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PSH0010.1177/2010105815623292Proceedings of Singapore HealthcareZhang et al.


Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare

Prognostic value of Pneumonia Severity 2016, Vol. 25(3) 139­–147

© The Author(s) 2015
Reprints and permissions:
Index, CURB-65, CRB-65, and procalcitonin
DOI: 10.1177/2010105815623292

in community-acquired pneumonia in


Zoe Xiaozhu Zhang1, Weidong Zhang1, Ping Liu1, Yong Yang1,

Wan Cheng Tan2, Han Seong Ng3 and Kok Yong Fong4

Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of three severity scoring tools and procalcitonin (PCT)
in severity stratification and mortality prediction among patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in Singapore.
Methods: The method used was a retrospective observational study of all the consecutive patients with CAP admitted
through the emergency department of Singapore General Hospital between 2012–2013.
Results: Among 1902 study subjects, the overall 30-day mortality was 15.7%. The mortality rates for Pneumonia Severity
Index (PSI) class I–III were 0, 0, and 3.7%, which were comparable to the original published data. CURB-65 and CRB-65 had
higher mortality rates in all severity levels. In three levels of risk stratification, the low risk group of PSI (class I–III) included
42.6% of the patients with mortality rate of 1.9%, whereas the low risk group defined by CURB-65 (score 0–1) and CRB-65
(score 0) included 52.0% and 24.4% of the patients with higher mortality rates (7.3% and 4.5% respectively). PSI was the most
sensitive in mortality prediction with area under receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of 0.82, higher than CURB-
65 (0.71), CRB-65 (0.67), and PCT (0.63) (p<0.001). The initial level of PCT was higher in non-survivors and intensive care
unit (ICU)-admitted patients compared to survivors (0.91 vs 0.36 ng/ml, p<0.001) and non-ICU patients (3.70 vs 0.38 ng/ml,
p<0.001). Incorporating PCT did not improve the discriminatory power of the scoring tools for mortality prediction.
Conclusions: PSI was a reliable tool for severity stratification and morality prediction among the patients with CAP in

Community-acquired pneumonia, severity, mortality

Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is one of the most and CURB-65, have been developed,11,12 PSI uses 20 clinical
common infectious diseases worldwide. It is associated with variables to compute the severity score (Table 1).11 The
considerable mortality and morbidity, especially in elder patients are then categorized into five severity classes with
patients and patients with comorbidities.1,2 Pneumonia repre- increasing likelihood of death within 30 days. Class I–III are
sents a significant health issue in Singapore. It is the fifth most
common cause of hospitalizations and the second principle
1Epidemiology Department, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
cause of death, leading to 13,000 admissions and over 3000
2UBC James Hogg Research Centre, St Paul’s Hospital, Canada
deaths annually, consisting of 18.5% of total deaths.3 The esti- 3CEO’s Office, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
mated direct cost of a single CAP hospitalization ranges from 4Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Singapore General
S$2000–16,000 (US$1400–12,000). Hospital, Singapore
Pneumonia is the major respiratory disease seen in the
emergency department (ED). Timely and accurate severity Corresponding author:
Zoe Xiaozhu Zhang, Epidemiology Department, Medical Board, Bowyer
assessment is crucial to the initial management.4–6 To assist Block A, Singapore General Hospital, Outram Road, Singapore 169608,
clinicians in giving an objective severity evaluation,7–10 two Singapore.
major clinical scoring tools, Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI) Email:

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NonCommercial 3.0 License ( which permits non-commercial use,
reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open
Access pages (
140 Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 25(3)

Table 1.  Comparison of the components of Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI), CURB-65 and CRB-65.

