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Abbie Schneck

Professor Sandra Riley

Eng. Comp. II

25 May 2019

Research Proposal

As a woman of child bearing age, living in the United States, abortion is a very real

choice I could be faced with. The new laws and legislation that are being passed in some states

and proposed in others are taking that choice away from millions of women. I have gotten in so

many debates with peers and family members about this topic. I am also aware about taking

away birth control being talked about and as a current pharmacy student, this will have a direct

impact in my future field. I am honestly scared for all of the women in America. So, I need to

research more about what is happening and why? Why are these lawmakers allowing this to

happen? What can we do to change it? Bodily autonomy is such a big thing is the medical field

and I need to know why women are losing it.

This paper is not to convince someone to view one way or another about abortion, but I

feel like no matter what someone’s personal opinion about the act of abortion is, that women

should be allowed to make that decision on their own. Regardless of my own views, women

should have the choice. There are so many reasons why a women would decide to have one and

even medical reasons that force her to have one and if that option gets taken away then this only

leaves room for unsafe practices and potentially death of the woman. All of these things I have

mentioned are how I feel before starting the research. I believe that allowing women to choose

what they do with their bodies should stay out of the government’s hands. Before getting into the
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research I pretty much only know what has been said on the news and social media. I know that

Georgia, Alabama, and Ohio all have had some sort of abortion legislation on the table. I mainly

just know how I feel, but I am going into this with an open mind.

There are a lot of things that I need and want to find out. I want to learn more about the

actual laws that are being passed and what the stipulations are, if any? I want to find out why the

lawmakers are even worried about this, why is this something that needed to happen? Most

importantly I want to know how this will potentially affect me and if I can do anything to make a

difference. To start my research, I want to find the actual documents of the legislation to get a

better understanding of what it says. I need to read/watch interviews of these lawmakers to get a

better understanding of their views. I am very excited to dive into this topic to learn more about

something that effects so many of our lives.

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