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Periodontology 2000, Vol. 71, 2016, 113–127 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

iley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved PERIODONTOLOGY 2000

Ultrasonic vs. hand

instrumentation in periodontal
therapy: clinical outcomes
R A N J I T H A K R I S H N A & J A M I E A. D E S T E F A N O

Periodontal disease 41, 42, 100, 156). Along with bacteria, cytomegalo-
virus, Epstein–Barr virus, papillomaviruses and her-
The initial culprits in periodontal disease are an array pes simplex virus may contribute to the pathogenesis
of periodontal pathogens that can trigger dysregu- of periodontitis (152). Such dual infections have been
lated immune and inflammatory responses in host shown to be associated with more severe periodontal
periodontal tissues, causing bone and periodontal disease, as herpesviruses in general can enhance
attachment loss (81, 125). Associated with the devel- cytokine release, and Epstein–Barr virus, along with
opment of periodontitis are endogenous and environ- cytomegalovirus, are associated with more severe
mental factors, such as poor oral hygiene, smoking, forms of periodontitis (24, 97, 140). Molecular meth-
stress, obesity, genetic variation and diabetes and ods have also revealed the presence of archaea and
other systemic diseases (157). One goal of periodontal fungi within the subgingival milieu (19, 143).
nonsurgical therapy is to reduce the amount of tooth-
associated biofilms and their biological products,
such as endotoxins, antigens, enzymes and other Halting the progression of
tissue-irritating substances (54). This can be gingivitis
accomplished through changing the subgingival
environment by scaling and root planing or by root Plaque-induced gingivitis is an inflammatory change
debridement, with or without local delivery of antimi- caused by accumulation of a bacterial biofilm on the
crobials and/or antiseptics, and/or the use of adjunc- tooth surface adjacent to the gingival tissues (98) and
tive systemic antimicrobials. This initial therapy is the most common oral disease in dentulous adults
usually does not target the microbial communities (102, 123). Several studies have shown that this com-
associated with other extracellular or intracellular monly occurring plaque-induced gingivitis is a pre-
mucosal niches within the mouth, or systemic colo- cursor of periodontitis (94). Hugoson et al. (68)
nies (84, 92). Although studies have shown saliva, observed, in a cross-sectional study conducted in
cheek, tongue, tonsillar crypts and the palatal surface Sweden over a 30-year period, that improvements in
microbial colonies as additional sources of cross-in- plaque control reduced the prevalence of both gin-
fection to the periodontium within an individual, or givitis and periodontitis.
among individuals (43, 45, 168, 171), nonsurgical ther- According to the classic model proposed by Page &
apy infrequently involves treating the whole mouth, Schroeder (124), the development of gingivitis and its
or the whole body, or treating others in close oral progression to periodontitis occurs in four stages.
contact with the patient, in an effort to control rein- Clinical signs of gingivitis start to appear in the ‘early
fection (11, 12). A statistically significant correlation lesion’ (second stage). Up to the ‘established lesion’
exists between the presence of disease and the quan- (third stage), clinical signs of the disease can be
tity and bacterial composition of dental plaque (11, reversed by disrupting and removing the microbial
plaque biofilm.
The most predictable way of disrupting the micro-
bial plaque, reducing inflammation around the gingi-
In memory of Dr Connie Drisko, an inspiration beyond measure. val margins and thus preventing gingivitis, is by

Krishna & De Stefano

mechanical disruption and removal of the microbial nonsterile calculus produces a granulomatous foreign
plaque community. The effectiveness of this proce- body reaction with a tendency for abscess formation
dure is highly dependent on the skill and ability of the within connective tissue (5). In addition, Listgarten &
individual to remove plaque from all the tooth sur- Ellegaard (96) found that lowering the toxicity of cal-
faces (70). Several studies have investigated how fre- culus by treatment with chlorhexidine gluconate per-
quently plaque needs to be removed to prevent mits the attachment of a junctional epithelium to
gingivitis and reached different conclusions. Lang calculus.
et al. (85) reported that brushing every 48 h prevents It was once believed that plaque, calculus and
gingivitis, whereas Kelner et al. (75) reported that cementum contaminated with bacterial products and
brushing every 24 h is consistent with gingival health. components (e.g. endotoxin) required removal by
In addition, Kelner et al. (75) reported that brushing thorough scaling and root planing to achieve peri-
every 72 h does not prevent development of gingival odontal health. Hatfield & Baumhammers (62) stated
inflammation. The subjects in these studies were that root surfaces exposed to periodontal disease are
dental students and their brushing technique was toxic to growing cells in vitro, and Aleo et al. (3, 4)
supervised by a dental hygienist, resulting in more showed that endotoxin from periodontally involved
plaque removal than average. teeth was toxic to fibroblasts, inhibiting their growth.
The European Workshop on Mechanical Plaque Nabers (112) advocated removing softened and con-
control (86) recognized that meticulous plaque taminated root surface in order to obtain a smooth,
removal every 24 h would be adequate to prevent gin- hard surface that would allow reattachment to occur,
givitis. However, because most people do not remove and Jones & O’Leary (71) promoted root planing as
all the plaque on their tooth surfaces every time they able to render diseased root surfaces approximately
brush, a higher frequency of toothbrushing will result as free of detectable endotoxin as uninvolved,
in better plaque removal (2, 70). In 1995, The Ameri- healthy root surfaces.
can Dental Association made the recommendation for The current general consensus among clinicians
toothbrushing to be performed at least twice a day and clinical researchers is that cementum, although
(30, 66). In a more recent study carried out by Pinto difficult to retain during calculus removal, need not
et al. (128), participants were evaluated for gingival be sacrificed for a good therapeutic outcome (117). It
inflammation at baseline, and 15 and 30 days after appears that endotoxin adheres to root surfaces with-
performing mechanical removal of plaque with differ- out penetration into cementum, and its binding to
ent frequencies of 12, 24, 48 and 72 h; the authors root surfaces appears to be weak (113).
concluded that mechanical removal of plaque up to Root planing with hand instrumentation is able to
every 24 h may prevent an increase in the severity of remove root irregularities that harbor plaque and cal-
gingival inflammation over a period of 30 days. culus, and renders diseased root surfaces free of
Disruption of microbial plaque every 12–24 h is detectable endotoxin (67, 71). However, it has been
ideal for preventing gingivitis. However, in certain sit- shown that gentler techniques, utilizing sonic or
uations in which the thoroughness of plaque removal ultrasonic scalers, are as effective in removing plaque
is questionable, a higher frequency may be desirable. and calculus (110).