PSI Score CURB-65 Point CRB-65 Point

Characteristics Characteristics Characteristics

Demographic factors Confusion 1 Confusion 1
Age (in years) Blood urea nitrogen⩾20 1 Respiratory rate⩾30/min 1
Men Age Respiratory rate⩾30/min 1 Systolic BP<90 mm Hg or 1
diastolic BP⩽60 mm Hg
Women Age −10 Systolic BP<90 mm Hg or 1 Age⩾65 years 1
diastolic BP⩽60 mm Hg
Nursing home resident +10 Age⩾65 1  
Coexisting illnesses Total 5 Total 4
Neoplastic disease +30  
Liver disease +20  
Congestive heart failure +10  
Cerebrovascular disease +10  
Renal disease +10  
Findings on physical examination  
Altered mental status +20  
Respiratory rate⩾30/min +20  
Systolic blood pressure<90 mm Hg +20  
Temperature<35°C or ⩾40°C +15  
Pulse⩾125 beats/min +10  
Laboratory and radiographic  
Arterial pH<7.35 +30  
Blood urea⩾30 mg/dl (11 mmol/l) +20  
Sodium<130 mmol/l +20  
Glucose⩾250 mg/dl (14 mmol/l) +10  
Hematocrit<30% +10  
Partial pressure of arterial oxygen<60 +10  
mm Hg or oxygen saturation<90%
Pleural effusion +10  

BP: blood pressure.

low risk groups with cumulative mortality rate <1%; whereas patients in Hong Kong and recommended CURB-65 in daily
class IV and V are intermediate and high risk groups with clinical practice because of its simplicity.19 A Korean study,
mortality rates ranging from 9–30%. CURB-65 is a simple however, reported that for mortality prediction CURB-65
severity calculator with use of only five criteria (confusion, was more valid for less severe patients, but PSI performed
urea respiratory rate, blood pressure, age ⩾65).12–14 CRB-65 better among the severe cases.30 The only validation study
is a simplified version of CURB-65 obtained by omitting blood conducted in Singapore selectively included patients who
urea measurement.15,16 PSI, CURB65, and CRB65 have been were 55 years or older and the study setting was not the hos-
validated extensively and proved to be powerful in severity pital ED.32 In view of the serious burden of pneumonia in ED
stratification and mortality prediction.11,12,16–20 In Europe and and in the Singapore healthcare system, a thorough validation
North America PSI and CURB-65 are incorporated into clini- study is indispensable. Here we explicitly evaluated the effec-
cal guidelines as the standard of care of pneumonia.5,6,21 tiveness of PSI, CURB-65, CRB-65, and PCT on severity strati-
Procalcitonin (PCT), a systemic inflammatory protein, has fication and mortality prediction in a large cohort of patients
appeared to be a novel prognostic biomarker of pneumonia in the hospital emergency setting in Singapore.
in recent years. PCT helps to differentiate bacterial from viral
infections, and guides the decision on antibiotic therapy.22–25 Methods
PCT was associated with septic shock, organ failures, and
occurrence of complications in patients with pneumonia.26,27
Study setting and study subjects
Non-survivors and patients in the high severity class had The study was performed in Singapore General Hospital
higher levels of PCT.18,27,28 Adding PCT to PSI or CURB-65 (SGH), an adult urban tertiary hospital with more than 1500
improved the prediction of adverse complications of CAP.18,27 beds. The ED has approximately 130,000 non-trauma
Despite intensive investigations worldwide, the evidence patients per year, and 10% seek medical care for respiratory
for the predictive efficacy of these severity scoring tools symptoms.
among Asian patients is limited with various conclusions19, 29–32 All the consecutive patients admitted to hospital through
(Table 2). Man et al. have reported that PSI, CURB-65, and the ED with a provisional diagnosis of pneumonia (International
CRB-65 perform similarly in mortality prediction among CAP Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, Clinical Modification,
Zhang et al. 141

Table 2.  Summary of Asian studies on pneumonia severity scoring scales.

Country/ Setting Severity scales Primary No. of Nature of Main findings Year of
region assessed outcomes patients the study publication
Hong Kong Hospital PSI, CURB-65, 30-Day mor- 1016 Prospective PSI, CURB-65 and CRB-65 per- 200719
emergency CRB-65 tality (⩾18 years) formed similarly in severity stratifica-
tion and mortality prediction.
Pakistan Hospital CURB-65, 30-Day mor- 137 Prospective CURB-65 and CRB65 performed 200929
CRB-65 tality (⩾18 years) similarly in predicting mortality.
Korea Hospitals PSI, CURB-65 30-Day mor- 883 Prospective CURB-65 was more accurate in pre- 201330
tality (⩾18 years) dicting mortality in low risk group,
whereas PSI was more accurate to
predict mortality among the high risk
Taiwan Hospital PSI, CURB-65 30-Day mor- 987 Prospective PSI performed better than CURB- 201031
emergency tality (⩾18 years) 65 in mortality prediction among
young (18-64 years) and elderly
patients (65-84 years), but under-
performed among very old patients
(⩾85 years)
Singapore Hospital PSI, CURB-65 30-Day mor- 1052 Retrospec- The AUC of PSI and CURB-65 in 201232
tality (⩾55 years ) tive mortality prediction were 0.77 and
0.70 respectively among patients
over 55 years.

