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Políticas Ambiente

Laboral - Inglés
Eider Yesid Navarro Flores
After the industrial revolution, and the new technologies, made a new way of
working that allows being more connnect with employees trhougth phone, e-mail, etc,
so they can spend more time to visit consumers, studying or work in difference
projects for the benefit of the company. This new reality improves productivity and
has a great impact on the winnings that the company has. Also is an advantage
because allows to the company, invest more in new products or services to their
consumers. Also is an advantage because allows to the company, invest more in new
products or services to their consumers. However, to depends completely to
technology also represent a problem, because when the system or connection isn't
working good, the work will be affect. So in the actuality is important no to depends
100% to the technologies and learn to work offline, at least while the technologies
improves to avoid these problems.
 CREAS and its serves promote labor and personal growth, organizational
values, wellness labor.
 We promote good relationships, good treatment and tolerance among our
employees through coexistence programs.
 We motivate to our employees to begin personal projects and to the
growth in their competencies to improve their careers.
 We motivate our workers with acknowledgments to a good labor.

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