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1) Final packing of carbohydrates occur in

a) Golgi apparatus (answer)

2) Regarding cell cycling G2 phase is between

a) S-M (answer)

b) G1-S

3) Miosis one is characterized by

a) Longest phase is Prophase (answer)

4) Drug causing thrombocytopenia

a) Thiazide diuretics (1st aid) (answer)

5) Vagal stimulation causes

a) Decreased heart rate(answer)

6) Diffusion of a gas is directly propotional to

a) Thickness of membrane

b) Surface area of membrane

7) Stored blood after two weeks contains

a) RBCs only (answer)

b) Platelets only

c) All cell lines

8) Vitelline duct remnant

a) Meckel diverticulum (answer)

9) Potent stimulus of gastric secretion is

a) Proteins (amino acids ) (answer)

10)Before starting warfarin therapy what must be tested

a) PT (answer)

11) Endocervix epithelium is changed into stratified squamous type..

a) Metaplasia (answer)

b) Dysplasia (occurs in HPV so incorrect)

12)Which of them causes constriction of VASCULAR smooth muscles by acting through IP3/DAG

a) ADH ( answer) (v2 acts by cAMP, v1 acts by IP3/DAG to constrict muscle)

b) Aldosterone (acta by steroid mechanism)

c) Oxytocin (acts by IP3 DAG but not on VASCULAR)

13)Grading of a tumour means

a) Differntiaion (answer)

14) EBV causes

a) Burkit lymphoma (answer)

15)SUPERFICIAL epigastric artery is branch of

a) Femoral artery (answer)

REMEBER(superior epigastric by internal thoracic and inferior epigastric by external iliac)

16) Brocas area damage along with near structures blood supply by

a) Middle cerebral artery (answer)

17) Most carcinomas have

a) Keratin (answer)

b) Desmin
18) Pulsation of femoral artery is felt at

a) Min inguinal point (answer)

b) Mid point of inguinal ligament (tricky remember its point where femoral NERVE passes)

19)Which change makes possible for mother to lactate for whole year

a) Lobular hyperplasia (answer)

20) Trauma to visual area in which peripheral vision loss bilaterally central intact

a) PCA (answer) (occipital lobe lesion causes macular sparing)

b) ICA

c) ACA

21) Adrenergic stimulation occurs by BETA receptors in which of following

a) Vessels

b) Mydriasis

c) Heart (answer) (M1 receptors are in heart others two have alpha control)

22) Left shift of Hb dissociation curve

a) Acidosis

b) Hypothermia (answer)

23) Endocarditis after 3 weeks of fever scenario hepatospleenomegally splinter haemorge murmur, which
investigation appropriate

a) Blood culture (answer)

b) Serology (its done for rheumatic fever to detect ASO titre)

c) Stool culture

24) Man with heaviness in abdomen total scenario of CML which change

a) 9:22 translocation (answer)

25) UMN type lesion involves

a) Corticospinal and corticobulbar (answer)

b) Rubrospinal

c) Vesticulospinal

26) Meningitis attack, Rx given after few weeks morning headache papillidema

a) Hydrocephalus (answer)

27) Long scenario showing alkalosis, hypertension increased aldosterone

a) CONN syndrome (answer) (it causes hypokalemia and alkalosis)

28) Head injury man hyperventilating values were given

a) Respiratory alkalosis (answer)

29) Bacterial meningitis drug of choice

a) Cetriaxone (answer)

30) ARGYL ROBERTSON pupil with accomdation but no light reflex lesion at

a) Pretectal area (Answer)

b) Optic nerve ( its damage in afferent defect)

c) Edinger westphal… (it is for accommodation)

31) Outflow of basal ganglia neurotransmitter

a) GABA (Answer)

b) Glutamate

32) Phrenic nerve near its origin passes anterior to which muscle

a) Scaleini anterior (Answer)

b) Scalenie medius
c) SCmastoid

33) IgM Feature

a) Monomer

b) Crosses placenta

c) Activates complement (Answer)