AUC: area under the curve; PSI: Pneumonia Severity Index.

ICD-9CM code 480.x–487.x) between 1 January 2012–31 (classes I-III); intermediate risk (class IV); and high risk (class V);
December 2013 were included. Ethical approval and waiver of (b) CURB-65: low risk (scores 0–1); intermediate risk (score
informed consent was obtained from the Centralized 2); and high risk (scores 3-5); (c) CRB65: low risk (score 0);
Institutional Review Boards of the SingHealth Authority of intermediate risk (score 1–2); and high risk (score 3–4).
Singapore (2014/226/A). This study was kindly funded by The primary outcome, all-cause mortality at 30 days after
SingHealth Foundation Research Grant SHF/FG590S/2013. hospital admission were compared. Length of stay (LOS) in
hospital was analyzed as well.
Data collection
Statistical analysis
The patients’ case notes were reviewed by experienced and
trained research coordinators with a nursing or medical back- Categorical variables were expressed as counts (percent-
ground. The 20 variables required for PSI calculation were ages) and continuous variables as mean±standard deviation
extracted, including patients’ demographics, comorbidities, ini- (SE) or median with 25–75th quartile range) if the data were
tial vital signs, laboratory test results, and chest X-ray reports.11 not normally distributed. Frequency comparison was done by
All the collected data was the first reading in ED. Information chi-square test. For non-parametric continuous variables,
on six additional chronic conditions, including ischemia heart Mann-Whitney U test or Kruskal-Wallis test was used respec-
disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), dia- tively. Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis
betes mellitus, hypertension, dementia, and Parkinson’s dis- was performed to evaluate the discriminatory power of the
ease were collected as well. The level of PCT measured within risk scores and PCT on mortality prediction. Area under the
the first 24 h of admission was taken as the initial level of PCT. curve (AUC) and 95% confidence interval was computed.
Standard sensitivity, specificity, positive, and negative predictive
values were calculated at various cut-offs. Adopted from pre-
Pneumonia definition and exclusion criteria vious studies,18, 27 the initial level of PCT was stratified into the
Pneumonia was defined as an acute infection of the lung 4 ranges, which were <0.12, ⩽0.12<0.25; ⩽0.25<0.5, and
parenchyma characterized by symptoms of acute respiratory ⩾0.5 ng/ml (0.12 ng/ml was the lowest detection limit of the
infection and the presence of an acute pulmonary infiltrate PCT assay). To test whether incorporating PCT improved the
on chest X-ray or abnormal auscultatory findings.33 Patients predictive performance of the risk scores, joint logistic regres-
with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, pulmo- sion and ROC curve analysis were conducted as other studies
nary tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis, or were on long term immu- described.18,27 All statistical tests were two-tailed. Values of
nosuppressant or steroid treatment were excluded. p<0.05 were considered significant. All calculations were per-
formed using SPSS, version 20 for Windows.
Severity score calculation and stratification
The scores of PSI, CURB-65, and CRB65 were calculated
according to original studies.11,12 Patients were subsequently In the two-year study period, a total of 3224 patients in ED
stratified into three levels of risk groups:11,12,19 (a) PSI: low risk received ICD-9-CM code 480 (pneumonia viral), 482
142 Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 25(3)

Figure 1.  Study design. ICD: international classification of diseases; ED: emergency department.

