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A: Hello. What is your full name?

B: My full name is Amelia Cusi Navarro. You live here?

A: Yes, and where are you from?

B: I'm from Peru and I came on vacation

A: Ohh. Welcome to Paris. Have you been here before?

B: No, it's my first time. But yesterday I went to the “Torre Eiffel”. It was fantastic.

A: Excellent, it is one of the most recognized and visited tourist places worldwide, since it is the
tallest tower in the city, measuring 324 meters high.

B: Yes, I always wanted to know the famous “ Torre Eiffel”.

A: Have you already eaten French food?

B: Yes, I've already eaten Aligot. It's very delicious. I liked it a lot.

A: That's great. Have you already tried the Ratatuil France?

B: France Ratatuil? No, I have not. What is that?

A: It's a famous dish from France. I think you'll like it.

B: Ohh, I'll try it before I leave. Thank you.

A: It was nice to meet you. See you soon.

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