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1. Counseling
 Definition of counseling
 Importance and goals of Counseling
2. Principles of counseling
 Counseling process
 Types of situations necessary for counseling
3. Techniques of counseilling

Non therapeutic communication techniques (To avoid)

4. Group dynamics

5. Terminologies in communication :( IEC, BCC, SBC) Information,

Education, communication; Behavior Change Communication; Strategic
Behavior Change

6. Introduction to Health psychology and the bio psychosocial model of health.

Stress and health
7. Psychological effects of illness, the psychology of pain and pain management

8. Loss and grief

Psychosomatic disorder
9. Relationship between care givers and client and family
The role of psychology in health promotion and illness prevention
10.Behavior change
Growth and development
11.Motivation and Emotions
13.Psychosocial development by Erickson

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