34) Lungs are in expanded position in chest due to

a) Negative intrapleural pressure (Answer)

b) Increased surface tension

35) Symptoms of infectious mononucleosis were given and asked which test to be done

a) Hetrophile antibody (Answer)

36) Scenario of iron def anemia in female

a) Iron is absorbed in ferric form

b) Iron requires intrinsic factor for absorption

c) Dietry iron is absorbed readily (Answer past paper bcq)

37) Cause of squamous cell carcinoma

a) RADON most common cause ((Answer) big robbins)

38)Which one of these is carcinogenic

a) Asbestos (Answer)

b) Beryllium

39)Hydrocarbons exposure in plastic factory

a) Bronchogenic carcinoma (ANSWER)

b) Bladder cancer

40)Cranial nerve 3 originates from

a) Midbrain (ANSWER)

b) Pons

c) Medulla

41)Which of these vaccines is conjugated to protein etc

a) Meningococcal (ANSWER)

b) TAB vaccine

c) Tetanus

42)Plasma cells form

a) Gamma globulins (ANSWER)

b) Alpha globulins

c) Beta microglobulin

43)Autoimmune disease which classically involves single organ

a) Hashimoto thyroiditis (ANSWER)

b) SLE

44)Hemophilia scenario bleeding from umbilical scar history test


b) BT

c) PT

45)Slowest growing thyroid cancer is

a) Papillary (ANSWER robbins…slowly growing, pasmoma bodies, radiosensitive, lymphatic


b) Medullary

c) Follicular
46)Opsonization is caused by C3b and which of the antibody


b) IgM

47)Defeciency of niacin and riboflavin

a) Wet beri beri

b) Pallegra (ANSWER)

48)Vitamin A Defeciency causes

a) Hyperkeratosis (ANSWER)

49) Gastropathy of diabetes

a) Metoclopramide (ANSWER)

b) Domperidone

50)Loss of index finger flexion and loss of sensation on palmer aspect

a) Median nerve (ANSWER)

b) Radial

51)Cyclosporine acts by

a) Blocking its entry into tissues

b) Stopping T cell differentiation (ANSWER)

52)Lymph from lower lymph nodes

a) Submental and submandubular (ANSWER)

b) Parotid

c) Infraclavicular

53)Antero-posterior and transverse diameter of chest during QUIET RESpiration is increased by:

a) Diaphram ( becoz it only increases VERTICAL diameter)

b) External intercostals (ANSWER.. they increase AP+transver… pump+ bucket)

54)Forced expiration mainly through

a) Abdominal muscles (only good option (ANSWER)

55)Ondansetron reduces nausea vomiting in cancer by:

a) Direcly acting at chemoreceptor trigger zone

b) 5HT3 blocker (ANSWER)

56)Glossophrngeal nerve supplies

a) Stylophyrngeus muscle (ANSWER)

57)Glosophyrenageal nerve damaged, loss of which taste occurs:

a) Bitter

b) Sour ((ANSWER) I think its sour.. becoz bitter is MOST posterior and it may be by vagus..
internet says BOTH… but that was not in options)

c) None

58)Dorsal nucleus of vagus is present in:

a) Medulla (ANSWER)

b) Pons

59)Trachea span

a) C6 to T4… (ANSWER only best option)

60)Parasympathetic nerve acts on S.A node by

a) Activating K channel ( reduce activity…. (ANSWER))

61)Liver activates glycogen phosphorylase in defeciency of what

a) Insulin (ANSWER)

b) Decreased glucagon
62)Longest spine

a) C7 vertbra(ANSWER)

b) Atlas

63)Turner syndrome

a) 45X0 (ANSWER)

64)Absent bicep reflex.. and some sensory loss on lateral side

a) C5-C6 (ANSWER)

