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a moment in time

It's the first time I do a thing like this, send an expiriences to win a
price. actually I don't care if I win the price or anything. all what I
want is to tell my story when I was travelling in arequipa four
months ago. yeahhh, I know what the rules are however I'm curious
if a story of mine might win an important price. on with the writing.

everything started when I finished the trekking of colca and the

only thing I wanted was take a shower anywhere. you'd rely on me
if I tell you that I haven't taken a shower for 5 days. hahahaha, I
really felt nasty and terrified, why? well It's another story that I'd
like to tell provided I have time off to do it. In this context I was,
although I wanted to come back my home owing to something
unnerving had happened in colca.
anyway, I was going back to arequipa for searching more
adventures. I found myself in arequipa and guess what? despite
everything, I chose to look for a rent room due to I was fed up of
sleeping in my tent. unfortunately it was valentine's day and I didn't
find any room where can hit the sack. therefore I was planning on
sleeping in a park however I was not certain about that.
I have been sitting for 2 hours without knowing what to do, when
suddenly an elderly man appeared and asked me why you are here
and I answered I wanted to sleep with my tent in that park, there
were 4 guys drinking beers in the park reason why I didn't decided
to sleep in that pace at that moment. the elderly man was in silence
for ones minutes and then suggested me why you don't go with me
to a hospital where i'm sure you could sleep much better than here.
I couldn't trust him lest he might be a con artist. as I didn't want to
be alone, I decided to follow him. I didn't know that day I would
listen to the most incredible story I have never heard in my whole
I found myself in a small portion of the world, a place without
matter, watching the sky and moon and counting the stars.
however I really felt overjoy and glum at the same time, I started to
cry and wander aimless in the mystical moist night-air.Look up in
perfect silence at the stars.

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