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Prosiding Seminar Nasional TAN 2013 Quantitative Determination Of I, Cl and Br On

PTAPB – BATAN Yogyakarta Biological Standard Referencematerial Using

22 Oktober 2013 Epithermal Instrumental Neutron Activation



Sutisna1, Alfian1, Siti Suprapti1, Kawkab Mustofa2

Center for Technology of Nuclear Materials and Industry
Center for Multiporpuse Reactor
National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN
Kawasan Puspiptek Gedung 42, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, Banten. INDONESIA

Concentration of Iodine (I), Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) at biological standard reference
materials (SRM) have been determined using epithermal instrumental neutron activation
analysis (EINAA).A number of 50-75 mg of SRM NIT 1548a Typical Diet, NIST SRM 1515 Apple
Leave, BCR 063r Skim Milk Powder and SRM NIST 1573a Tomato Leaves were weighed at
cleaned microvial. Cd-foil of 0.7 mmthick have been used to cover the sample and to absorb a
thermal neutron. Irradiation has been carried out at RS03 rabbit position of GA. Siwabessy
reactor for 30-40 second at 5MW power reactor. I, Cl and Br have been analyzed quantitatively
using a comparator method through 127I (n,γ) 128I,37Cl (n, γ)38Cl and79Br (n,γ) 80Br nuclear
reactions. Those elements have been evaluated throughthe gamma peak of 443.9 keV, 1642.2
keV and 616.8 keV respectively. The result showed that Cd foil could reduce significantly a
Compton background, up to 10 time lower compare to without used Cd filter. The analytical
results of I and Cl are close to the certificate value with ratio of experimental result to certificate
value is 0.91 – 1.06 while for Br 0.85-0.90.Iodine, Chlorine and Bromine at biological sample
could be determine quantitatively using Epithermal INAA.

Keyword: Epithermal NAA, SRM, nuclear reaction.

Konsentrasi unsur-unsur Iodium (I), Khlor (Cl) dan Brom (Br) dalam bahan acuan standar
biologi telah ditentukan menggunakan analisis aktivasi neutron epithermal Instrumental
(AANEI). Sejumlah 50 – 70 mg bahan acuan standar SRM NIST Typical Diet, SRM NIST Apple
Leaves, SRM NIST Tomato Leaves dan IRMM BCR 063a Skim Milk Powder ditimbang dalam
vial mikro yang telah dibersihkan. Keping Cd setebal 0,7 mm digunakan untuk menutupi
cuplikan danuntuk menyerap neutron termal. Iradiasi dilakukan di RS03 fasilitas rabbitRS03
reaktor GA. Siwabessy selama 30-40 detik pada daya reaktor 5 MW. I, Cl dan Br telah
dianalisis secara kuantitatif menggunakan metode komparator terhadap bahan acuan lain yang
mempunyai matrik dan komposisi relatif sama, melalui reaksi nuklir127I(n,γ)128I,37Cl(n, γ)38Cl and
Br(n,γ)80Br. Unsur-unsur tersebut diidentifikasi masing-masing melalui energy 442,9 keV,
1542,2 keV dan 616,6 keV. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan keping Cd dapat mereduksi
latar belakang Compton secara signifikan, sekitar 10 kali lebih rendah relative dibandingkan
dengan kondisi tidak menggunakan penutup keping Cd. Hasil analisis I dan Cl sesuai dengan
nilai sertifikat dengan ratio 0.91 – 1.06, sementara untuk Br mempunyai kisaran 0.85-0.90.
Dapat disimpulkan bahwa I, Cl dan Br dapat dikuantifikasi dengan baik menggunakan AANIE.

Kata kunci : Epitermal NAA, SRM, reaksi nuklir.

INTRODUCTION thyroxine hormone to regulate growth and

I odine is an essential trace elements

needed by human body. Iodine deficiency
is a major problem for the most of the
development from fetal to adult [2-4]. The
imbalance in the consumption of iodine
have potentially leading to a variety of
population of Indonesia [1]. Iodine is disorders, including cancer and abnormal
required by the body in the formation of growth and development of infants [1-4].
g Seminar Nas
sional TAN 2013 Quanntitative Determ
mination Of I, Cl and Br On
PTAPB – BATAN Yogya akarta Biolo
ogical Standarrd Reference ematerial Usin
22 Oktob
ber 2013 Epith
hermal Instru umental Neutrron Activatioon

