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So im gonna contextulaiz a bit, the story is developed in a mental instituchion, suddenly one guy

named “Mc MORPHY” arrives at this place, at this hospital, but he hasseN’T a mental disorder,
he’s feaking this condichion with the porpus of avoid a normal prision, a normal justice, Mc
morphy was arrested ´coz he had sex wih a teenager, a pree teen.

Living there, he discovers that the NURSE who is the woman who controls everythings, has a…..
opressive system in this clinic, she see her peichients like animals, , evendough some of them are
not completely crazy,just anxaiety or attenchion déficit problems, however they can’t go out, they
cant’t drink, smoke, play cards or watch televisión, its a monotonuslife, So Mcmurphy tries to get
freedom for them, being rebel againts these unequal rules. This makes the Nurse feel desesperate
‘cuz she doesn’t wanna lose the power.

One important aspect in this book is

what do the people think about rebellion? Wharisit This is not just queios, anarchy and guerrilla,
that’s a part, we can do a revoluchion without violence, as an example, the prostest called
“Marcha Carnaval” defending the envairoment and wáter, on the other hand people from
Uribismo protesting againts LA JEP, these are excellent methods to express our aideas or feelings
opposed to the establisment.

However the revoluchion with vaiolence and blood has been neccesary thru the history, but that’s
another case and other presentation.

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