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Example of Reaction Paper about a Prevalence of Individuals infected with a Specific Parasite.

From what I can comprehend prevalence is a statistical concept referring to the proportion of individuals
having a disease that is present in a particular population at a given time where it its said at the journal that
the assessed global population infected by the pinworm or enterobius vermicuaris is about 4-28% among
children which is has been paid less attention to the infection because of its symptoms are seemingly not
very severe. But severe or not, infection like this should not be neglected because it’s a health related

Where It is a commonly encountered problem in family practice which might be due to poor hygienic
practices and behavioral habits associated with the infection. I have read that in generally, enterobiasis is
considered as an asymptomatic disease meaning a member of the family transmit it without having known
that he or she transmit it to another member of the family.

As a health practicioner cases like this should be prioritized because in a prolonged infection, it causes
abdominal disturbance which impacts in the development of children which we health practitioners should
avoid for we are concern for the health of our community.

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