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Physiological disorders of subtropical and temperate fruits

Sub-tropical fruits

 Fruits crops grown under a climatic condition between temperate and tropical are
known as subtropical fruit crops.
 Either deciduous or evergreen are usually withstand a low temperature but not frost.


 Grapes, Citrus, Jackfruit, Fig, Litchi etc.,

Pink berry formation in grapes

 Common disorders in Thompson seedless variety.

 Pink colour develops few ripe
 Berries close to harvesting.


 Spray mixture of 0.2%ascorbic acid+0.25% sodium diethyl Dithiocarbamate

Boron deficiency

 Its commonly reduces fruit set.

 More number of small seedless fruits
 Surronding big berry.
 It’s also known hen and chicken.

 Foliar spraying of 0.3%boric acid

Fruit cracking in citrus

 Due to sudden change in temperature.

 Moisture stress condition.
 Secondary infection
 Due to aspergillus,fusarium.


 Apply potash during fruit development.

 Apply irrigation at frequent intervals.
Sunburn or sunscald

 Brown patches occur in outer portion.

 Inner portion became discoloured.
 Affected portion are malformed
 Low juice content.


 Spray lime solution@20g/litre before summer.

 Regulation of irrigation to reduce the temperature

Boron deficiency in jack fruit

 Fruit show splitting or cracking.

 Reddish purple in colour.


 Soil application of borax 25g/tree/year

Magnesium deficiency in jack fruit leaves

 Yellowing of older leaves between lateral veins on either side of midrib.

 Chlorosis spreads from margin towards midrib.


 Soil application of dolomite 50g/tree/year

Temperate fruits

 Temperate fruits are exacting climate requirment.

 Its require specific chilling temeprature for certain period without which do not
 Fruits plants are generally deciduous and stand frost.


 Apple, Peach, Plum, Pear, Cherry, Kiwifruits etc.,

Sulphur deficiency in peach

 Light coloured veins.

 Growth rate is reduced and maturity is delayed.
 Symptoms similar to N deficiency


 Soil application of gypsum@20kg/ha

Calcium deficiency in plum

 Young emerging leaves show chlorosis became

 Pale green and curl down.
 Leave later turn to greenish pink or red colour.


 Application of CaSo4@2kg/tree/year

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