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Name: __________________________
Name: __________________________
Name: __________________________
Night Market
One of the places I have been to that I find interesting is the night market in Taman Johor Jaya,
Johor Bahru.
There are stalls selling fresh produce such as fruits and vegetables. There are also stalls selling
fresh meat and seafood like chicken, fish and prawns. Most of the produce sold is much cheaper than
those in supermarkets.
Besides that, you will be spoilt for choice (多不胜数) as there are stalls selling satay, assam
laksa, a variety of fried noodles and a dizzying array (令人眼花缭乱的)of local kuih and snacks.
They smell so good!

By 10.00 p.m., the crowd (群众) at the night market starts to dwindle (减少). The stall owners
begin to pack their stuff (东西). The bustling (忙乱的) area becomes quiet and everything returns to
(123 words)

I have visited to many places. Among them, I like Melaka the most. Melaka offers delicious
local cuisine (烹饪), amazing (令人惊异的) attraction (吸引) places and many astonishing (惊人的)
photo shoot points.

There, I like to go to the Jonker Street night market. This bustling (忙乱的) weekend night
market is always crowded (拥挤的) with tourists (旅游者) from all over the world. I can find locally
(在本地) made products as well as antiques (古董) there. Besides, the streets are lined with souvenir
(纪念品) shops and different varieties (种类) of food and clothes too.

Dutch Square is surrounded by red painted buildings. It reflects (反应) the history of Melaka,
the Dutch administration (行政), the British colonization(殖民), and the Chinese settlers(移居者). At
the Red Square, you can see the tourists posing and snapping photos while those souvenirs shops are
crowded with souvenirs hunters.
If you have no travel to Melaka before, you should have once. No matter how curious (好奇
的) or eager (渴望的) you can be, this state will fulfil (满足) your whims (虚妄).

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"I think you should choose cooking. If you know how to cook, you can always make yourself some
food. It is also cheaper to cook at home. You do not have to go out and eat at the cafe and restaurants
all the time. I think cycling is expensive, because you need to buy a bicycle. And if you start painting,
you also need to buy brushes and paint. So I think cooking is the best for you. Hope this helps. "
[82 words]

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