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17/02/2019 Calcarea carbonica - homeopathic remedy picture | The School of Homeopathy's Latest News

Calcarea carbonica
Homeopathic remedy picture.
If your child is a late developer, has been slow to teeth,
to crawl and walk - a plodder, not a pusher, then this
could be their constitutional homeopathic remedy. Like
the oyster from which this remedy is prepared, they are
similar to the vulnerable creature within the shell.
Homeopathy abounds with such comparisons of states
because this is how it works, like curing like because of
intrinsic similarity.
Children needing this remedy are usually plump and easy going, happy to watch others or to play by
themselves. Their heads may sweat at night, and their bowel movements and perspiration usually smells sour.
They can also go without passing a motion for several days, without any apparent ill effects. They like bland
foods, especially soft boiled eggs, milk and ice cream, although these may disagree with them. They generally
dislike meat. They like cold food and though they are chilly, they do not enjoy hot baths. Cold weather can
aggravate them, and they like their hats and scarves. They are prone to coughs and colds, swollen glands,
tonsillitis and ear infections. Although they may be slow learners, these children are determined and
independent and can be very stubborn. They may suffer from nerves and fear when they are unwell. They are
afraid of the dark, and may wake up screaming from nightmares; also they have a fear of some animals, for
example mice and dogs. They avoid the rough and tumble of the playground, at sport, they are apt to sprain
their ankles. They are not outspoken in class, fearing that others will notice their confusion. Older children may
develop a fear of death and become fascinated by religious ideas and the supernatural. This remedy should
be considered if the child has had repeated fevers which have been helped by Belladonna. 1/1

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