(bacterial pneumonia), 485 (bronchopneumonia), and 486 in Table 7. PSI gave the most sensitive prediction of mortality
(pneumonia unspecified) as the primary diagnosis (Figure 1). at all cut-offs (100%, 100%, 100%, 95.0%, and 47.8%) with
Among them, 347 patients were discharged from ED right the highest NPV (NA, 100%, 100%, 98.1%, and 90.0%). Initial
after the treatment. Of 2841 admitted patients, 1902 patients level of PCT appeared to be the poorest in prediction of
satisfied the study criteria and comprised the study cohort; 30-day mortality.
939 patients were excluded either because they were not The ROC curves for prediction of 30-day mortality for
pneumonia or they fulfilled the exclusion criteria. The 30-day each scoring tool were shown in Figure 2. AUC of PSI was
mortality data was kindly provided by National Registry of 0.82 (95% CI: 0.80–0.84), which was significantly higher than
Disease Office, Health Promotion Board Singapore. CURB-65 (AUC 0.71, 95% CI: 0.68–0.74) and CRB-65 (AUC
Patients’ demographic information and baseline clinical 0.67, 95% CI: 0.63–0.70). The AUC of PCT was 0.63 (95%
features were summarized in Table 3. All the cut-off values in CI: 0.59–0.67) for mortality prediction, which was the lowest
physical examinations and laboratory tests were recom- among the tested scoring tools (Figure 3). Incorporating PCT
mended by Fine et al. in their original paper for PSI calcula- did not further improve the discriminatory power of the
tion.11 The overall 30-day mortality rate was 15.7%. Intensive scoring tools on mortality prediction (p>0.05).
care unit (ICU) admission rate was 5.8%. The median length
of hospital stay was four days with 25th–75th interquartile
range (IQR) of 2–8 days.
The 30-day mortality rates for PSI class I–III were 0, 0, and This was the first large scale validation study to evaluate the
3.7%, which were comparable to the original data, whereas performance of the three severity scoring tools and PCT in
PSI class IV and V had significantly higher mortality rates severity stratification and mortality prediction in hospital
(Table 4). For CURB-65 and CRB-65, the mortality rates emergency department setting in Singapore. In comparison
were significantly higher for all severity levels than the original to CURB-65 and CRB-65, PSI was more accurate in defining
study. In three-level risk stratification, the low risk group of patients in low risk classes and more sensitive in mortality
PSI (class I–III) included 42.6% of the subjects with the mor- prediction. PSI classified reasonable proportion of patients
tality rate of 1.9% (Table 5); whereas CURB-65 (score 0–1) into the low risk group with comparable mortality rate to the
included more patients (52.0%) with significantly higher mor- original published data and other subsequent studies.11,17,19,34
tality rate (7.3%, p<0.001); CRB-65 (score 0) included sub- Conversely, CURB-65 and CRB-65 underestimated the
stantially fewer patients (24.4%), whereas the mortality rate severity and miscategorized some patients with high risk of
was much higher (4.5%). The median LOS increased signifi- death into the low risk classes. Our finding was consistent
cantly with increasing risk levels (p<0.001). with many previous studies.17,35,36 A systematic review and
The level of PCT within 24 h of admission was available in meta-analysis which screened 402 articles and included the
1410 patients (Table 6). The median level of PCT significantly retrieved data from 23 studies also concluded that PSI was
increased with increasing risk levels in all tested scoring scales superior to CURB-65 and CRB-65 in mortality prediction
(p<0.001). Non-survivors had significantly higher levels of and more accurate in identifying non-severe patients with low
PCT than the survivors (0.91 µg/l vs 0.36 µg/l, p<0.001); so did risk of death.37
the patients who were admitted to ICU when compared with PSI makes use of 20 variables ranging from clinical presen-
those who had ICU admission (3.7 ug/l vs 0.38 ug/l, p<0.001). tations, laboratory test results, and radiological findings to
Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive compute the severity score. The estimation is generally more
value (PPV and NPV) for prediction of 30-day mortality at accurate and sensitive than CURB-65 and CRB-65 although
different cut-offs for each severity score and PCT are shown the process of information collection and score computation
Zhang et al. 143

