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Which OC would?

Killer v e r s i o n :

Which OC is Knife Kid?

Bonus: Which OC is trying to get the knife away from them?
— Noll. Donovan.

Which OC would put a pencil/pen behind their ear and forget where they put it?
— Cal.

Which OC would steal all the kittens at the pet store?

BONUS: which OC would make them give the kittens back?
— Cal. Braiden.

Which OC would ask their crush to Homecoming with an incredibly elaborate method?
Which OC would just ask them via text?
— Braiden. Noll.

Which OC would get waaaay too into character while cosplaying?

— Archie.

Which OC would accidentally blow up the dishwasher?

— Archie.

Which OC would buy, and then actually use, glow-in-the-dark condoms?

— Don.

Which OC would actually slow down at a yellow traffic light?

Bonus: Which OC would just speed up?
— Cal. Noll.

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