Determinatioon of I
Iodine is ments, have been also
elem o reported by
conventiionally perfo ormed by titration or Stuart [11] and Seydou
S [12].. They show
colorime etric method d involving destruction that the use off epithermal neutron can
stages to o convert intto a liquid form [5]. This reducced the Coompton effeccts caused by
stage prroved to be a very critica al stage due 24
Na produced from
f 23
Na(n,γ)24Na nucleear
to the possibility of o cross-con ntamination, reacttion.
both of o the rea actants and d of the
environm ment, is quite
e height. Loo osing during The use of irradiation
n channels thhat
destructiion stage alsso should be econsidered equippped with a neutron abssorber Cd lay yer
carefullyy because some iodin ne organic havee already wid
dely used, esspecially for the
compoun nds is vola atile [4]. Th his is very reacttor types of
o Triga Ma ark [4, 9] or
importan nt to consider because a halogen Slowwpoke [2, 12 2]. Howeverr, it is a fe ew
compoun nd exist at nature
n is verry small, at publications of the
t use of filters on the
mal neutron irradiation caapsule for hiigh
level of sub-ppm
s (µg/kg).
flux reactor tyypes. We have alrea ady
The use of o neutron activation modified the rabb
bit system ussing Cd filterr to
analysis technique in the quantification of absoorb the therm
mal neutron a and used it for
iodine, and others halogen elements, in Epith
hermal INAA.
various biological samples
s witha thermal
The aim esearch is to
m of this re
neutronss havealso a variety off obstacles.
C and Br concentratiion
deterrmine I, Cl
High content of Sod dium (Na), Manganese
ainedon a number of biologic
conta cal
(Mn) and Chlorine e (Cl) is the main
dard referen
nces materia
als to valida
contributtion to the background d count of
the EINAA me ethod at GAA. Siwabes ssy
Compton n, and this co ould not be resolved
r by
multipurpose reactor.
considerring the de ecay time. Half-life of
Iodine (128I, t1 / 2 = 24
4.99 min) is much
m lower
than thaat of Na (24 2
Na , t1 / 2 = 14.96
hours).Landsberger [6] and Canions C [7]
have used
u the Compton
Suppression A numbe er of 50-70 m
mg of biologic
countingg system or combination The standdard referennce materialls on Table e 2
Compton n Suppresssion and Epithermal was weighed on cleaned 1.7 7 mL micro Vial
Neutron Activation Analysis.
A (Colee Parmer, Poolyethylene, density of 983
mg/LL) and was sealed
s using hot glass ro
El-Ghawi [2],Tobier L [8]], E Andrasi
As a standard coomparator, it has been ussed
[7] and Chien [10]]have used epithermal
otherr standard reference
r materials which
neutronss to determiine iodine inn biological
havee a matrix annd similar coomposition [9].
sample, while utilization of raddiochemical
All standards
s and sampless were plac ced
neutron activation analysis haveh been
togetther inside Cd
C capsule, which have e a
ed also [3,4]. The use off epithermal
thickness of 0.7 mm
m (Figure 1 1).
neutronss for the analysis of o various

Figure 1. Cd irradia
ation container to determine a short half-life
h nuclid
des using EIN
NAA at 5 MW
reacctor power.

Prosiding Seminar Nasional TAN 2013 Quantitative Determination Of I, Cl and Br On
PTAPB – BATAN Yogyakarta Biological Standard Referencematerial Using
22 Oktober 2013 Epithermal Instrumental Neutron Activation

Short irradiations have been carried out at Isotopes, Kfki Atomic Energy Research
RS03 of rabbit system for 300 second at Institute, Hungary [11].
areactor power of 5 MW. The results of Elemental quantification of I, Br and
epithermal induced nuclear reaction were Cl have been done using a comparative
counted using a high-resolution HPGe method of Epithermal Neutron Activation
detector (Canberra, Coaxial type, Analysis (ENAA) as proposed by Liponen
Resolution of 2.0 keV at 1332.50 keV of [9] and El-Ghawi [6]. Gamma energy peaks
Co, P/C=40) coupled to the multichannel of 442.9 keV, 616.2 keV and 1642.4 keV
analyser (MCA) of Multiport II from has been selected to quantify of I, Br and Cl
Canberra. Counting time was 300-600 elements respectively. Table 1 show the
secondsafter 5 minutesdecay time to let used nuclear parameter in this work. While
Ne at 439.9 keV decay (t1/2 is 37.24s) [2]. Table2 show the biological standard
The obtained gamma spectrawere analysed materialshave been used as quality control
using PC-Hypermet from Institute of of analytical result.

