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I consider the dolphin as my favorite animal. They are smart, so cute and
very friendly.
Dolphins are aquatics mammals that have spent all their lives in the water.
A dolphin has two flippers, a dorsal fin, two eyes, a mouth and a tail.
Dolphins are considerated mammals because: they breathe air every time
they jump out of water; mothers feed their young by producing milk;
dolphins maintain a constant body temperature, so they are warm blooded.
Dolphins can´t drink the water around them because they usually are in salt
water, they love eating fish.
A group of dolphins are called a “school”. Male dolphins are called bulls,
female dolphins are called cows and young dolphins are called calves
because they are considerated the mammals of the sea.
At the end, dolphins are really smart and can empathize with others
creatures so they can share the feeling of them. They are just amazing.

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