65)Difficulty rising from standing position

a) Damage to glueus maximus (ANSWER) (inferior gluteal nerve)

66)Air for embolism

a) 100cc (ANSWER)

67)Dopamine inhibits

a) Prolactin (ANSWER) (dopamine is also called prolactin inhib factor)

68)Optic nerve passes to skull by opning in

a) Sphenoid (ANSWER) optical canal is in it…

b) Ethmoid

69)Estrogen progesterone in last 7 months of pregnancy by

a) Placenta (ANSWER)

b) Fetus

70)Digitalis toxicity is increased by

a) Thiazides (ANSWER) ( they cause hypokalemia)

b) Hyperkalemia

71)Interventicular septum major supply by

a) LAD (ANSWER) (as it supplies anterior 2/3rd)

b) Posterior interventicular (*it supplies posterios 1/3 rd)

72)Hematemesis CLD… vein involved

a) Left azygous vein (ANSWER as its portal tributary in esophageal varices)

73)Infectious mononucleosis test (repeated again with diff words)

a) Hetrophile antibody (ANSWER)

74)Foecoral route transmission


75)Repeated same question in paper 2…


76) PATIENT taking k-sparing diuretic its effects and tall talented t waves were given wih lethargy

a) Hyperkalemia (ANSWER its side effects of thiazides)

77)U-wave is due to

a) Papiilary muscle repolarization (ANSWER)

78)Acute toxicity of oral anticoagulant is immediately reversed by

a) FFP (ANSWER immediate)

b) Vitamin K ( if late… it takes long time for factors)

79)If factor 8 is not available, what can be given

a) FFP

b) Cryoprecipitate (ANSWER.. it contains factor VIII and VWF)

80)HLA :

a) Are responsible for graft rejection by antibodies (ANSWER)

81)Alcoholic with pneumonia, copious amount and all symptoms of klebshiela

a) Klebshiela pneumonia (ANSWER)


a) Analysis and interpretation of data (ANSWER)

83)Amyloidosis dye

a) Congo-red stain

84)Pshychiatry mcq, to keep secret of patient treatment is

a) Confidentiality (ANSWER)

85)Flexion reflex stimulus

a) Painful stimulus ( noxious stimuli)

b) Stretch in muscle… (*it occurs due to golgi tendon)

86)Doctor can do better for patient by

a) Active listening (ANSWER people say A Due to past paper)

b) Keeping clinical knowledge upto date..

87)Achondroplasia scenario.. small arm feet, body normal..

a) Autosomal dominant (ANSWER)

88)Autosomal recessive feature is:

a) Transfer disease to ¼ offspring… (ANSWER)

89)Action potential is :

a) First generated at axon hillock (ANSWER)

b) At axon

c) At dendrite

90)Most Potent antioxidant is

a) Glutathione (ANSWER)
b) Vitamin c

91)Respiratory burst is used for

a) Killing bactericidal effect (ANSWER)

92)Most radiosensitive tumour

a) Lymph node (ANSWER it was best option there)

93)Pulse weak, nerve paralysis,( REPEAT SCENARIO )

a) Cervical rib (ANSWER)

b) 2nd rib

94)Patient has right side pain, cordotomy done, which is cut

a) Left Lateral spinothalamic (ANSWER it carries pain and temp)

b) Left anterior spinothalamic (*it carries crude touch)

c) Right spinothalamic

95)Sinking heart and other weakness symptoms..

a) Hypokalemia (ANSWER)

b) Hyponatremia

96)Mean stroke volume by:

a) CO/heart rate (ANSWER) As CO= stoke volume * HR

97)BURN patient sepsis fever, bleeding diathesis


98)CHILD with constipation and on exam no neurons were present in colon


99)Spinal cord suspended into dura matter by

a) Filum terminale
b) Cauda equine

c) Denticulate ligament (ANSWER)

d) Alar ligament

100) Benzo and barbiturate act by

a) GABA channels (ANSWER)

