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UI Training


1. HTML Introduction
2. What’s new in HTML5
3. Difference of HTML5 with HTML4
4. Browser Support
5. HTML5 Tags
6. Semantic tags
7. GeoLocation api
8. Drag & Drop
9. Web storage
10. Webworker
11. References

1. Introduction to CSS3
2. CSS3 Borders
3. CSS3 Backgrounds
4. CSS3 Text Effects
5. CSS3 Fonts
6. CSS3 2D Transforms
7. CSS3 3D Transforms
8. CSS3 Transitions
9. CSS3 Animations
10. CSS3 Multiple columns
11. CSS3 selectors

1. The Fundamentals of Code
2. Starting code with alerts and prompts.
3. Understand Variables and Data Types in JavaScript
4. Variable naming in JS
5. Working with strings and numbers
6. Randomisation and logical operators Loops
7. collections and Conditionals.
8. Functions and invocation patterns
9. Discussion of ECMAScripts
10. Intermediate JavaScript
11. Learn to use JS Expressions, Operators, Statements and Declarations
12. JS Objects and Prototypes
13. `This`, Scope and Closures
14. Objects and Prototypes

AT&T Proprietary (Internal Use Only)

Not for use or disclosure outside the AT&T companies except under written
15. Refactoring and Debugging

1. Introduction to client side Technologies, JavaScript
2. Understand of client side frameworks: AngularJS
3. Introduction to AngularJS and Features
4. Introduction MVC Framework
5. Creating web pages with AngularJS
6. Directives in AngularJS : ng-app, ng-model, etc
7. Programming Views in AngularJS
8. Expressions in AngularJS
9. Filters in AngularJS
10. Event in AngularJS
11. Two-way binding with View and Model
12. Working with Controllers in AngularJS
13. Usage of $scope service in AngularJS
14. Share data between Controllers
15. Functionality with Angular forms
16. Modules in AngularJS
17. Services in AngularJS
18. Learn about Routing in AngularJS
19. Ajax in AngularJS
20. Working with angular-ui

AT&T Proprietary (Internal Use Only)

Not for use or disclosure outside the AT&T companies except under written
AT&T Proprietary (Internal Use Only)
Not for use or disclosure outside the AT&T companies except under written

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