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Kidney Stones & Homeopathy

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Homeopathy to Treat
Kidney Stones
Homeopathic medicines may be utilized by naturopathic physicians to treat the pain and
spasm associated with kidney stones. When treating the passage of a kidney stone with
homeopathy, it is important to remember that the size of the stone must be small enough to
pass without surgical intervention and that administration of the homeopathic medicine usually
changes the clinical picture, which will then require a different remedy. Other therapies, such
as herbal medicines, hot packs, and supplements, are sometimes used with homeopathy.

The following homeopathic remedies have been utilized by naturopathic physicians in treating a
kidney stone:
Berberis vulgaris–Indicated for sharp, stitching pains that radiate to the groin area and
right-sided kidney stones.
Cantharis–Indicated for urine that burns and is passed drop by drop.
Colocynthis–Indicated for pain over the whole abdomen while urinating.
Ocimum canum–Indicated for pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
Pennyroyal–Indicated for frequent urination and left-sided ureter spasm or stone.

The standard dosage for acute symptom relief is 3 pellets of 30C every 4 hours until
symptoms resolve. Lower potencies, such as 6X, 6C, 30X, may be given every 2 to 4 hours.
Symptoms may improve shortly after the second dose. If there is no improvement after 3
doses, a different remedy is given. Note: Most homeopathic remedies are delivered in a pellet
that has a lactose (milk sugar) base. Homeopathic liquid may be a better choice for those who
are lactose intolerant.

Hydrotherapy to Treat Kidney Stons

Castor oil pack–Castor oil has
antiinflammatory properties and may be used to relieve painful cramping or spasms.
Hot pack–Placed over the affected area, hot packs can relax muscles that are tense
from pain and spasm, allowing for easier passage of the stone. Use caution in the elderly
and diabetics, as they are less sensitive to heat and may be burned.
Hot vinegar pack–Indicated for severe pain: use a 50:50 vinegar-water solution and
place over affected area. 1/2
23/09/2018 Kidney Stones & Homeopathy - Kidney Stones -

Publication Review By: Stanley J. Swierzewski, III, M.D.

Published: 09 Jun 1998

Last Modified: 24 Sep 2015 2/2

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