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Tamayo, John Russel M.

ABM11 - St. Stephen


Picture 1.
("Luwa" in Taal,

Picture 2. (San
Agustin Church,
Intramuros c.1945) (Intangible)
Picture 3 ( Rolleiflex
Camera) (Tangible)

Picture 3 ( Pakakak) (Tangible)

"We are the strange species that constructs artifacts intended to counter the natural
flow of forgetting" by William Gibson. These Quote grom Gibson pertains to the
importance of artifacts to modern generations, it helps them to be reminded about
the Culture of a specific society and to avoid forgetting how the society works before.
Artifacts are tools or ornaments showing human workmanship or modification as
distinguished from a natural object. These Artifacts are treasure worth keeping for
because without it we wouldn't have modernized objects nowadays if they weren't
cherished and protected, it helps us remember the past life of a specific society as
well as the past life of a human who existed before. They give knowledge, learning,
and even inspiration for modern humans to do something that can benefit all of the
people on the world. These Artifacts are very helpful and beneficial to all people or
human beings but, nowadays they aren't being appreciated by modern humans,
specifically teenagers, because now is a modern world powdered by modern
technology, teenagers would rather search the Artifact on social media sites rather to
see it personally, they see artifacts as normal, old, and ancient materials without the
knowledge that those artifacts are very significant on the world they live in and to
some people or individual who value those artifacts specifically culture anthropologist
because without it there wouldn't be any improvement on the world.
Here on our country, we have many artifacts and paintings which helps us remember
some of the culture of the society, First we have the "Luwa" in Taal, Batangas, these
painting shows a part of how the society of taal celebrate the feast day and it's by
having the "Luwa". Luwa is a speech which purpose is to give praise and glorify the feast of a
saint in order to show their gratitude which is performed by a teenager or a child. These
painting showcases a Luwa in order to give praise to the Virgin Mary during Her feast day
with a parade where boys are dressed in barongs and teenager girls wears a long gown.
These painting become part of the Philippine Culture in a way that it shows the celebration
of Taaleños before, during Virgin Marys' feast day, it reminds, give information and
knowledge to view the culture of taaleños. These painting plays a very significant role in a
way that it reminds the Taaleños the way how they celebrate the feast day of the Virgin Mary
for future generations so in that way they can still practice it. There can be threats to these
intangible cultural heritage in a way that the culture of the taaleños can be forgotten due to
the modernization of the world we live in. The culture might be replaced when other
cultures traits taaleños and they can choose to adapt that culture rather than to portray and
acquire their own culture which they are practicing since the beginning of their celebration.
For us to counter it we can post these culture on social media to alarm and inform the world
about the culture of Taaleños in that way it can be appreciated by others and also avoiding it
to be forgotten by some people. We must not allow other people to influence taaleños by
proving that their culture is better in order for them to acquire and appreciate it.
Second is the San Agustin Church, Intramuros c1945, when Augustinian order arrived in
intramuros, they were the first missionary order in the Philippines. These pioneers
established themselves on Manila via a small church that's made up of tatch and bamboo. It
was Christened as the Church and Monastery of Saint Paul in 1571, but it didn't last long
when Chinese pirates limahong attempted to conquer Manila in 1574. A second Church was
built out of wood suffered the same fate. On the third try, the Augustinians got lucky, the
stone structure that they completed survives up to the present day. The San Agustin Church
has become part of the Philippine Culture in a way that people on the community of
Intramuros can now have their own church where they can practice their faith in God. Even
though Chinese tried to conquer Manila the Augustinians didn't stop on building the church
for the sake of the people on Intamuros. Also, the church become a tourist spot for those
individuals in other countries who wanted to see the beauty of the Church. The Role of the
Painting of the San Agustin Church symbolizes the passion and determination of Human
Beings to do everything just to serve and praise God. It reminds people to always remember
the value of of communicating with God. There are threats that can occur which can affect
the the culture like being forgotten, modernized, replaced, and even be given less attention,
if that happens people might forget the value of the San Agustin Church when time passes
by. We can avoid these threats to occur by protecting these culture in a way that people
must be more close to God by providing the place with bible study every Saturday or having
the Holy Mass every Sunday so that eventhough many things occur people will still visit the
San Agustin Church in order to preserve the value of praising and serving the lord.
Third is the Rolleiflex Camera, its a Tangible cultural heritage, these camera is considered as
the " King of Twin Reflex Camera". Its basic design is incorporated in two lenses, one for
viewing and one for taking photos. It is conceived as a completely self contained
photographic system. The German manufacturer Franke and Heidecke designed an all metal
compact. TLR camera with a small 6X6cm non film format called Rolleiflex and introduced in
1928. A British review of 1932 hailed it as "one of the masterpieces of recent camera
design". The Rolleflix Camera became part of the Philippine culture in a way that it paved
way for Filipinos to have a memory about some important times of their life using picture or
photos. They also collect these photos for inventory and safe keeping. Later on, it became
famous and all people wants to have their picture on a specific time of their life so that they
can remember it on the future. It played a very significant role in the Philippine Culture in a
way that it served as the anthropologist reference ro create a new invention with the same
purpose which paved way for the cameras or modern camera and later on continued to
improve and improve until it reaches the time today. These Rolleflix Camera have threats of
being destroyed one of them is when someone tried to stole it and sell it to another person
because it's an artifact it has a higher price or value. When visitors tried to hold it and
accidentally fall it which can result to its destruction. Also when natural calamities occur it
csn destroy it just on a single way. On the other hand, we can preserve and conserve these
tangible artifact by putting it on a safe glass to avoid visitors from touching them to avoid it
being fallen. Also we can place it out of reach for visitors to avoid accidents that can destroy
Lastly, the "Pakakak", these tangible material is used by ancient people before it
order to alarm the people on the community that a parade is coming. It produces a
loud noise that can be heard even far from the object and before, when this artifact
produced its sound it significe that the parade is coming or passing on their
community to aware the people on thats specific community. These became part of
the Philippine culture in a way that it is the ancient bell which alarms the community
about something that is very important to be aware of. These artifact also reminds
the community before to watch the parade that's going to pass through. These
Artifact paved way for Philippine Culture to have the bells, speakers and other forms
of material thats produces sounds in order to deliver a message to the community.
These Artifact might be destroyed if the threats aren't countered like stealing, it can
be destroyed if a tourist accidentally fall it when they visited. On the other hand,
these can be preserve by placing it out of tourists reach to avoid it being hitted to
avoid destruction. It must be placed on a glass box to avoid for further moving which
can result to its destruction.
Therefore, artifacts really plays a very significant role on a society, it show cases the
culture of a society before, so that modern peoples can be informed that people on
ancient time uses different materials to do something that is different from ours.
Artifacts serves as a bridge to ancient time and the modern times because modern
generation peoples are still aware of the things that ancient people have. Artifacts are
materials that really needs to be protected ans conserve because without it, its not
possible for us to have the modern materials that we have today. Through the use of
these Artifacts people are being reminded and informed about the culture that they
have on a specific place or community. These artifacts are the treasures that we
must truly cherish because without them our world nowadays will not change and
progress, it will remain on a difficult life if these artifacts didn't give anthropologist the
idea on how to improve some artifacts purpose. So teenagers must be the first
individuals to protect these objects because it helped them to have a more easier life
than before.

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