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Deep Learning Environment Installation

1. Open Anaconda Prompt (for Windows) or Terminal (for Mac/Linux)
2. use the following commands in the given order:
a) conda create -n deeplearning python=3.6 (Create a new environment for deep
learning related libraries without altering the base env)
b) conda activate deeplearning (activate the env)
c) conda install pandas matplotlib numpy jupyter notebook scipy scikit-learn
(install basic libraries in that env)
d) pip install tensorflow (install tensorflow)
e) pip install keras (install keras)
3. Check the installation with the following commands:
a) python (activate python from command line)
b) import tensorflow as tf
c) import keras
4. pip install nltk
5. pip install spacy
6. pip install gensim
7. pip install stanford-corenlp
8. pip install fasttext
If the imports are successful then exit the environment by the following command:
deactivate (exit the env)

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