Calculus: an important secondary Hand instrumentation vs. sonic/

etiology ultrasonic instrumentation
Calculus, defined as mineralized bacterial plaque, is a Altering the subgingival microbiota to one compatible
gingival irritant, but bacterial plaque has a greater with periodontal health, or reducing the bacterial
pathogenic potential than calculus (33). Calculus has load and calculus deposits on tooth surfaces, can be
both external irregularities and internal channels that achieved with equal effectiveness by hand scalers and
can promote the retention of periodontal pathogens curettes or ultrasonic scaling instruments (14, 15, 27,
and therefore serves as a reservoir for inflammation- 46, 48).
inducing microbial products and components Root debridement is often performed with a combi-
(29, 162). nation of sonic and ultrasonic instruments and hand
An early animal investigation showed that auto- instruments (such as scalers and curettes), followed
claved calculus is only a low-grade irritant, whereas by root planing with hand instruments. There are two

Ultrasonic vs. hand instrumentation in periodontal therapy

basic types of curettes – Universal and Gracey – with better clinical effectiveness with less trauma to the
most models requiring sharpening. These two types hard and soft tissues and can be used for prolonged
of curette differ in the area-specificity, the number of periods of time without sharpening. Several instru-
cutting edges, the curve of the cutting edge and the ments with “edge retention” properties have been
angle of the face to the terminal shank. recently introduced to the market with the claims
The success of periodontal therapy depends on the that these instruments need little or no sharpening,
removal of hard and soft deposits from the root sur- and allow unproblematic maintenance and display
faces (16, 17, 65, 95). Reviews of various studies per- long-term effectiveness. Different metal alloys,
formed under different conditions and in different including stainless steel, high-speed steel, carbon
models have concluded that neither hand nor steel and tungsten carbide, have been shown to influ-
mechanical instruments are superior in removing ence the efficacy and life expectancy of the instru-
subgingival deposits (36, 47, 88, 89, 118, 121, 159). ment (160).
Ultrasonic instruments remove less root structure Sisera et al. (151) evaluated three different instru-
than hand instruments (158, 164) but leave behind a ments with edge-retention technology in comparison
rougher surface (20). Hand instrumentation has been with a standard curette made of stainless-steel alloy.
recommended to smooth the root surface after ultra- They simulated clinical conditions in the laboratory
sonic use as a final finishing procedure in the treat- using bovine central incisors. The concurrent removal
ment of periodontitis-affected roots (139). of dental hard tissue, at predetermined intervals (i.e.
Most commercially available hand instruments number of strokes), was evaluated to monitor the
require sharpening on a regular basis. For decades it effectiveness and hard-tissue damage caused by the
has been accepted knowledge that periodontal instruments. The surface roughness after use was also
instruments must be re-sharpened frequently (37, assessed. The influence of the sterilization process,
119, 161, 177). A few studies have compared changes which may harm the curette material by changing the
in root-surface morphology based on the cutting edge structural components, was also assessed. Of the
of the instruments used (20, 21, 119, 138). O’Leary & three instruments tested, two had titanium nitride
Kafrawy (119) recommended sharpening hand instru- coating and one was made of cryogenically treated
ments after every five working strokes, Coldiron et al. stainless steel. Instruments and the root surfaces were
(47) after every 10 strokes and Rees et al. (133) after evaluated at baseline, after 500, 1000 and 1010
every 12 strokes. Zappa et al. (180) found that after strokes, and after sterilization. The authors found no
the first 20 strokes there was diminished hard-tissue statistically significant difference between the differ-
removal and an increase in pressure applied per ent instruments at different time points regarding the
stroke. Even though all these studies show a decrease amount of tooth structure removed. After 1010
in instrument sharpness and effectiveness, very few strokes and five sterilization cycles, the dentin
clinicians sharpen their instruments every five to 20 removal significantly decreased for all curettes
strokes (180). Although instrument sharpening is the (P ≤ 0.05). It was concluded that although the manu-
deciding factor for clinical effectiveness in achieving a facturers’ claim for the titanium nitride-coated
clean and smooth root surface, sharpening the instru- instruments and the tempered stainless-steel instru-
ment every five to 20 strokes is not very practical and ment about not requiring frequent sharpening over
results in destruction of the original contour of these multiple usage was true, it was also true for the con-
expensive instruments. Re-sharpening can weaken trol curette, which was made of untreated stainless
the scaler, causing breakage during function, or can steel alloy. All instruments lost efficacy after being
create metal tags that are potentially harmful to the repeatedly treated with thermal and chemical steril-
hard and soft tissues. All studies evaluated so far still ization. Another recent study examined the effect of
leave us with the question of how frequently we repeated dry-heat sterilization and autoclave cycles
should sharpen our instruments. How much is too on carbon-steel and stainless-steel curettes during
much and how much is too little? Most studies sug- scaling and root planing. Carbon-steel curettes were
gest that depending on the quality of the alloy and more likely to be affected by surface corrosion prod-
the pressure used for root planing, we may be able to ucts and edge deterioration than were stainless-steel
retain sharpness for a greater number of strokes than curettes. Using 2% sodium nitrite to inhibit corrosion
originally thought. before sterilization greatly reduced the oxidation of
Owing to the above problems with instrument the metal surface (129).
sharpening, clinicians and instrument manufacturers Recently, diamond-coated curettes have been
have been seeking instruments that can achieve introduced for scaling and root planing with conven-