Table 3.  Baseline characteristics and outcomes of study subjects. with less chronic conditions (data not shown). Should some
of these patients be cared for in an outpatient setting, the
Characteristics Total (n=1902)
admission rate, and the usage of healthcare resources would
Demographics be markedly decreased. We also noticed that patients in high
Age (mean±SD years) 70±17 severity classes had much higher mortality rates compared to
Male 1055 (55.6) the original studies where the severity scores were derived
Race   and validated.11,12 The factors leading to this discrepancy
Chinese 1474 (77.7) could be complicated. Low ICU admission rate could be one
Malay 193 (10.1) of the reasons. In this study approximately 85% of the deaths
Indian 153 (8.0) occurred before hospital discharge (data not shown). For
Others 77 (4.0) patients in intermediate and high severity classes, the fre-
Nursing home residents 49 (2.6)
quencies of ICU admission were significantly lower than the
Coexisting illnesses and medical history
mortality rates (Table 4) which meant many severe patients
Neoplastic disease 348 (18.3)
died with no intensive care received. As is known that many
Cerebrovascular disease 301 (15.8)
factors play a crucial role in the decision on ICU admission,
Renal dysfunction 280 (14.7)
Congestive heart failure 153 (8.0)
patient’s age, coexisting diseases, long-term prognosis etc. are
Liver disease 21 (1.1) often the determinant factors besides the severity of disease.
Hypertension 1122 (59.0) Elderly patients with multiple comorbid diseases, especially
Diabetes mellitus 580 (30.5) the diseases with extremely poor prognosis would have less
Ischemia and heart disease 478 (25.1) opportunity of being admitted to ICU because they may not
Parkinson's disease and dementia 183 (9.6) have long-term benefit from ICU care.38 Moreover, patients’
COPD 112 (5.9) social and economical status and support have a big influence
Bronchiectasis 61 (3.2) on patients’ clinical management and outcome.
Asthma 137 (7.2) In addition to the severity scoring tools, we evaluated the
TB history 114 (6.0) prognostic value of PCT. Here PCT showed significant asso-
Physical examination findings ciation with the severity of pneumonia which was consistent
Altered mental status 65 (3.4) with the published data, that patients with high severity score
Pulse⩾125/min 206 (10.8) had higher initial PCT level.20,27,39,40 However, PCT was not a
Respiratory rate⩾30/min 74 (3.9) good predictor for mortality in our patient cohort. Huang
Systolic blood pressure<90 mm Hg 84 (4.4) et al. and Schuetz et al. have also reported that initial PCT had
Temperature<35°C or ⩾40°C 88 (4.6) significantly lower discriminatory power in mortality predic-
Laboratory and radiologic findings tion compared to PSI and CURB-65.18,27 Adding PCT could
Urea level⩾11 mmol/l 426 (22.4) not improve the performance of the scoring tools in predic-
Glucose⩾14 mmol/l 177 (9.3) tion of mortality.18,27
Sodium<130 mmol/l 378 (19.9)
The study had limitations. Firstly, the study was not novel.
Hematocrit<30% 344 (18.1)
PSI and CURB-65 have been developed for more than a dec-
PaO2<60 mm Hg or O2 saturation<90% 239 (12.6)
ade. Numerous validation studies have been performed
Arterial pH<7.35 119 (6.3)
worldwide, especially among western nations. In Singapore,
Pleural effusion 672 (35.3)
Outcome parameters
however, this was the first large validation study conducted in
ICU admission 111 (5.8) hospital emergency setting among adult patients. The clear
30-day mortality 299 (15.7) findings may bring significant clinical impact, especially on low-
Hospital LOS (median, 25–75th IQR 4 (2-8) ering the admission rate and medical cost of pneumonia.
days ) Secondly, the study used the retrospective design. All the data
were extracted from case-note review, which was not as accu-
COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ICU: intensive care unit; rate as information directly collected through face-to-face
IQR: interquartile range; LOS: length of stay; SD: standard deviation; TB:
interview or questionnaire. However, a retrospective study is
Data are presented as n (%) unless other stated. All the cut-offs in physical quick, economical, and easy to conduct, a good method for a
examination and laboratory findings are recommended by Fine et al. for PSI pilot study. Thirdly, there was no stringent exclusion of health-
calculation.11 care associated pneumonia (HAP) because of the lack of data
on patients’ hospital admission history prior to the episode we
is complicated and time-consuming.37 However, the perfor- studied. Fourthly, not all study subjects had PCT value for the
mance of scoring tools varies from population to population. analysis of the mortality predictive value, and the time of
Different clinical characteristics and racial composition of the blood sample taken for PCT measurement varied although all
patients could result in various ranking. Therefore, thorough the reported levels of PCT in this study were measured within
validation study among a particular population is critical. 24 h of admission. Serum PCT changes dynamically over time.
Patients in PSI class I and II can be safely treated as outpa- Ideally all the blood samples should be taken at the same time.
tients.11,36 In this study more than 20% of the study subjects However, it is very difficult to achieve this in a retrospective
were in these two severity classes. They were much younger study. Another limitation we would like to mention was the
144 Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 25(3)

Table 4.  30-Day mortality rates and intensive care unit (ICU) admission rates in each severity level of Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI),
CURB-65 and CRB-65.

