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In the room there are several pediatric patients who are accompanied by their families. Then comes
nurse Heni and nurse Vena who will check the blood pressure of one of the 4-year-old children with a
diagnosis of diarrhea.

Nurse Heni: excuse me ma'am, I want to check the blood pressure of his son, ma'am,

Family1 (Alfiah): oh yeah please ..

Nurse Heni: Good afternoon deck, how to sleep well de?

Patient 1 (Riyan): no, insomnia

Nurse Heni: means that you don't sleep well, either your brother's deck licks his hand briefly, check
his blood pressure first.

The nurse checks blood pressure, while checking

Nurse Heni: how do you feel now?

Patient (riyan): still feels weak

Nurse Veins: how much is hen?

Nurse Heni: 90/70 ven!

Nurse Vena records the patient's blood pressure into the patient's daily status

The nurse finished checking blood pressure, literally came

Family (Alfiah): what is the blood pressure?

Nurse Veins: 90/70 bu

Family (Alfiah): what is normal or not?

Nurse Vena: low blood pressure ma'am, lots of rest, eat drink must be regular too yes deck so that it
is not limp (looking at riyan patients) ..

The patient (riyan) nods

Nurse Heni: Yes, brother lives, huh ..

Nurse Heni and Vena headed to the Nurse's room

- Two other nurses in the afternoon shift came into the nurse's room ..


Nurse Heni and Veins

Nurse Novi: assalamualaikum ..

Nurse Vena Dan Heni: waalaikumsalam

Nurse Novi: Are there new patients or not Hen?

Nurse Heni: no novels,

Nurse Novi: hayu operand it's already 2 o'clock,

Nurse Heni: yes ... I call sir, bro, huh

Nurse Heni goes to the room where the head is

Nurse heni: let's pack now it's time for operands from morning service with afternoon service

Galuh: well, let's go to the nurse's room

Nurse Heni and furious towards the nurse's room

Nurse Heni: please pack (pointing to the chair). for Rian patients -> Diagonian treatment is usually
from Dr. Panji

For Riki patients -> Diagnosis of typhoid therapy is still the drug, the lab check is not yet possible
tomorrow morning

For Dina patients -> drug treatment can be seen in the drug notebook from Dr. hasby, haven't
checked the lab later at 3:30 p.m. please take it to the Children's clinic.

Galuh: well let's go to the patient now

In the patient's room

Nurse Heni: ladies and gentlemen, excuse me for a moment, please come out first there will be an
operand service by the nurse, just one person will accompany.

Families leave their children

Galuh: now we shift the shift to afternoon service, let's go to the patient room first

Nurse Heni, Vena nurse and nurse Novi immediately went to the patient's room carrying a notebook
of patients' status in the room. Then head to family 1 (Alfiah)

Galuh: What is Sus (Novi) 's blood pressure?

Venous nurse: 90/70

Galuh: Is it still nauseous?

Riyan: (nods)

Nurse vein: what is the injection for?

Galuh: adjust to the notes from Dr. Banner

Nurse Novi: means the drug therapy is still yes sir,

Galuh: yes, the RL therapy will be replaced in half

Nurse Novi: OK sir

Then go to the Riki patient (pantom)

Galuh: good afternoon de

Riyan: (nods weakly)

Galuh: Have you checked the blood pressure before?

Nurse Heni: not sir

Galuh: Nurse Novi, will be checked for blood pressure later

Nurse heni: the diagnosis is thypoid sir?

Galuh: yes, the Lab data today has not been taken, tell the family to take it to their own lab

Nurse Novi: Yes sir

Galuh: the drug therapy is adjusted to the doctor's note,

Nurse Novi: Yes sir

Galuh: Mother, has the mirror been replaced?

Alfiah: not sir, from the first come here

Galuh: oh it means it's been 3 days, eumm nurse Novi please change the sheets

Towards the patient Dina (phanantom)

Nurse Heni: for patients who have been dina for 3 days, the infusion has not been changed, sir

Galuh: yes, later the infusion will be changed. The medicine is according to the doctor's note

P. Novi: ceftriaxone 2x1 ampoule sir

Galuh: yes 2x 1 ampule, now we're back in the nurses' room. I'm getting well soon,
Dina (Phantom patient): yes

Towards the nurse's room

Galuh: for those in the morning, attendance and patient nursing care are signed

Nurse Heni and Vena then sign

Galuh: are you all ready?

All: ready sir

Galuh: good, for fluency in duty, praying begins-finish ... continue the intervention in the nursing
record. Already, I returned to the room.

All: please sir

Nurse Heni and Vena: we go home first, novels, congratulations on service

Nurse Novi: yes

Nurse Heni and Vena: assalamu'alaikum

Nurse Novi: waalaikum’salam

Then the nurse in the morning went home and was replaced with a nurse who was in the afternoon

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