Krishna & De Stefano

tional curettes. Eick et al. (50) evaluated the efficacy smooth surface morphology, as determined by pro-
of an additional use of diamond-coated Gracey cur- filometric findings (145, 169).
ettes on surface roughness, adhesion of periodontal Powered scalers utilized in debridement proce-
ligament fibroblasts and detection of Streptococcus dures are classified into sonic and ultrasonic instru-
gordonii in vitro after conventional root planing. The ments according to their working frequencies. The
curettes used were diamond coated at the working frequency (or speed) and the amplitude (or length) of
ends with a 15 lm grit size of natural diamond granu- the stroke are important parameters to consider
late. The authors found that the additional instru- when using ultrasonic scalers. The power setting that
mentation with the diamond-coated curettes resulted is normally tuned manually controls the length of the
in a two-fold increase in the number of attached peri- stroke, or amplitude. It has been shown that vibration
odontal ligament fibroblasts but not in the numbers displacement amplitude at the scaling tip is equally
of adhered bacteria. The authors concluded that con- effective in scaling efficiency at half power or full
ventional root planing with Gracey curettes followed power (69). However, the chipping action, which not
by subsequent polishing with diamond-coated cur- only removes calculus but can damage root structure,
ettes, may result in a root surface that provides favor- is greater at higher power settings (87). Also, the tip
able conditions for adhesion of periodontal ligament displacement amplitude at a medium power setting
fibroblasts without increasing microbial adhesion of 5 or 6 is higher with piezoelectric scalers than with
(50). However, this study did not evaluate the instru- magnetostrictive units. This observation supports the
ments for their ability to remove calculus, but rather findings of Busslinger et al. that piezoelectric devices
evaluated the effect of the instruments on root-sur- create a higher degree of root damage compared with
face properties. magnetostrictive scalers running at the same power
Only a limited number of studies have examined setting (28, 52, 53). The greater the frequency, the
the differences, between instruments, in retention of higher the energy output but the smaller the active
the cutting edge (151, 160, 161). Several studies have area of the tip. A lower frequency, of 25 kHz, results
compared stainless-steel instruments with those of in an active area of 4.3 mm at the terminal tip,
carbon steel, to see how the alloy mix affects the whereas a higher frequency, of 50 kHz, will result in
hardness of the cutting edge, and have reported con- an active area of only 2.3 mm. At low frequency
flicting results. In the study carried out by Tal and under a load of 25 g, the active area of the tip is
coworkers (160, 161), the stainless-steel curettes increased, allowing deeper pocket depths to be
showed significant edge attrition after 45 strokes reached with diminished generation of heat, thus pre-
compared with the high-speed steel, cemented-car- venting thermal damage and patient discomfort (88).
bide steel and high-carbon steel instruments. Goro- Sonic powered instruments operate at frequencies in
khovsky et al. (57) showed significantly less wear on the sonic range of 2–8 kHz (cycles per second) and
instruments with a 10 multilayer titanium nitride/ti- are driven to vibrate by compressed air striking a
tanium coating compared with uncoated high-chro- metal rod within the handpiece to produce audible
mium stainless-steel scalers – wear resistance of the oscillations that travel down to the attached scaling
former was increased by at least 12.5 times and clini- tip. The vibrating tip produces elliptical to orbital
cal usefulness extended from 3 months to 6– motions with all sides of the tip able to adapt to the
11 months, depending on the rate of use. They also root surface (55, 93). The two types of ultrasonic sca-
found that steam sterilization at 260°C for 30 min and lers are based on either magnetostrictive (e.g. Cavit-
215 cycles of ultrasonic cleaning had no negative ronâ) or piezoelectric (e.g. Piezon Master 400â,
effects on either the titanium-coated or stainless-steel Symmetry IQâ) mechanisms. The magnetostrictive
curettes. ultrasonic instruments are driven to vibrate by an
Dentin removal and surface roughness have been electric current supplied to either a wire coil, metal
examined in earlier instrumentation studies (51, 72, stacks made of nickel–iron alloy, or to a ferrous rod in
105, 107, 126, 167, 178). Benfenati et al. (20) analyzed the handpiece, producing a magnetic field that causes
scanning electron microscopy images of root surfaces the oscillation generator to change shape or dimen-
and found that blunt instruments produced smoother sion, creating the high vibrational energy that travels
root surfaces compared with sharp instruments, even to the scaler tip (10, 47). The piezoelectric scalers use
though they did not completely remove all the depos- electrical energy to electrosize crystals housed within
its on the root surface. A damaged curette created the handpiece. The dimensional changes of these
deep scratches on the root surface. In more recent crystals cause the generation of high vibrational
studies, curettes have proven to create a relatively energy that travels to the tip (53). Magnetostrictive

