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Alyssa Myers

EDU 201
November 7, 2013
Service Learning Summary

Volunteering to help out my church, Moapa Christian Church, in the

children’s Sunday school was a great experience for me. I got to know some of

the kids and spend more time with them. I knew most of the kids, but I actually

did not know some of the kids that attended, which was surprising because it is

a very small church.

My first week, I assisted the Sunday school teacher and helped give out

prizes, helped the kids answer questions, conducted games, rehearsed memory

verses, the basics of teaching a Sunday school class. As the weeks progressed, I

actually helped teach a couple of lessons. I was given a lesson plan a week

before so I knew what I was doing. The Sunday school teacher relaxed a little

and let me take over a bit. I was nervous at first but the kids just made it fun and

enjoyable. The lesson plan made it more simple and easy. It basically was a

script for me. I understand why lesson plans are so important now.

This experience made me think about joining the children’s ministry in the

future. Leaders and teachers are needed in that ministry more than anything,

not just for the little children’s chapel, but also for the youth, and young adults

classes. Now that I have some insight on what it takes, and what a blessing it

could be, I will surely try to start helping more and get more involved so I too can

be a Sunday school teacher.

I am thankful for the Service Learning experience with CSN because it has

opened my eyes to a whole new light that I can see myself getting involved in. I

never even thought of becoming a teacher, or a teacher’s assistant for Sunday


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