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Anna Stewart

Professor Wyckoff

EDU 299


Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

As a student, we must pass the Praxis Core Exam in order to be accepted into our bachelor

level of Education or Early Childhood programs at UNLV, NSC, or UNR. The passing scores for

the Praxis test in Nevada are as followed. The Writing section passing score is a 162. The passing

score for the Reading section is a 156, and the passing score for the Math section is a 150.

Exam Results

In Writing section, I received a 60%. This means that I really need to take the time and

review more before taking the actual Praxis Core Exam. As of now my Writing section score

would not be sufficient enough to pass and therefore needs improvement. For the Math section of

the practice Praxis Exam, I received a 68%. This also means that I need to take the time to

review the material more in depth, so I can go into the actual Praxis Core Exam with more

knowledge on each of the differing topics being incorporated into this exam. Finally, the score I

received on the Reading section of the practice Praxis Exam was a 66%. As stated in the other

two sections, I should also take the time to review the material in greater depth and grasp a better

understanding of the information.

Future Exam Preparation

To begin on future preparation for the real Praxis Core Exam, I would most likely start out

by using the given websites. While I did use those to help prepare me for the practice exams, I

believe that I did not take enough time to properly go through all of the examples and practice

questions. Once I review the websites, I think I will purchase a study book to help me even more.

I want to be as prepared as possible before taking the real Praxis Core Exam. Other preparation I

may consider is investing in a tutor, but that would be my last recourse to rely on.

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