Ultrasonic vs. hand instrumentation in periodontal therapy

ultrasonic scalers have elliptical tip movement and treatment site, but creates acoustic turbulence,
operate between 18,000 and 45,000 cycles/second, streaming and cavitation. Extreme conditions of pres-
much faster than sonic scalers, with an amplitude sure and temperature that destroy cell walls and kill
that ranges from 10 to 100 lm. All surfaces of the tip – bacteria are produced by the cavitation resulting from
front, side and back – are simultaneously active with the formation and break down of microscopic bub-
the elliptical vibratory movement (53). The metal bles (cavities) created as water passes through the
stack in the magnetostrictive scaler generates heat, handpiece. Water exiting the tip creates acoustic
and to prevent overheating it requires plenty of irriga- microstreaming and turbulence, further agitating and
tion during scaling. It is recommended that the flow disrupting the content of the pocket. Microjets that
rate be at least 20–30 ml/min to prevent a tempera- impact on the tooth surface aid in the removal of pla-
ture increase of more than 5°C that could potentially que and stain but can also produce pitting in an area
damage the pulp and dentin (115). Piezoelectric of 0.66 mm2 (47, 83, 172–175).
devices do not generate much heat and require less Increased loading with tips contacting the tooth at
irrigant; however, the cooler water might cause more 0.25–1.0 N (or 25–100 g) demonstrated a nonlinear
sensitivity during the procedure. Magnetostrictive increase in displacement amplitude, which was sig-
scalers have tips that are interchangeable as long as nificantly different from the unloaded tip response,
the unit is of the same frequency, whereas piezoelec- suggesting high variability associated with ultrasonic
tric tips are of proprietary design and therefore are inserts because specific power levels are required for
not interchangeable. When using the magnetostric- different tips to achieve the same level of calculus
tive ultrasonic scaler to remove heavy calculus depos- and plaque removal (87).
its on supra- and subgingival sites, it is best to use a Another explanation for variability in tip perfor-
large tip on medium to high power. In subgingival mance is reduction in tip length from repeated clini-
sites, the tip should be introduced to the base of the cal use and wear. A 1 mm reduction in wear results in
pocket, moving coronally with paintbrush and light- close to 25% loss of efficiency, whilst a 2 mm reduc-
pressure strokes that are parallel to the long axis of tion in wear reduces the vibration displacement
the tooth. At the feel of a calculus ledge, the tip amplitude by approximately 50%, requiring immedi-
should be moved to the coronal aspect of the calculus ate tip replacement. Scaler tip wear is reduced by dia-
and tapped in an apical direction to break it away mond coating. The diamond tips have been shown to
from the surface of the root. Thin tips on medium to remove calculus rapidly, especially at furcation areas.
high power are used to remove hard calculus from However, they also lead to increased overall root-sur-
furcations, concavities and deeper pockets. Thin tips face removal (169).
made of especially filtered titanium nitride/stainless- Even though earlier studies have shown that ultra-
steel alloy can sustain high power without breaking. It sonic scaling was enhanced by irrigation with povi-
is important to follow power debridement with sharp done iodine, resulting in attachment gains of 50%
hand instruments, such as Gracey curettes, to remove more than those receiving either ultrasonic debride-
any residual calculus and smooth the root surface. ment alone or periodontal surgery, randomized clini-
Piezoelectric ultrasonic scalers produce a linear cal trials by Del Peloso Ribeiro et al. (42) and
vibratory movement that permits two lateral sides of Leonhardt et al. (91) found no additional benefits in
the tip to be active, operating at 25,000–50,000 cycles/ using either a 0.5% or a 10% solution of povidone
second, with amplitude of 12–72 lm. The recom- iodine as an irrigant during debridement with ultra-
mended technique for using the piezoelectric scaler is sonic devices. A study describing the use of 0.12%
from a coronal to apical direction. The crown of the chlorhexidine gluconate as an irrigant during subgin-
tooth should be paintbrushed, with the tip held lat- gival ultrasonic scaling demonstrated no enhanced
eral to the tooth surface, using light pressure and clinical outcomes (31), and a second study showed a
overlapping strokes moving down to the base of the significant reduction in pocket depth at a 28-day
pocket, always with the lateral side of the tip as paral- recall examination, suggesting that certain antimicro-
lel as possible to the long axis of the tooth. The vibra- bial irrigants may enhance ultrasonic debridement
tion patterns and frequency of piezoelectric and (134). No studies have been published using 0.5%
magnetostrictive scalers facilitate the dispersal, sodium hypochlorite as an adjunct irrigant during
crushing and removal of calculus with a continuous ultrasonic debridement.
water coolant (88). Although the primary mode of A systematic review of controlled clinical trials, with
operation is the physical vibratory action of the oscil- 6 months or more of follow up, assessed the differ-
lating tip, the irrigant not only provides cooling at the ences between ultrasonic, sonic and manual debride-

