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LK PROF 1.1 Analyzing Logical Relation in a text

a. Read the following text on “Cassava”.
b. Find the conjunctions which suggest that a logical relation is being made.
c. Drag them into the table provided below according to the type of relation being expressed (eg. Addition,
condition, etc).

Cassava is the staple food of millions of people in Africa, Asia and central America. Its swollen,
tuberous root can be boiled, mashed or grated to produce a flour which can be made into small
cakes. The importance of the crop is partly because it can be left in the ground for two to three
years without causing deterioration. Therefore it is a useful insurance against famine. In other
words, it was thought to be a very useful crop. However, recent findings suggest that it has a
number of disadvantages.
First, since the tuber consists almost entirely of starch, it is very low in protein. Therefore reliance
on cassava can lead to serious malnutrition. Furthermore, some varieties, when grown under
certain conditions of soil and climate, develop a high prussic acid content and become extremely
poisonous to people and livestock.
In addition a new danger has been observed over the past few years in Nigeria.
For example, doctors there have begun to suspect that if large amounts of
cassava are eaten during pregnancy deformities may be caused in the
developing fetus. The result of this is thought to be various kinds of brain or other
neuronal malformations in babies.

Addition & Comparison & Exemplification &

Cause & Condition Time & Place
Replacement Contrast Restatement
Furthermore However For example because
In addition Therefore

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