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Alyssa Myers

EDU 214
February 3, 2014
Classroom Layout

My classroom layout is based on how I think my students will learn and be involved more by the way the

class is set up. I have the smart board in front of the desks so that when I use it, all eyes will be able to see. The

computer center is up in the front because the front of the class is basically the media center. When they are

presenting, they will be seen. The desks are set up by fours in a row so when I have my students play a game,

let’s say jeopardy, they already have their teams set up. I want my students to work together and not feel so

alone. The chairs are different colors so when I try to get my students to know each other, not just who is sitting

next to them, they can find a partner with the same blue, or same red, on the opposite side of the classroom. I

have the reading center and the library next to each other in the back of the classroom so they won’t be

distracted and they can relax and read a book that is assigned to them. I have a table in the back for the

project center. This table is for use when I assign a group project, they can sit in the back and have their

privacy to work together. The table is next to my desk because if my students have a question, I’m right there

next to them to answer and to watch to see if they’re on task and really working instead of just socializing. I

have my desk in the back of the classroom so I can see what all my students are up to.
Computer Center Smart Board Computer Station

Student Desks

Reading Center
Desk Center

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