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Recorded 22 July 2007

The false shall be removed

“And so it shall be that many of you shall rise up in this day to be as palm trees
planted in the midst of My house,” says the Lord, “and you will not be moved. Nothing
will move you in the days that lie ahead. For there shall be a praise on your lips and
the garment of praise you shall clothe yourself with and shall produce a strength and
remove the depression, the discouragement that has tried to antagonize you. Has tried
to destroy you, has tried to break you down, has tried to crush you. Enough of this,”
says the Spirit. “I will cause you to put up and take up the garment of praise. And
you will praise Me with a liberty and you will praise Me with a freedom, despite the
circumstances, despite the darkness, despite the hour because I’m pouring My love
abroad in your hearts by My Spirit for Me and for one another and I’m going to raise
you up,” says the Lord. “I will raise you up to walk on the water with Me. I will raise
you up to raise the dead. I will raise you up to lay hands on the sick. I will raise you up
to set the captives free. Yes, do not think this is strange thing,” says the Spirit, “do not
think this strange for I will take the foolish things of this world to confound the wise in
this hour. For I will pour out My Spirit upon Nation, upon Nation and many shall in that
day see My power and see the glory of My Kingdom and it shall come from within
without like rivers of living water. For I am about to take many of you that feel that
your yesterday is a limitation. Yes I will take prostitutes and yes I will take those that
are bankrupt and yes I will take those who were murderers in their hearts full of hate
and full of anger, yes I will take them says the Spirit because I am changing you. The
power of My Word is producing transformation. You’ve cried out to Me for years for
this hour.” God says, “Welcome to My world. Welcome to My time, welcome to My
season, welcome to the set hour that is upon you and as you step into it,” says God, “I
will clothe you, I will equip you, I will teach your hands to war, I will raise you up and
nothing shall be impossible for you,” says the Spirit.
“Watch the second half of this year, watch the second half of this year,” says the
Spirit. “For I am going to increase My anointing, increase, increase, increase.”
And the Spirit says, “Those who have been bound by demonic forces that have
entertained them, that have risen up against you shall be struck by My power. Yes My
power that shall come forth from you,” says the Spirit. “I will paralyze them, even in
this region I have begun to go forth on your behalf. Yes even now my Holy angels are
marching, yes marching to war, yes marching to minister, yes marching to stand,
yes marching to guard, yes marching to observe, yes marching to minister, yes even to
those who are yet to inherit salvation.” The Spirit of the Lord says,
“I’m bringing a move in this nation, I’m bringing a move of My Spirit in this city, I’m
going to change everything that can change, I’m going to shake everything that can
be shaken.” The Spirit of God says, “I’m shaking out your life. Yes I have begun,” says
the Lord. “That’s why you felt so convicted when you do those things because the
things you used to do, you won’t do no more because of My love, because of My
goodness, because of My grace. And your future has come into your today, because
you said “I wanna go to the future and bring it back”
They would call me false, but let me say this, the false prophets of this hour that have
resisted and stood against the true servants of the Lord, they shall be struck with
blindness, they shall be tormented. I’m prophesying to you now, it’s not me, it’s not
my fault. For the Spirit says, “I will strike them in this hour with blindness and they
shall hear nothing and they shall see nothing. Nothing shall come from Me,” says God.
“But know this one thing, I will deal with them for their fruit has been bad, and they
are bad trees and now I am going to uproot everything that is false, and you will see
that which is true,” says the Spirit. “For My true power and My true anointing is being
released in this nation upon My servants around this country, even now.”
Let me prophesy to this city. Let me prophesy to this nation. “The false shall shortly be
removed. There’s a 7-year period; a 5-year shifting and a 2-year of anointing.” God
says, “In that period I shall remove the false and the true shall begin to rise up and
there shall be good fruit and there shall be good trees and in that day the leaven shall
be removed which has tried to leaven the entire bunch. But it shall not happen” says
the Spirit. “I am raising up the people in this day that shall go forth in My power, in My
Spirit, with My Word, My anointing, and My Word in their mouths shall be as powerful
as My Word in My mouth.” God says, “I’m giving you authority, I’m giving you power
to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy.”
Hallelujah, take it, take it, take it.
“There are those in this nation, who are in positions of power and authority. In
positions of leadership, govern-en, government, parliament and politics who have
called upon the false prophets who have called upon the sorcerers, have called upon
the power of divination. But that will change in this nation,” says the Lord, “in that
day, for I shall begin to cause them to call upon the true prophets in this hour just like
it is beginning in other nations so it shall be in this nation. And so they shall call upon
the true prophets in this hour and the Holy Spirit shall direct them and the Holy Spirit
shall say to them.”
“I prophesy against the prognostication, I prophesy against discouragement, I
prophesy against negativity, I prophesy against the media, come on now, lets
prophesy tonight, I will not hold back. I prophesy to South Africa and I prophesy to
the kings. I prophesy to the queens and I prophesy to you that the day has come,”
says the Spirit, “where you will no longer entertain the false,
but you shall seek out the true and as you seek out the true I will deliver your nation,
yes even the nations of this hour,” says the Lord.
And many of these false prophets. Many of these sorcerers have attached themselves
to authorities, have attached themselves to leaders and tried to come close and tried
to come near but God is going to place a hunger in their hearts for the true. No more
religion. They sick and tired of religion and the religious mumbo jumbo. They want the
true. There are those going around, right now even, that would try to shut us up.
This is a warning tonight. But I tell you, that there are those that would shut this
prophet up, there are those that would shut my mouth, but the Spirit of the Lord says,
“I shall not permit it. I shall not allow it.”

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