, at all

times, have access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs for an active

and healthy life. The definition specifies “nutrition food”, which potatoes are. Potatoes are the

third largest contributor of antioxidants in the American diet and high anti-oxidants potatoes

have been shown to reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure in separate human feeding


Saba Banana ( ( (

According to Jay Nelz (February 1, 2017), Cardava Bananas were usually grows in

tropical climate countries such as the phil. It is very popular worldwide because of its sweet and

delicious taste. Most Filipino preferred to eat this kind of banana cooked but its nutritional valve

had already lost due to the cooking procedure. Its maximum nutritional valve can be fully

obtained by eating it raw. Saba bananas were mostly used for culinary purpose because of its

versatility from being a delightful dessert into delicious dishes. Banana contains vitamin B and

other minerals which reduces the negative effects of nicotine on the body and it also vitamins B

that regulates the temperature of pregnant woman. It contains potassium, rich in fiber and

minerals that can replenish the lost energy in the body.

Saba Bananas have a several nutrients like Vitamins B6, Vitamins C, Manganese,

Protein, Fiber, Potassium, Iron, Vitamin A to make it extremely beneficial for health either you

may eat Saba Banana raw or you can make delicious food stuffs with it These are various

benefits of eating Saba Banana like it improves digestion, lower blood pressure, regulates blood

circulation, strengthens immunity system and also boosts metabolic processes.

Base on these nutritional values, we could make a case for banana as a natural

multivitamin. The journal of Nutritional Biochemistry (Fed.2001) attests to the anti-ulcer

properties of bananas, which act like a natural antacid to the stomach. They identified the secret

component in the Saba Banana can protect against aspirin-induced gastritis and can significantly

increase the mucous lining of the stomach. Saba Bananas are high in fiber and vitamins. A single

Banana contains 16% of the dietary fiber, 15% of the Vitamins C 11% of the potassium and 20%

of the Vitamins B6 recommended each day.


According to Adda Bjarnadohir (January 23 2015). The carrot is a root vegetable that

is often claimed to be the perfect health food. It’s is crunchy, tasty and highly nutritious. Carrots

are a particularly good source of beta-carotene, fiber, vitamins, K potassium and anti-oxidants.

And also carrots have a number of health benefits. They are a weight loss friendly food and have

been linked to lower cholesterol levels and improved eye health. The carotene anti-oxidants in

them also been linked to reduced risk of cancer and they are found in many colours, including

yellow, white, orange and purple. The traditional orange colour carrots get their bright colour

from beta-carotene, an antioxidant that is converted to Vitamins A in the body.

Another study according to Megan Ware RDN LD (December 5, 2017) Carrots are

often thought of as the ultimate health food. Generations of parents have told their children: “Eat

your carrots, they are good for you, Carrots will help you see in the dark. Carrots are also rich in

vitamins, minerals and fiber. A variety of dietary carotenoids have been shown to have anti-

cancer effects, due to their antioxidants power in reducing free radicals in the body. Carrots also

contain beta-carotene. Past studies have concluded that beta-carotene supplementation may

reduce the risk of lung cancer. And carrots are also help you see in the dark because it contain

vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to exophthalmia, a progressive eye disease that can

damage normal vision and result in night blindness, or the inability to see in low night or


According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a lack of vitamin A is one of the

main preventable causes of blindness in children.

According to Dr. Mercola (December 28, 2013), Carrots are common in the US that it’s

easy to overlook their potentially powerful benefits to your health. The high vitamin A content,

for which carrots are best known comes from beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in

your liver, Interesting, There’s a reason why “carrot” and “carotene” sound so alike. The word

carotene was devised in the early 19th century by a German scientist after he crystallized the

compound from carrot roots. Carrot seed oil also contains potassium, vitamin B6, copper, folic

acid, thiamine and magnesium. However, when eaten as part of an overall healthy diet, the

nutrients in the carrots may provide you with protection against heart disease and stoke while

helping you to build strong bones and a healthy nervous system.



This chapter presents the research methodologies done by the researcher. It includes the

methods of the study, respondents of the study, the research instrument, collection and data

gathering by the researcher and lastly, the data processing in order to rearrange the gathered data.

Research Method

Survey method is used under the descriptive design. The researcher gave questionnaires

to the Senior High School Teachers together with the innovated product which is the Carnatato

Bite. The survey was done utilizing the survey questions and the result was tallied and will be

examine accordingly. For the data collection, the researchers will be following a step by step

procedure. Conduct survey and analyze the data gathered in the questionnaire from the


Respondents of the Study

The study was conducted at San Jose del Monte National High School. The researchers

selected thirty (30) respondents both female and male of Senior High School Teachers.