101) Glucose absorption on luminal side by

a) Co transport (ANSWER *with Na)

b) Counter transport

102) Epithelium was given and cilia beat in whip like movement at..

a) Fallopian tube (ANSWER)

b) Organ of corti

103) Diabetic patient 360mg/dl NEWLY DIAGNOSED he is advised to improve diet and exercise
along with

a) Bigunide (ANSWER metformin is given always)

b) Insulin

c) Sulfonyurea

104) Left kidney has

a) PCT is lined with simple cubiodal with brush border (ANSWER it was best option only)

105) Patient profusely sweating, temp 103*F.. UNCONCIOUS…

a) Heat stroke (ANSWER when unconscious its stroke)

b) Heat exhaustion

106) Nutmeg liver feature:

a) Centrilobar congestion (best option as past paper bcq) (ANSWER)

107) Tyrosine derivative

a) Noepinephrine (ANSWER)

108) Long standing HTN… now shortness of breath, edema is due to

a) Inc oncotic pressure

b) Increased hyrostatic pressure (ANSWER)

109) Ischemia scenario patient took almost 8 hours to reach hospital, which of these organs will
survive effects of such ischemia

a) Heart

b) hippocampus

c) Retina

d) Skeletal muscle (ANSWER guys I have seen sepsis patients after few minutes even go to
AKI, they get transient blindness, get ischemic stroke… so there muscles are good after
many hours)

110) CVP is increased by

a) Increased peripheral cascular resistance (ANSWER)

111) Which of them is deficient in minerals,

a) Roots

b) Tubers (ANSWER past paper bcq)

c) Leaves

112) Regarding platelets

a) Number changes after splenectomy

b) Are produced in bone marrow from larger (megakaryocytes) cells as fragments..


113) 1st mechanim after injury

a) Vasoconstriction (ANSWER)

114) Rennin is secreted by

a) JG cells (ANSWER)

115) S1Q3T3 pattern, pulm embolism scenario…

a) Gallium scan (ANSWER to check v/q)

b) X ray chest (I ticked this, but it was I think for pulm edema )

116) Feature of slow wave sleep

a) Beta waves

b) Duration is longer than REM sleep.. (ANSWER this is sure)

c) Loss of muscle tone… (*it is a feature of REM…. Sleep paralysis you know)

117) Synovial joint

a) Periosteum enlarges to produce disk

b) Both surfaces are covered by HYALINE cartilage (ANSWER)..

118) Atrophy of muscle occurs due to

a) Denervation (ANSWER)

119) Hypothyroidism causes increase in level of

a) Cholesterol (ANSWER past paper bcq, by down regulation of LDL receptors)

120) Kidney dye normal on right, but on left it is at near pelvis,

a) Left pelvic kidney (ANSWER)

b) Horse shoe kidney (* it is when both kidney are down..)

121) Treating old man care to be taken of

a) Threapeautic dose can lead to side effects (ANSWER..)

122) Active immunity is by

a) BCG (ANSWER… wrong stem by cpsp.. all 3 options were of active..)

b) Sabine polio

c) Salk polio

d) Tetanus

123) Partial thyroidectomy is done to

a) Save the parathyroid glands (ANSWER)

124) Hyperthyroid patient was in thyroid storm, drug to be used

a) Propranolol (ANSWER)

125) Na and H20 both absorption is increased by

a) Aldosterone (ANSWER)

b) AngiotensionII

126) Appendicitis scenario, neutrophills 10,000… this is due to

a) Cytokines (ANSWER only best option)

127) Elastic cartilage

a) Lyrnx

b) Pinna (ANSWER best..)

c) Alla of nose

d) Trachea

128) An 17 year girl with breathing problems.. hilar lymphdenopathy, 1cm nodule, normal gram
staining, no organism seen..RETICULO NODULAR PATTERN on histology…

a) Pneumonia

b) T.B

c) HYPERSENSITIVTY PNEMONITIS (ANSWER these ALL features are peculiar to this..