Krishna & De Stefano

ment for the treatment of chronic periodontitis. It Comparison of root-surface instrumentation using
was found that the mean gain in clinical attachment manual curettes, magnetostrictive ultrasonic scalers
level, the mean reduction in probing depth and the and rotary instruments demonstrated nonsignificant
mean reduction in bleeding on probing were similar differences between the three groups in the amount
for both machine-driven and hand instruments. Pro- of calculus remaining, loss of tooth substance and
cedures using machine-driven instruments, however, roughness of root surface after root planing; however,
took significantly less time (36.6% less than hand magnetostrictive ultrasonic scaling showed the lowest
instrumentation) and caused less soft-tissue trauma mean scores for the roughness/loss of tooth sub-
but more root damage (165). A second systematic stance index, indicating less removal of cementum
review, carried out by Needlemann et al. (114), and fewer marks of instrumentation on the dentin
assessed supragingival and subgingival plaque surface (101). Kawashima et al. (74) compared the
removal using hand instruments (scalers and cur- effectiveness of two piezoelectric ultrasonic scalers
ettes) and powered instruments (sonic, ultrasonic, and a hand scaler for subgingival scaling and root
rotating devices and air-polishing devices). They planing in vivo and found similar results, showing
found that repeated oral-hygiene instructions showed that the remaining calculus index did not differ signif-
similar effects to professional mechanical plaque icantly among the groups but the roughness/loss of
removal using either technique. tooth substance index was significantly lower for the
Early investigations demonstrated that hand instru- groups treated with the piezoelectric ultrasound unit.
mentation by curettes, as well as by very fine rotating Manual and ultrasonic scalers have been shown to
diamonds, created the smoothest root surfaces, be equally effective in subgingival plaque removal.
whereas “vibrating” instruments, such as sonic and Oosterwaal et al. (121) showed equal outcomes in
ultrasonic scalers, as well as coarse diamonds, tended reducing the counts of rods, spirochetes and motile
to roughen the root surface (144). Cobb (35) found organisms with either manual or ultrasonic magne-
manual curettes more technique sensitive and time tostrictive scaling on the subgingival microbiota in
consuming but more efficient with increased probing periodontal pockets with probing depths of 6–9 mm.
depths. Equivalent clinical outcomes, however, have Baehni et al. (18) compared the effects, on the sub-
been shown in studies comparing ultrasonic units gingival microbiota, of scaling using a piezoelectric
with hand scaling. A mean probing-depth reduction instrument with scaling using a sonic instrument and
of 1.2–2.7 mm was observed with the use of ultra- reported no differences between the two techniques
sonic instruments, and values similar to those were in microscopy or culture observations.
obtained with conventional hand instrumentation, The efficacy of ultrasonic scalers on the removal of
showing a reduction of 1.29 mm for moderate pock- endotoxin has also been investigated. Nishimine &
ets and 2.16 mm for deep pockets (36, 47). According O’Leary (116) found that ultrasonic scaling resulted in
to a systematic review conducted by Van der Weijden average residual endotoxin values (i.e. 16.8 ng/ml)
& Timmerman (166), subgingival mechanical instru- approximately eight times higher than those after
mentation resulted in a mean attachment gain of hand scaling (i.e. 2.09 ng/ml). Smart et al. found
0.30–1.02 mm in pockets with an initial depth of up endotoxin levels of <2.5 ng per root after debride-
to 4 mm and a mean attachment gain of up to ment with a magnetostrictive ultrasound unit, which
1.58 mm in pockets with an initial depth of ≥7 mm. was enough to allow fibroblast reattachment (155).
The literature on the physical effects of magne- Several investigators have reported that ultrasonic
tostrictive and piezoelectric ultrasonic scaling devices instruments can save 20–50% of time used for peri-
on tooth surfaces has shown varying results. For odontal debridement (32, 35, 49), and cause less dis-
example, Flemmig et al. (52) reported that use of a comfort to the patient, while showing equal healing
magnetostrictive scaler for root debridement resulted responses of the affected periodontium (145, 165,
in a rougher root surface compared with use of a 176). In addition, debridement using ultrasonic
piezoelectric device. By contrast, Busslinger et al. (28) instrumentation has been shown to be more effective
showed that after root instrumentation, a piezoelec- in areas of limited access, such as in furcations, deep
tric device left a rougher surface than a magnetostric- vertical defects or any area with limited access (49).
tive device. A recent study showed that root surfaces Comparison between hand instruments and sonic
treated with a piezoelectric scaler using 200 g of lat- and ultrasonic scalers did not show a clear advantage
eral force were smoother than those treated with a for the machine-driven instruments (165), and tissue
magnetostrictive device with the same lateral force trauma was similar with both instruments (6). Hand
(179). instruments yielded greater improvements in clinical