Research Instrument

Survey questionnaire method was the research used for data gathering. Preference for the

use of the structured questionnaires premised so that it will be least pressure for immediate

response and giving the respondents a greater feeling of anonymity.

Procedure of Data Gathering

In gathering the data, the researchers will first cook the sample product which is Carnatato

Bite made up of Saba Banana, Mashed potato and carrots. After that the researchers will be

conduct the survey questionnaires. The data gathered questionnaires will be analyzed and


The researchers applied dichotomous in their survey data gathering, the values were

categorized in Level of Acceptability stipulated as follow Yes or No for clear interpretation.



This Chapter includes the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered from the

instrumentation. Presenting the result and discuss and what does it means to the whole study.

1. Level of Acceptability on the Food Innovation Carnatato Bite ad Perceived by Senior

High School Teachers in San Jose del Monte National High School


1.1General 89 31


1.2 Palatability 39 21

Table 1. Total number of answers given by the respondents

The table above shows the total number of answers given by the respondents. On the

general appearance the respondents answered eighty nine (89) Yes and thirty one (31) No. And

on the Palatability the respondents answered thirty nine (39) Yes and twenty one (21) No.

2. The overall Level of Acceptability of Senior High School Teachers from San Jose del

Monte National High School to Carnatato Bite

The table 1 shows that the respondents accepted the Food Innovation Carnatato base on

its general appearance and palatability.

Therefore, the Senior High School Teachers of San Jose del Monte National High School

accepts the food innovation Carnatato Bite



This chapter present the summary and conclusion given by the researchers after the

previous chapter has been presented, analyzed and interpreted. The results from gathered data

after conducting a survey were now to be given summary and conclusion and for the

beneficiaries of this research.

Summary of findings

 Among the two independent variables that the researchers included,

 (General Appearance and Patability) most of the respondents they Accept the product

made up of Carnatato Bite.


Based on the findings derive from this study, the following conclusion were drawn.

 The result shows in terms of the following are general appearance and patability based on

the findings that the level of the acceptability towards to carnatato bite they accept in

terms in the overall level of Acceptability in Carnatato Bite.

 The researchers conclude that, the food innovation Carnatato Bite has a good impact to

the teachers. The teachers like the taste and the appearance of the innovated product.


Focus on the positive point based on the respondents to maintain it.

 The researchers also recommend to future e researchers to conduct studies about level of

acceptability and patronization, as it bridges the businesses and the costumers.

 Moreover, for future researchers to improve and add methodologies to be used in this

field of research, with that wider coverage of information and new knowledge might be

discovered and acquired.

 To sum this all up, promotion as the soul of creativity and research to meet the costumers

acceptance to a product.



Ingredients: For Caramelize:

Saba Banana Sugar

Potato Butter

Carrot Water

Flour Chocolate syrup

Cooking Oil


1. Peel off the potato and carrots before wash. After that, cook 30 mins in boiling water until


2. Shred the carrots and mashed the potato in separate bowl.

3. Mix the mashed potato and shredded carrots until it stick together.

4. Removed the banana skin and cut into two pieces.

5. Get right amount of mixed mashed potato and carrots and cover the banana with mix mashed

potato and carrots until coated to the banana.

7. After that coat to the flour.

8. Get griller for deep frying.

9. When the griller is ready, put the cooking oil.

10. Put the coated Saba banana in cooking oil then cook until it golden brown.

12. Put the cooked coated banana in the strainer with tissue to absorb the oil then cut it into 4


13. Make a caramelized with brown sugar, butter and water.

14. Mix well until it melts.

15. Prepared your plate and put the coated banana with caramelize or chocolate syrup.

16. Enjoy eating!


Carnatato Bite contains an ingredient that is good for the health especially for those

teachers and students that likes to eat dessert while doing daily activities or school work. Saba

Banana, Potato and Carrots are the main ingredients that the researcher used. Saba Banana

contains numerous vitamins and minerals that can replenish the energy in the body. It provides

natural energy to the body and it does not contain caffeine. Next ingredients is potato, are edible

tubers, available worldwide and all year long. They are relatively cheap to grow, rich in nutrients

and they can make a delicious treat. However, the fiber, vitamin, minerals and phytochemicals it

provides can help ward off disease and benefit human health. Lastly, the carrots contain

antioxidants which may protect against cancer. While they may not help you see in the dark, the

vitamin A in carrots helps prevent vision loss.


Jay Nelz (2017). Health benefits of Saba Banana


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