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Name: Mark:

……………………………… …………

READING 20 points

1 Read the text. Then tick (✓) the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say). (10 points)

The Royal Dragon is a famous restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand. There isn’t only one
dining room in this incredible restaurant – there are 50! Some of the dining rooms are
on boats on the water. The restaurant has got tables for 5,000 people to sit down and
have a meal.
There are 322 chefs at the Royal Dragon and they can make 3,000 meals in an hour.
They prepare Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Korean and European food. Are you feeling
hungry or thirsty? There are 1,000 items on the menu! Some people order exotic
items, but you can also choose chicken, fish, rice or vegetables.
Every evening, there is Thai music and there are traditional dancers to watch. An
evening at the Royal Dragon restaurant is a fantastic experience!
1. The Royal Dragon has got 50 dining rooms. ...... ...... ......
2. There are tables for 322 people at the restaurant. ...... ...... ......
3. Some of the chefs are Chinese and Thai. ...... ...... ......
4. The Royal Dragon is a vegetarian restaurant. ...... ...... ......
5. You can watch Thai dancing every evening. ...... ...... ......

2 Complete the sentences with words from the text. (10 points)
1. At the Royal Dragon, you can have your meal on a …………………… on the water.
2. The chefs sometimes prepare …………………… meals in one hour.
3. There is food from Asian countries and there is …………………… food, too.
4. You can order exotic items, but they’ve also got …………………… .
5. An evening at the Royal Dragon is not only a meal – it’s a …………………… .

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VOCABULARY 20 points

1 Circle the word that doesn’t belong. (7 points)

1. ham • spaghetti • meat
2. cabbage • lettuce • egg
3. sauce • fizzy drink • juice
4. cheese • onion • olive
5. potato • orange • strawberry
6. cake • chicken • ice cream
7. hungry • thirsty • angry

2 Match the food in A to the colours in B. (6 points)

1. carrot ...... a. red
2. milk ...... b. green
3. banana ...... c. brown
4. chocolate ...... d. white
5. tomato ...... e. orange
6. cucumber ...... f. yellow

3 Complete the sentences with the words below. (7 points)

bread • soup • happy • tired • cake • tea • frightened
1. It’s 11.30 pm and I’m …………………… . I want to go to bed.
2. The opposite of sad is …………………… .
3. We drink …………………… every morning.
4. That little girl is …………………… of your dog.
5. I’m making a pink …………………… for my sister’s birthday.
6. We can’t make sandwiches because we haven’t got any …………………… .
7. On a cold day, I like eating hot …………………… .

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GRAMMAR 30 points

1 Complete the chart. (8 points)

Singular Plural
1. .................... potato some .....................
2. .................... onion some .....................
3. .................... foot some .....................
4. .................... canary some .....................
5. .................... apple some .....................
6. .................... man some .....................
7. .................... sandwich some .....................
8. .................... tooth some .....................

2 Write sentences with the words below. Use the correct form of there is or there are . (6 points)
1. any / fruit / in my schoolbag / .
2. any / olives / in the sauce / ?
3. some / strawberries / on my ice cream / .
4. any / chocolate / in the cake / ?
5. a / tomato / in the salad / .
6. any / fizzy drinks / on the table / .

3 Look at the restaurant menu. Complete the sentences with the correct form of There is
or There are and a, an, some or any . (6 points)

Dan’s Café Menu

1. ……………………………… cold drinks on the menu.
Sandwiches Pizza
Cheese with: olives, 2. ……………………………… chips.
Egg mushrooms 3. ……………………………… egg sandwich.
Salads 4. ……………………………… lettuce salad.
Tea Potato 5. ……………………………… milk.
Apple juice Tomato and cucumber
Orange juice 6. ……………………………… rice.

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4 Choose the correct answers. (10 points)

What do you know about strawberries? Some strawberries are very big but 1. there is /
there are / are there very small strawberries, too. 2. There is / There isn’t / There
aren’t only one type of strawberry – there are many different species. One type – 3.
some / an / the garden strawberry – is 4. some / the / a very popular type of strawberry.
Garden strawberries originally come from France but 5. there is / there isn’t / there are
garden strawberries all over the world today.
Strawberries are delicious and good for you, too. 6. There aren’t / Are there / There isn’t
many calories in a strawberry? No, in fact, 7. the / a / some large strawberry has only got
about six calories! 8. Any / The / There is vitamin C in strawberries and they haven’t got
some / any / the cholesterol. Strawberries are 10. a / some / an amazing food!

WRITING 10 points

Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. hungry / Jack / is
2. vegetables / there are / in the salad / green
3. fantastic / the apple cake / is
4. wants / Paul / big / a / sandwich
5. red / Ben / apples / likes

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