Ultrasonic vs. hand instrumentation in periodontal therapy

parameters, such as bleeding on probing, compared greatest amount of adhesion of Streptococcus san-
with instrumentation using an ultrasonic system (34). guinis was obtained after hand instrumentation (122).
Use of conventional Gracey curettes may result in Schwarz et al. (146) published a systematic review
higher substance loss, but significantly better calculus that discussed the clinical effect of laser application
removal (26, 79, 145) and smoother surfaces, com- compared with mechanical debridement in patients
pared with sonic and ultrasonic instrumentation (26, undergoing nonsurgical periodontal therapy. They
79, 80, 135). also reviewed existing literature in relation to the
Around implant abutments, studies have observed safety of laser applications. Owing to the heterogene-
that the use of plastic and titanium curettes resulted ity of the different articles reviewed, they were not
in smoother surfaces compared with the use of steel able to perform a meta-analysis. However, based on
curettes (106). Several studies have confirmed the the limited evidence available, they concluded that
finding that hand instrumentation produced much both Er:YAG lasers and mechanical debridement
smoother surfaces with fewer irregularities and yielded similar results, both short term and long term
grooves compared with sonic and ultrasonic instru- (up to 24 months). Miyazaki et al. (108) compared
ments (13, 107). the effect of CO2 and neodymium-doped yttrium alu-
Apart from producing a smooth surface free of bac- minium garnet (Nd:YAG) laser monotherapy with that
teria, another goal of scaling and root planing is to of ultrasonic scaling, and reported significant reduc-
facilitate fibroblast cell attachment on the root sur- tions in probing depths in all treatment groups after
face. Studies have shown that a very low number of 1, 4 and 12 weeks of healing. However, only the Nd:
fibroblasts attach on untreated root surfaces with YAG group and the ultrasonic group showed signifi-
periodontal disease (15, 76). Studies in which diode cant reductions in bleeding on probing and gain in
lasers were used did not report an increase in the clinical attachment level. Aoki et al. (7) reported that
numbers of attached cells after scaling and root plan- neither CO2 nor Nd:YAG lasers were able to remove
ing (82). root surface calculus satisfactorily and that they pro-
Ultrasonic scaling in combination with a CO2 laser duced root-surface alterations as a result of heat gen-
was compared with hand scaling and root planing; erated during irradiation. Studies evaluating Er:YAG
more pronounced fibroblast attachment was found laser monotherapy for initial (38, 44, 147, 148, 150) or
with the additional use of a CO2 laser (39). Similar maintenance (163) therapy have shown considerable
results of increased fibroblast attachment were also improvements in all periodontal clinical parameters
found in a study investigating the effect of using after treatment. The microbiological results reported
erbium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet (Er:YAG) by Schwarz et al. (147, 148) indicate that subgingival
lasers (149). In contrast, some studies have found no bacteria repopulate periodontal pockets 3–6 months
difference between rotary instruments and hand scal- after treatment with Er:YAG lasers, indicating that
ing (77). In the study by Eick et al. (50) the number of there are no additional benefits of using lasers over
fibroblasts attached doubled when the surface was conventional therapy.
treated with diamond-coated curettes. The fibroblast Bower (25) has shown that in 81% of maxillary and
orientation suggested that moderate roughness of the mandibular molars the furcation entrance is 1.0 mm
root surface was beneficial for cell attachment. Eick or less, and in 58% the diameter is 0.75 mm or less.
et al. (50) did not find any additional bacterial adhe- The blade face-width of curettes used in scaling and
sion after instrumentation with diamond-coated cur- root planing ranges from 0.75 mm to 1.10 mm, limit-
ettes compared with Gracey curettes alone. More ing movement of the blade within a space of the same
studies are needed to evaluate the relationship size (25). Leon & Vogel (90) showed that in Class I fur-
between bacterial adhesion and the attachment of cations, hand scaling and ultrasonic debridement
fibroblast cells on root-surface roughness. have equivalent access and consequent effects on
The roughness of the root surface after a scaling microbial outcome, whereas in Class II and Class III
procedure is a factor to consider for maintenance furcations, ultrasonic debridement is significantly
because it has been shown that bacterial plaque more effective than hand scaling in decreasing the
adheres more easily to rough root surfaces than to counts of motile rods and spirochetes and in main-
smooth root surfaces (78, 89). Studies have shown taining decreased bacterial counts in these sites. Sig-
that initial bacterial adhesion always occurs on sur- nificantly thinner ultrasonic tips, measuring
face irregularities (130). However, a study comparing 0.55 mm, are smaller than the working ends of the
hand instrumentation with Er:YAG lasers and ultra- smallest curettes, making them a superior choice for
sonics showed that the roughest root surface with the calculus removal at moderate and severe furcation

