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Cha Cha Originating in Cuba as an off-shoot of Mambo, Cha Cha is danced to slower

music. It has a distinct sound suggesting the 1/2 1/2 1, or cha-cha-cha, that embodies
the scraping sound made by the feet while dancing the triple rhythm added to the
middle of the basic salsa movement.

Rumba Learning this dance is a prerequisite for good Latin dancing. The Cuban Motion
is essential in most Latin dances. The Rumba is used by good dancers everywhere and
provides interesting variety suited to a limited space. Neat, attractive, precise footwork
gives you confidence in your dancing. The Rumba will sharpen your sense of rhythm,
timing, and muscular control.

East Coast Swing Is strictly comprised of six count patterns. The Swing is a spot dance
with a carefree, relaxed style and is a dance easily mastered by most people. The
various speeds are excellent training for quick footwork and good leading & following,
which will add comfort and ease in other rhythm dances. After mastering the patterns,
both men and women will find East Coast Swing a fun and exciting dance to learn and
practice. Perhaps the most uniquely American of all dances, the Swing brings forth a
buoyant carefree movement. It’s one of the dances that becomes contagious.

Bolero Originally a Spanish dance in 3/4 time, it was changed in Cuba into 2/4 time and
then eventually into 4/4 time. It is now present as a very slow type of Rumba rhythm.
This dance is often said to have the rise and fall of Waltz, the contra-body motion of
Tango, and the rhythm of Rumba. It is a favorite of dancers, as it incorporates many
techniques similar to other dances to create a slow, sensual, romantic dance.

Mambo Is a fusion of Cuban and American dancing. The music is characterized by a

stirring Afro-Cuban beat. Mambo is an exciting dance which allows you to develop your
own feeling and expression. Because Mambo is such a fun dance, good Mambo
dancers are always popular and in demand as partners. The wild, exciting music and
rhythmical body movements make the earthy Mambo irresistible.

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