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Bulng-up defensce Wat is Discriminations? the act of making or perceiving a difference : the act of discriminating a bloodhound’s So nt scent discrimination psychology the process by which two stimuli differing in some as- pect are responded to differently a: the act, practice, or an in- stance of discriminating categor- ically rather than individually b: prejudiced or prejudicial out! ok, action, or treat- ‘ment racial discrimination. RE GFrODQSH>* HOW! cReANEPEFEWeES AGAINS DISCRIMINATION! Discrimination is a self inflicted. pain, Nobody gets discriminated if nobody takes the discrimina: tos tooner'o STAND UP defend our: selves against discrimination, ‘we must never forget that we are created equal in the image and likeness of God. No one is born inferior nor superior thus, no one deserves to be discriminated. To avoid this kind of dilemma, everybody has a personal task to strengthen his/ her self-esteem and belief in or- der not to be totally shaken when decimations come your way. yt TO AV DSCRINATO ‘Think about the jokes you want to tell carefully be- fore you say them. Socialize with people out- side your |comfort zone. Be open to learning about other religions. = Develop a clear harassment and, discrimination policy at work. SHAT Lon TE OBHT A

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