Krishna & De Stefano

sites. In favor of sonic or ultrasonic instruments, a suggested that the minimum inhibitory concentration
reduction in the quantity of bacteria will create a bal- profiles are different for bacteria in biofilm than for
ance between the host response and the residual bacteria in the planktonic state (22, 120, 181). This
organisms, leading to good therapeutic outcome (27). could be a result of the fact that bacteria in biofilm
Traditional periodontal therapy involves scaling exist in different physiological stages of their life
and root planing, one quadrant at a time, with a 1- cycle. The biofilm also contains different species of
week interval between appointments. This kind of bacteria, protozoa, fungi and viruses; communities
treatment, whilst effective, does not reduce the over- composed of hundreds of interacting species that,
all burden of microbes in the oral cavity and there is once established, survive in the crevicular environ-
always a chance of cross-infection between treated ment and challenge the innate, inflammatory and
and untreated sites. To address this problem, in 1995, adaptive immune responses that are unable to clear
Quirynen et al. (131) introduced the concept of full- or completely remove the biofilm (9, 109). Also, the
mouth disinfection. In this procedure, full-mouth biofilm matrix is composed of complex polymers
scaling and root debridement were performed within inhibiting penetration and distribution of molecules
a 24-h period, subgingival irrigation (repeated three toward the central region containing the most viable
times within a 10-min period) was carried out with bacteria. The disruption of biofilm by mechanical
1% chlorhexidine gel, the tongue was brushed with debridement and the establishment of daily oral-hy-
1% chlorhexidine gel and the mouth was rinsed with giene practices are central features of effective non-
0.2% chlorhexidine. Quirynen et al. (131) showed that surgical periodontal therapy, possibly by rendering
this yielded a better short-term result than the con- this intricate biofilm community more susceptible to
ventional treatment protocol for periodontal disease. adjunctive approaches (9).
However, conflicting findings have been reported A systematic review (60) that focused on the use of
regarding the benefits of scaling and root planing, or antimicrobials as an adjunct to mechanical debride-
root debridement, according to quadrants, over a ment and surgical therapy, as well as when used as a
number of visits, compared with one-stage monotherapy, concluded that the use of antimicro-
full-mouth instrumentation. It has been shown that bials as a monotherapy did not produce any signifi-
nonsurgical instrumentation performed in one visit, cant improvements in clinical outcomes and
or quadrant scaling performed in days, or weeks, concluded that “there was insufficient evidence to
had no significant impact on the treatment outcome support the use of antibiotics as a monotherapy in
(8, 141). periodontitis patients”. The American Academy of
The limited additional benefits of full-mouth Periodontology position paper on systemic antibiotics
debridement include a shorter treatment time and in 1996 suggested that based on the concept of “good
use of less material in the clinic, but at the expense of medical practice”, mechanical debridement should
time needed to optimize home oral-hygiene protocols always precede medications (1). This conclusion was
and to develop a strong patient/practice relationship also supported in a review by Slots (153). A systematic
to encourage patient compliance with oral-hygiene review conducted in 2008 (63), which attempted to
protocols. It is well established that the absence of assess the benefits of prescribing antibiotics during
good oral hygiene will result in the repopulation of the nonsurgical therapy phase vs. the surgical phase,
deep pockets 4–8 weeks following subgingival instru- remained inconclusive. However, two studies (58, 73)
mentation. Hence, good plaque control can suppress that were not included in the above review showed
repopulation of previously treated subgingival sites better clinical outcomes when a combination of
and affect the microbial populations in periodontally amoxicillin and metronidazole was given to a group
involved sites that were not treated. Optimal oral of patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis
hygiene is key to successful nonsurgical therapeutic during the initial therapy phase, and a synergistic
outcomes (99, 111). effect against the causative bacteria, Aggregatibacter
actinomycetemcomitans, has been noted in vitro
with a combination of metronidazole and
Can antimicrobial therapy be amoxicillin (127).
effective if the biofilm is not Periodontitis is an infection and the causitive
mechanically disrupted? microorganisms often invade other tissues in the
body. These microbes adhere to the surfaces of teeth
Studies have shown that bacterial resistance is much in a very organized and complex manner to form a
higher in biofilms. Several authors have also biofilm called dental plaque. At the 5th European