No. of subjectsa 30-Day mortality Expected morality ICU admission rateb

(n=1902) rates# (n=299) rates, %11,12 (n=111)
I 173 (9.1) 0 0.1 2 (1.2)
II (⩽70) 227 (11.9) 0 0.6 3 (1.3)
III (71–90) 409 (21.5) 15 (3.7) 2.8 7 (1.7)
IV (91–130) 754 (39.6) 141 (18.7) 8.2 44 (5.8)
V (>130) 339 (17.8) 143 (42.2) 29.2 55 (16.2)
p Value <0.001  
0 382 (20.1) 11 (2.9) 0.7 9 (2.4)
1 607 (31.9) 61 (10.0) 2.1 34 (5.6)
2 600 (31.5) 127 (21.2) 9.2 35 (5.8)
3 241 (12.7) 70 (29.0) 14.5 26 (10.8)
4 63 (3.3) 23 (36.5) 40 6 (9.5)
5 9 (0.5) 7 (77.8) 14 1 (11.1)
p Value <0.001  
0 464 (24.4) 21 (4.5) 1.2 18 (3.9)
1 902 (47.4) 138(15.3) 5.3 52 (5.8)
2 438 (23.0) 99 (22.6) 12.2 31 (7.1)
3 88 (4.6) 34 (38.6) 32.9 9 (10.2)
4 10 (0.5) 7 (70.0) 18.2 1(10.0)
p Value <0.001  
aData are numbers and percentages of the total study subjects (n=1903).
bData are numbers and percentages of the subjects under each severity level.

Table 5.  30-Day mortality and length of stay (LOS) in three-level risk categories of Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI), CURB-65 and CRB-65.

No. of patientsa (n=1902) 30-Day mortalityb (n=299) LOSc

Low (I–III) 809 (42.6) 15 (1.9) 3 (2–5)
Intermediate (IV) 754 (39.6) 141 (18.7) 5 (3–9)
High (V) 339(17.8) 143 (42.2) 7 (3–14)
p Value < 0.001 <0.001
Low (score 0–1) 989 (52.0) 72 (7.3) 3 (2–7)
Intermediate (score 2) 600 (31.5) 127 (21.2) 5 (3–9)
High (score 3–5) 313 (16.4) 100 (31.9) 6 (3–12.5)
p Value < 0.001 <0.001
Low (score 0) 464 (24.4) 21 (4.5) 3 (2–6)
Intermediate (score 1–2) 1340 (70.4) 237 (17.7) 5 (3–9)
High (score 3–4) 98 (5.1) 41 (41.8) 7 (3–14.3)
p Value <0.001 <0.001
aThenumber and percentage of the total study subjects (n=1977).
bThe number and percentage of the subjects under each risk class, and it was tested by chi2 test.
cLOS in hospital was presented as median (25th–75th interquartile range) as it was not normally distributed, and was tested by Kruskal-Wallis test.

exclusion of non-hospitalized patients with compatible ICD-9 pneumonia and were treated as outpatients. This could pro-
code (383 out of 3224 patients) because in the pilot study we duce a selection bias since hospitalized patients were generally
found that majority of these patients were short of positive more severe. However, PSI in this study was able to accurately
radiological support for the diagnosis of pneumonia or they identify the mild cases with low risk of death among the hos-
did not have the necessary laboratory test results for comput- pitalized patients. If un-hospitalized mild cases were included
ing PSI and CURB-65 score (data not shown). Unfortunately into the analysis, the mortality rate of the low risk group could
we still missed a small proportion of patients who had mild be even lower. Therefore, the conclusion of study would not
Zhang et al. 145

Table 6.  Procalcitonin (PCT) levels in different severity classes and major clinical outcome groups.