129) Thrombin convert fibrinogen to fibrin fragment released during this is

a) Fibrinopeptide (ANSWER ref google)

130) Cross matching of blood is done as..

a) Antigen of donour should match with the recipients serum (ANSWER)

131) Ectopic thyroid is produced by

a) Squamous cell carcinoma larynx (ANSWER past paper bcq by PTHrp peptide.. brs physio)

132) Blurring on seeing left side, with right sided hemiplegia lesion at:

a) Mid brain (ANSWER it was answer in ASIM AND SOHAIB, and MEDCOFFEE.. becoz its on
LOOKING LEFT SIDE,,,, NOT LOOKING LATERALLY… so seems occulomotor involment)

b) Left internal capsule

c) Right internal capsule

133) Clonidine acts by

a) Centrally acting alpha2 receptors (ANSWER)

134) True about Pituotory gland:

a) Is extradural ((ANSWER… as all other options were shuffled with up AND DOWN)

b) Lies above diaphrgma sella *(pitutory lies BELOW DIAPHR SILLA)

c) Lateral to cavernous sinus *(it lies medial to cavernous sinus)

135) Patient is with AB+ve blood,, he has to be given platelets… which will be given

a) O-ve (universal donor??? Not sure abt it not getting logic)

b) AB –VE

136) Carotid SINUS respond to

a) Changes in blood pressure ( sinus to pressure… body to chemicals)

137) Aortic dissection scenario:

a) Medial necrosis (ANSWER)

138) Immune reactions are suppressed in

a) ACTH (SK says this… but it seems weak… its not even CORTISOL!!!!!)

b) CLD (it is copy paste ASIM SOHAIB MCQ… immunoglobulins and carriers etc are more
realted to liver)

139) Vessel along phrenic nerve which passes between mediastinal and costal pleura is

a) Musculophrenic artery (it pierces diaphragm)

b) Pericardio phrenic artery (ANSWER)

140) Delayed active hyperemia by

a) Ischemia (ANSWER…. Past paper bcq)

141) Normal distribution curve

a) Mean median and mode co incide at a point (ANSWER… best answer.. other values were

142) Burn patient left to heal without graft, which factor makes sure healing will take place..

a) Skin appendages (ANSWER people say its past paper question)

b) Presence of granulation tissue

c) Presence of connective tissue at site (???)

143) Amnorhea in lactation is due to

a) Decreased secretion of GnRH ((ANSWER)…..(DUE to negative inhibition by prolactin* )

144) 2L fluid is loss by sweating.. took 2L of water…

a) DEC ICF fluid volume (* INC ICF fluid volume….this option was not present in our

b) Inc ECF osmolarity (ANSWER ???)

c) Inc ECF volume

145) Visual fibres after crsossing chiasma passed

a) Lateral geniculate body to optical radiation (ANSWER)

b) MGB..

146) RIGHT main bronchus as compared to left:

a) More wider (ANSWER)

b) More prone to obstruction by foriegn body

c) Oblique

147) Vital capacity:

a) Decrease with old age

b) It is the volume from forceful inspiration to end of forceful expiration (ANSWER) this was
correct one….

148) Multiple myeloma test

a) IgG 15 IGA 3 IgM1% (ANSWER) THIS was correct as M.M have M-spike
(immunoglobulins spike) but antibody IgG Is increased most…

149) Newborn with recurrent infection and Diarhea which antibody is deficient…

a) IgG

b) IgA (ANSWER it was typical scenario of IgA Defeciency which is most common
immunodeficiency… FIRST AID TABLE)

150) Water proofing of skin is done by

a) Keratin (ANSWER)

151) Standing from supine position which is most imp compensatory mechanism

a) Dec venous return (past papers say this!!!!)