Ultrasonic vs. hand instrumentation in periodontal therapy

Workshop of Periodontology, it was concluded that in teeth with periodontal disease, to a level compara-
“Dental plaque displays properties that are typical of ble with that of periodontally healthy teeth (142). A
biofilms and microbial communities in general, a study performed in dogs showed that irrigation with
clinical consequence of which is a reduced suscepti- sodium hypochlorite resulted in histological signs of
bility to antimicrobial agents as well as pathologic increased osteoblastic activity, even though overall
synergism” (104). In a systematic review presented at healing and pocket-depth reduction was equal to that
the European Workshop in 2002, Herrera et al. (64) obtained by scaling and root planing alone (170). It is
concluded that in certain clinical situations, such as important to note that chlorhexidine has the poten-
in patients with deep pockets, with progressive or tial to induce a dose-dependent reduction in fibrob-
refractory disease, or with specific microbiological last proliferation and, at lower concentrations, to
profiles, the use of adjunctive systemic antimicrobials alter the production of collagen and noncollagen pro-
may be beneficial. In another systematic review, pre- tein by these cells (103). A potentially adverse effect of
sented at the World Workshop in 2003, Haffajee et al. povidone-iodine is that it can interfere with thyroid
(60) concluded that even though systemic antibiotic metabolism, especially in patients with thyroid dys-
therapy could somewhat help conventional peri- function. Prolonged exposure to iodine can cause goi-
odontal therapy, because of the absence of a well-de- ter, alter synthesis of thyroid hormones, or induce
fined protocol, it was prudent to stick to conventional myxedema or hyperthyroidism (154). A mixture of
mechanical therapy alone. sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, and hydrogen
Povidone-iodine, dilute sodium hypochlorite and peroxide, in conjunction with scaling and root plan-
chlorhexidine gluconate have been used for pocket ing, has been shown to reduce the microbiota and
irrigation during, or following, root-debridement pro- arrest the breakdown of periodontal tissues, and to
cedures with the intent of applying bactericidal agent promote early periodontal healing with gain in
in areas where root planing is less than ideal as a attachment levels and gain in alveolar bone mass
result of anatomy or local factors. Locally applied (136, 137).
antimicrobial systems containing minocycline, doxy- When sites of inflammation have not responded to
cycline, tetracycline, metronidazole and chlorhexi- initial periodontal therapy, advanced periodontal
dine have been used with the intent of reducing the therapy and/or periodontal maintenance therapy,
numbers of viable pathogens in biofilms and sup- locally delivered antibiotics can be used. Locally
pressing the reformation of biofilms (23, 56, 59). The delivered antimicrobials are placed in a periodontal
delivery of local antimicrobial therapy, alone, or in pocket with a delivery system and released in a con-
conjuction with scaling and root planing, has been trolled manner, allowing the minimum inhibitory
reviewed in a meta-analysis by Hanes & Purvis (61). concentration of the antimicrobial to be achieved for
In this analysis, they compared 19 studies that used a prolonged period of time. Local antimicrobials
adjunctive local-delivery antimicrobials, such as include: Atridoxâ, a 10% doxycycline gel in a bioab-
minocycline gel, microencapsulated minocycline, sorbable mixture that, when placed below the gingi-
chlorhexidine chips and doxycycline gel, and found val margin, flows to the bottom of the pocket, adapts
significant probing-depth reduction and clinical to the root surface and releases active drug over a
attachment gain when compared with scaling and period of 21 days; PerioChipâ, a 2.5 mg chlorhexidine
root planing alone. The use of sustained-release anti- biodegradable chip that is placed in the periodontal
infective agents has been shown to reduce probing pocket and maintains activity for up to 7–10 days;
depths and bleeding on probing in some populations, and Arestinâ, a powder containing 1 mg of minocy-
similarly to that achieved by scaling and root planing cline spheres that remain active in the pocket for up
alone (24, 61). The use of antimicrobial irrigants or to 14 days. A 2003 workshop on periodontitis found
anti-infective sustained-release systems did not show statistically significant improvement in clinical
any significant adverse effects on patients. Although attachment levels with adjunctive use of Atridox or
some studies have shown that chlorhexidine irriga- the PerioChip combined with scaling and root plan-
tion during scaling and root planing, compared with ing (61) and Grossi et al. (59) found that compared
scaling and root planing alone, did not have a positive with scaling and root planing alone, the use of
adjunctive effect (40, 132), povidone-iodine (Be- minocycline microspheres significantly improved
tadineâ, Iodopaxâ) showed positive adjunctive probing depths, clinical attachment levels and
effects, both in clinical indices and microbial parame- bleeding on probing, and resulted in a reduction of
ters. In addition, use of sodium hypochlorite (0.1– red complex bacteria in smokers with chronic
0.5%) showed an 80-fold reduction of root endotoxin periodontitis.

Krishna & De Stefano

Concluding remarks single-visit full-mouth disinfection procedure before

scaling and root planing, quadrant by quadrant, helps
Nonsurgical periodontal therapy involves mechanical to reduce the overall bacterial load and has been
removal and disruption of bacterial colonies from the shown to have additional benefits.
tooth and root surfaces. This can be accomplished by Nonsurgical treatment is the keystone to successful
hand, sonic and ultrasonic scalers. Root planing with treatment of any patient with periodontal disease. It
hand instruments render remove the root irregulari- is important for the clinician to understand the differ-
ties that harbor plaque and calculus. Root planing ent instruments used, adjunctive therapies available
with sonic and ultrasonic instruments remove less of and the best practices established in order to achieve
the tooth structure, but leave behind a rough surface. optimal results.
However, both techniques are equally effective in
removing plaque and calculus deposits.
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