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Indeed the depressed is from shaytann, and we’re blinded by shaytan.

When we are feeling down just say the do’a that prophet Muhammad taught.

Allah and our prophet point us to aware of depression. the source of depression is

from shaytan, and he wants us tobe depressed of all around and we end up with

failure in our lifetime. Allah will relief the depression if anyone pray with prophet

Yunus. Islam provides deal with depression, take this cure because Islam is curer

for the illness. Protect our children and family member from depression. from the

story of prophet yunus there are lesson, we should to be patience, whoever have

the calamity in his life, we need just to put trust in Him patiently. Use this make a

regular part of our live and patient achievable, and prophet told us to achieve it,

whoever pretend to be patient. When you pretend to be patient externally. We

want people think the best of us, people are normally hide their mistake and don’t

want to be exposed. 3. Repentance, the process of repentance gives us strong, we

don’t become depress.

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