Table 1. Nuclear Parameter of128I, 38

Cl,80Br,23Naand 56
Mn used on the analysis by using
epithermal neutron [14]
Radionuclides Nuclear reaction Io/σo Eγ (Iγ), keV
128 127
I I(n,γ)128I 24.8 25.0 442.9(16.9)
38 37
Cl Cl(n,γ)38Cl 0.69 37.3 1642.4(31.0),2167.5(42.0)
80 79
Br Br(n,γ)80Br 11.0 17.7 616.2(6.7)
24 23
Na Na(n,γ)24Na 0.59 897.5 1368.6(99.99), 2754.0 (99.88)
56 55 846.8(98.8), 1810.7(27.2),
Mn Mn(n,γ)56Mn 1.05 154.7

Table 2. Matricesof biological standard references materials (SRM) used from NIST and IRMM.
Standard Reference Materials Matrices
SRM NIST 1548a Typical Diet Foodstups
SRM NIST 1515 Apple Leaves Biological material
CRM IRMM BCR 063a Skim Milk Powder Food
SRM NIST 1573a Tomato Leaves Biological material


Gamma heating and high activity
Epithermal INAA (EINAA) have caused by irradiated Cd foil should be
been developed at rabbit system of GA. considered carefully because the
Siwabessy reactor to be used on the experiment carried out at high flux reactor.
quantitative analyse a short half-life The gamma heating will influence the
radionuclides, especially for Iodine physical properties of vial container, while
determination on biological sample. Table 3 the high activity on the surface will affect
show the performance and experimental the handling of irradiated target.
condition of EINAA at a rabbit facility. The
Utilization of 0.7 mm thick Cd foil
exposure radiation on surface of irradiated
will filtered all neutron energy below energy
capsule reached of about 400 mRem. After
cut-of Cd ( ~0.55 keV), and only neutron
cooling time of about 5 minute, the radiation
with energy greater than 0.55 eV will
expose will decrease to 200-300 mRem
interact with atoms inside the capsule.
where we can open the capsule and safe in
Regarding to the Table 1, the epithermal
1 minute. After encapsulated, the irradiated
sample than counted at a level one of neutron cross-section (equal to Io/σo) of 127I
detector (42 mm distance) and the dead is greater than that for 23Na, more than 40
time obtained was about 1%. This mean times, and for 55Mn not less than 25 times.
that induced reaction of thermal neutron This means, the induced nuclear reaction of
and the Cd foil will produced a high activity. epithermal neutron with 127I nucleus
theoretically will be greater chances

g Seminar Nas
sional TAN 2013 Quanntitative Determ
mination Of I, Cl and Br On
PTAPB – BATAN Yogya akarta Biolo
ogical Standarrd Reference ematerial Usin
22 Oktob
ber 2013 Epith
hermal Instru umental Neutrron Activatioon

23 55
compareed to Na nu
ucleus, as well
w as Mn Na, Cl
C and Mn in Typical D Diet.NIST SR RM
nucleus. 15488a Typical Diet contain m major elemennts
of 0..8% Na, 1.2 2% of Cl, 0 0.7% of K will
Figure 2 shhow the com mparison of
produuce the Co ompton bacckground fro om
two gam mma ray sp pectras of SRM
1548a Typical
T Diett obtained without
w Cd
Na((n,γ) Na, Cl(n,γ) Cl a
24 37 38
and K(n,γ)4 K
41 42

cover (sspectra A) and

a other wiith 0.7 mm nucle
ear reaction n respectivvelly. In this
thick Cd
d-cover (spectra B). The e irradiation condition, it was not possible to determine
have be een carried out at 5 MW M for 40 e element off Iodine through 128I with
trace h a
secondss. Compton high
h backgro
ound in the therm
mal neutron.
m of A, due to the macrro elements

Table 3. Performancce of Cd-foil as a therma

al neutron fillter for Epithermal Instrumental NAA
A at
GA. Siwabeessy reactorr.

