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Some people think that robots will give us more opportunities of having jobs and that we

shouldn’t care that much about the advance in their development. These people think that
robots will always be as dumb as they are today. What they don’t take into account is the
fact that technology makes big advances daily and that it gets cheaper and better too.

Obviously, there’s some people that cares a lot about this, because not even programing
would be a possible job in a future with “perfect” robots, and “mechanical minds” are the
cause. These mechanical minds can perfectly replace a programer easily, by programing the
“mechanical muscles” so all this should be an automatic process made entirely by robots.
Also, taking into account that these mechanical muscles and these mechanical minds don’t
need any resting or food, they can work all the time without a lot of effort with more strength
and with more speed. Not even creativity is a trait that could not be imitated by robots, just
like Emily Howell case, (skdjbakdjbckdjbd). In conclusion almost all of our jobs can be
done by a robot, letting us with nothing to do against this.

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