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A. Reading

Beauty and the Beast

A rich man lived in a big city near the sea. He had three daughters and three sons. One daughter
was called “Beauty” because she was very beautiful. The other two daughters were Rosalind and
Hortensia. They were lazy and unfriendly. They liked going out and having fun. They both
wanted to marry rich men. They didn't like Beauty because she was so special.
Lazy, adj. =
To have fun

B. Grammar
Unde locuia omul bogat? = Where did the rich man live?
Câte fete avea? = How many girls did he have?
Cum se numeau fetele lui? = What were the names of his girls?
Câți copii avea? = How many children did he have?
Cum erau fetele? = What were the girls like?
What was your day like?

C. Vocabulary. Conversation
- Unde sunt copiii? = Where are the children?
- Sunt încă la școală? = Are they still at school?

- Te rog trimite-mi acel raport. = Please send me that report!

- Încă lucrez la el. = I'm still working on/at it.
- O să-l trimit mâine. = I will send it tomorrow.

- Cum e vremea în orașul vostru? = What is the weather like in your city?
- Încă plouă? = Is it still raining?

- Ce faci? = What are you doing?

- Tot mai aștept acel client. = I am still waiting for that client.


A. Reading
Beauty had long red hair. She was kind and friendly. She liked staying at home and reading
books. She also liked playing the piano.
Beauty's father was a merchant. One day he lost all his money because his ship was lost at sea.
“My dear children,” he said one day. “I haven't got much money. We're poor! We must leave this
big house and go to live in the country. We have to work now”, says Beauty's father.
TO GO ON = a continua
To lose, lost, lost
To leave, left
To begin, began

B. Grammar
TO HAVE + GOT – Forma afirmativă

I have = I've GOT = I've got = Eu am

You have = You've GOT = Tu ai
He has = He's GOT = El are
She has = She's GOT = Ea are
We have = We've GOT = Noi avem
You have = You've GOT = Voi aveți
They have = They've GOT = Ei, ele eu
To get, got = a obține, a ajunge

C. Vocabulary. Conversation
- Mi-e foame. E gata cina? = I'm hungry! Is the dinner ready?
- Nu încă. = Not yet.
- Poți aștepta puțin? = Can you wait a minute?
- John încă nu a ajuns. = John didn't get back/here yet.

- Cum ajung la gară? = How do I get to the station?

- Mergeți înapoi 200 m și o veți vedea. = Go back 200 meters and you will see it.


A. Reading
“What a bad luck”, said the brothers. “We don't want to work and we don't want to live in the
country”, said Rosalind and Hortensia. And they started to cry. Beauty was also sad, but she told
them: “Let's not cry! We can work and be happy without money.” The family went to the country
and lived in a small house.
Beauty woke up early in the morning to clean and cook. Then she washed family's clothes in the
Good luck
Bad luck
To worry
Let's not worry!
Diligent = hard working
So far

B. Grammar
Ce au zis ei? = What did they say?
Ce spun ei? = What are they saying?
Ce trebuiau ei să facă? = What did they have to do?
Ce trebuie ei să facă? = What do they have to do?
Ce trebuie eu să fac? = What do I have to do?

C. Vocabulary. Conversation
- Scuzați-mă, e o agenție de turism pe strada asta? = Excuse me, is there a travel agency on this
- Da, mergeți înainte! = Yes, go ahead!
- E pe stânga, lângă magazinul de antichități. = It's on the left, near the Antique shop.

- Când se vor întoarce? = When do they come back?

- O să fie înapoi înainte de prânz? = Will they be back before lunch?

- Cât lucrezi astăzi?

- Până la 7 seara, e cea mai lungă zi a săptămânii.


A. Reading
The three brothers worked in the country. Rosalind and Hortensia didn't work. They did nothing
all day. They slept all morning and walked in the woods in the afternoon.
“I'm so unhappy”, said Rosalind. “I don't like the country because there's nothing to do!”
“We can't go to the theater and wear nice clothes”, said Hortensia. “And we haven't got any
“Look at Beauty!” Rosalind said. “She works and she's happy in this terrible place.”
They didn't do anything. = They did nothing.
I didn't say anything. = I said nothing.
Forest = woods
Terrible = awful

B. Grammar
Ce făceau băieții? = What did the boys do?
Ce făceau cele două surori? = What did the two sisters do?
Ce făcea Beauty? = What did Beauty do?
Ce credeau fetele despre Beauty? = What did the girls think about Beauty?
Ce crezi tu despre cele trei surori? = What do you think about the three sisters?

C. Vocabulary. Conversation
- De ce lucrezi așa de târziu? = Why are you working so late?
- De luni până joi înlocuiesc o colegă care e în vacanță. = From Monday to Thursday I replace a
colleague who is on holiday.
To replace, replaced

- Luna trecută am cumpărat un apartament nou. = Last month we bought a new apartment.
- Chiar? Unde e situat? = Really? Where is it situated?
- În cartierul Răcădău într-un bloc nou. = In Racadau area, in a new apartment building.
Area = zone = district = neighbourhood
- E o zonă liniștită! = It's a quiet district!
- Da, și nu e prea departe de locul meu de muncă. = Yes, and it's not too far from my workplace.
- Ai vecini drăguți? = Do you have nice neighbours?
- Nu sunt sigur încă! = I'm not sure yet!


A. Reading
Beauty's father told her one day: “Dear Beauty, you are a wonderful child! You work so hard, and
you are always happy!
One year later their father received a letter: “Your ship is here! It is not lost at sea. Please come
to the port.”
Everyone was happy. “This is wonderful news!” said the three sons. “Yes”, said their father!
“The ship with my goods is in the port.”

B. Grammar
Ce i-a zis tatăl fetei? = What did the father tell the girl?
Ce a primit tatăl? = What did the father receive?
Cum s-a simțit? = How did he feel?
Ce s-a întâmplat cu corabia lui? = What happened to his ship?
Unde trebuia el să meargă? = Where did he have to go?

C. Vocabulary. Conversation
- Acceptați cărți de credit? = Do you accept credit cards?
- Da. = Yes, we do.
- Îmi dați o sacoșă, vă rog? = Will you give me a plastic bag, please?
- Îmi pare rău, dar nu am mărunt. = Sorry, but I don't have any change.

- Ești de acord? = Do you agree?

To agree, agreed
- Nu pot fi de acord cu această idee. = I can't agree with this idea!

- Poți să scrii în engleză? = Can you write in English?

- Da, dar nu sunt sigur că e corect. = Yes, but I'm not sure it's correct.

- Cât lucrezi astăzi? = How long will you work today?

- Până la 7 seara, e cea mai lungă zi a săptămânii. = Till/until 7 in the evening, it's the longest day
of the week.
acoperiș = roof
vapor = ship
oaie = sheep
oi = sheep
picior = leg
laba piciorului = foot, feet
to hurt, hurt = a durea, a răni
He hurt his leg.
perete = wall
There were many pictures on the wall.

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