er Filter Ti Td Tc Note

15 MW
W Cd-foil, 20 s 5m 120 s High activityy 800 mRem
0.7 mm
m thick on surface, Overheating,
vial melt observed, Cd-fo

5 MW Cd-foil, 120 s 5m 120 s 600 mRem,, Overheating,,

0.7 mm
m thick some vial m

30-40 s 5 – 10 m 300 s 200-300 mR Rem, no vial

melt observved

Note : s = second; m=minutes;

m Ti=irradiation time, Td=dec
cay time; Tc=counting
= tim

Figure 2.
2 Comparisson of epitthermal to thermal neu
utron on acctivation an
nalysis for I

Prosiding Seminar Nasional TAN 2013 Quantitative Determination Of I, Cl and Br On
PTAPB – BATAN Yogyakarta Biological Standard Referencematerial Using
22 Oktober 2013 Epithermal Instrumental Neutron Activation

Utilization of Cd foil could reduce MW is still not a good idea. Heat and high
the Compton background by ten times. In radiation exposure are an obstacle in the
normal condition it is impossible to irradiated sample handling. However, for
determine Iodine through 128I (Eγ = 442.9 the initial phase, we tried to calculate Br, Cl
keV), but using Cd covered, the Iodine concentration and Iconcentration contain on
could determine quantitatively. The Cd foil biological reference material as show on
will reduce significantly the Compton the Table 2, and the results were compared
background more than 10 time lower. In to the certificate value to determine the
spectra A we cannot identified gamma peak feasibility of the analysis. Irradiation for 40
of 443.9 keV of 128I, but in the spectra B, seconds is enough to identify Iodine, but
the 128I could be identified quantitavelly. not enough to determine the statistical
Determination of short half-lived isotopes uncertainty.
with ENAA using Cd filter on the power of 5
Table 4. Iodine content of Biological Reference Material determined using ENAA at 5 MW with
Cd foil as filter
Concentration in mg/kg
This work Certificate Ratio** Literature
NIST SRM 1548a Typical 7 0.791 ± 0.120 0.759 ± 0.103 1.04 0.641 ± 0.044[7]
Diet 0.718 ± 0.027[9]
0.768 ± 0.200[13]
NIST SRM 1515 Apple 7 0.32 ± 0.04 0.3* 1.06 0.29 ± 0.01 [8]
CRM BCR 063a Skim Milk 7 0.76 ± 0.07 0.81 ± 0.1 0.94 -
NIST SRM 1573a Tomato 7 0.77 ± 0.09 0.85* 0.91 -
Note : *Non certified value, **Ratio the experimental result to certificate value.

Table 5. Chlorine content of Biological Reference Material determined using ENAA at 5 MW

with Cd foil as filter
Concentration in mg/kg
This work Certificate Ratio** Literature
NIST SRM 1548a 7 12900 ± 600 12078 ± 356 1.06 12045 ±
Typical Diet 382[13]
NIST SRM 1515 Apple 7 596 ± 50 579 ± 23 1.02 -
CRM BCR 063a Skim 7 9520 ± 475 9940 ± 356 0.96 -
Milk Powder
NIST SRM 1573a 7 6610 ± 460 6600* 1.00 -
Tomato Leaves
Note : *Non certified value, **Ratio the experimental result to certificate value.

Table 6. Bromine content of Biological Reference Material determined using ENAA at 5 MW

with Cd foil as filter
Concentration in mg/kg
This work Certificate Ratio** Literature
NIST SRM 1548a Typical 7 8.21 ± 0.70 9.64* 0.85 10.07 ± 1.1[13]
NIST SRM 1515 Apple 7 - - - -
CRM BCR 063a Skim 7 - - - -
Milk Powder
NIST SRM 1753a 7 1175 ± 60 1300* 0.90 -
Tomato Leaves
Note : *Non certified value, **Ratio the experimental result to certificate value.

Prosiding Seminar Nasional TAN 2013 Quantitative Determination Of I, Cl and Br On
PTAPB – BATAN Yogyakarta Biological Standard Referencematerial Using
22 Oktober 2013 Epithermal Instrumental Neutron Activation

Table 4 to Table 6 are the Activation Analysis, Bio. Trace. Elem.

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Overall, the analytical results show STIBILJ, YAW SERFOR-ARMAH,
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and Chlorine have R-value of 0.91 to 1.06; OSTERC, Daily dietary intake of iodine
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Prosiding Seminar Nasional TAN 2013 Quantitative Determination Of I, Cl and Br On
PTAPB – BATAN Yogyakarta Biological Standard Referencematerial Using
22 Oktober 2013 Epithermal Instrumental Neutron Activation

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