No. of subjects PCT median (25th–75th IQR) p Value

(n=1410) (ng/ml)
PSI class
Low (I–III) 546 0.20 (0.12–0.72) <0.001
Intermediate (IV) 586 0.57 (0.18–2.78)
High (V) 278 1.40 (0.38–9.83)
Low (score 0–1) 704 0.26 (0.12–1.10) < 0.001
Intermediate (score 2) 459 0.59 (0.19–2.60)
High (score 3–5) 247 1.30 (0.37–9.00)
Low (score 0) 318 0.22 (0.12–1.20) <0.001
Intermediate (score 1–2) 1012 0.51 (0.17–2.48)
High (score 3–4) 80 3.45 (0.43–14.05)
30-Day mortality
Survived 1166 0.36 (0.13–1.73) <0.001
Dead 244 0.91 (0.28–7.15)
ICU admission
ICU admitted 107 3.70 (0.87–13.8) <0.001
Non-ICU admitted 1303 0.38 (0.14–1.80)

ICU: intensive care unit; IQR: interquartile range; PSI: Pneumonia Severity Index.
The level of initial PCT is presented as median (25th–75th IQR). The difference in PCT levels between severity levels were compared using non-parametric
Kruskal-Willis test.

Table 7.  Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values (PPVs)

and negative predictive values (NPVs) for 30-day mortality
prediction at different cut-offs for each severity scoring tool and
procalcitonin (PCT).

Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV

PSI risk class  
⩾1 100.0 0.0 15.7 NA
⩾II 100.0 10.8 17.3 100.0
⩾III 100.0 25.0 19.9 100.0
⩾VI 95.0 49.5 26.0 98.1
V 47.8 87.8 42.2 90.0
CURB-65 score  
⩾0 100.0 0.0 15.7 NA
⩾1 96.3 23.5 19.0 97.2
⩾2 75.9 57.2 24.9 92.7
⩾3 33.4 86.7 31.9 87.5
⩾4 10.0 97.4 41.7 85.3
⩾5 2.3 99.9 77.8 84.6
CRB-65 score  
Figure 2.  Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves of
⩾0 102.0 0.0 15.4 NA
Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI), CURB-65, and CRB-65 with
⩾1 93.0 27.6 19.3 95.5
respect to prediction of 30-day mortality. AUC: area under the
⩾2 46.8 75.3 26.1 88.4 curve; CI: confidence interval.
⩾3 13.7 96.4 41.8 85.7
4 2.3 99.8 70.0 84.6
Initial PCT levels   many published data.37 Meanwhile, we retrieved patient clini-
<0.12 11.5 76.8 9.4 80.6 cal data through case-note review, and the findings would be
<0.25 21.3 58.6 9.7 78.1 more accurate and informative than those data obtained
<0.5 37.3 44.6 12.4 77.3 merely by matching ICD code.
⩾0.5 62.7 55.4 22.7 87.6 In conclusion, PSI was a valid and reliable scoring system
for severity stratification and mortality prediction in patients
NA: not available; PSI: Pneumonia Severity Index.
with pneumonia in Singapore despite its complexity and cum-
bersomeness. Implementation of PSI into daily clinical prac-
be affected. The main strength of the study lay in the size of tice would help to guide the management of pneumonia,
the study cohort, which was comparable or even larger than reduce unnecessary admission and improve the efficiency of
146 Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 25(3)

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Loo Lin of the School of Medicine, National University Health acquired pneumonia aetiology (SCAPA) in adults admitted to
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also grateful to the National Registry of Diseases Office, Singapore 56: 296–301.
Health Promotion Board for providing 30-day mortality data. 14. Macfarlane JT and Boldy D. 2004 update of BTS pneumonia
guidelines: what’s new? Thorax 2004; 59: 364–366.
15. Bauer TT, Ewig S, Marre R, et al. CRB-65 predicts death from
Conflict of interest
community-acquired pneumonia. J Int Med 2006; 260: 93–101.
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Funding pneumonia. Eur Resp J 2006; 27: 151–157.
17. Aujesky D, Auble TE, Yealy DM, et al. Prospective comparison
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