b) Inc heart rate.. (ANSWER)I think this is correct sompensation is by increasing heart rate…

152) Again this question was repeated in B paper too… ( wrong two time)
153) Drug used for both shistosomiasis and Tania together is:

a) Albendazole

b) Prazequental (ANSWER for sure…. 1st aid table)

154) Total number of vertebra in spinal cord

a) 33 (ANSWER)

b) 31

155) Implantation occurs after how many days of fertilization

a) Sixth day (ANSWER langman embryo)

b) 10th day

c) 3rd day

d) 15th day

e) None

156) Muscle weakness causes instability of knee joint:

a) Vastus lateralis (ANSWER… locker of kneeee joint … past papers)

b) Rectus femoris

c) Semi tendinosus

157) Heart rate 72 in man, this normal pacemaking occurs in:

a) S.A node (ANSWER)

158) First defense against tumour are

a) Natural killer cells (ANSWER past papers… ref robins)

159) Rigor mortis is due to deficiency of

a) ATP

b) ATP + PHOSPOcreate (ANSWER searched from google…)

160) Low level of estrogen with high level of FSH:

a) Primary hypogonadism( it was PRIMARY… (ANSWER) as in TERtiary… GNRH ↓ and in

secondry FSH↓

b) Secondary hypogonadism

c) Tertiary hypogonadism

161) Secondary cartilaginous joint is :

a) Presence of fibrocatilage disk between two bones…(ANSWER…. Vertebral discs etc etc…
Sk pearls joints table )

162) Which of them is needed to be broken down before digestion

a) Tripeptides

b) Dipeptides

c) Monopeptides

d) Sucrose (ANSWER …. Only MONOSACHRIDES CAN BE absorbed… biochem mushtaq)

e) Fructose

163) Primary metabolic function of insulin is…

a) Causes to glucose shift intracellular in skeletol and some tissues (ANSWER) this was
correct I think..

b) Glycogenesis…

164) A scenario with all cell lines decreased… test to confirm

a) Bone marrow biopsy.. (ANSWER)

165) One scenario breathing difficulty on lying down….

a) Retrosternal goiter.. (ANSWER)

166) Fish tape worm eating, ANEMIA… cause:

a) Diphylobothrium latum… (ANSWER it cause megaloblastic anemia in fishermen)

167) Drug contraindicated in CLD

a) Pentazocin ((ANSWER) past paper bcq… its metabolized by glucornization by liver


b) Paracetamol

c) Lorazepam

168) A person with 2 moth history of FOUL smelling stools, bloating and pain.. investigation was

a) Stool culture

b) Stool complete examination… (ANSWER this was correct people say)

169) Epicardium is supplied by:

a) Coronary arteries (ANSWER)..These pierce heart to supply Epicardium which is outer heart

b) Percardiophrenic arteries.. … (*these supply PERICARIUM WHICH IS SAC)

170) Theophlline dose should be kept low in children because of:

a) LOW metabolism capacity of children (ANSWER.. )

171) Brain type of necrosis :

a) Liquefective necrosis (ANSWER)

172) Decrease lymph flow occurs :

a) Due to haemorhage ( past paper bcq) (ANSWER)

173) Maximum blood is present in

a) Venous system (ANSWER past paper bcq)

174) Graft TRANSPALNT of heart was done and rejection occurred, in first 24 hour cells present
will be

a) INCREASED neutrophills..
b) Lymphocytes (ANSWER) it was trick.. acute rejection is by CD 8 LYMPHOCYTES…
neutrophils are in MI)

175) PAH is used to measure plasma flow because

a) Its reabsorbed

b) Its filtered and secreted (ANSWER (BRS PHYSIO lines…)

176) Abdominal angina occurs due to:

a) Superior mesenteric artery… (ANSWER… common in clinical setting)

177) Somatostatin role in pancreatic fistula:

a) Decreases hormones

b) Decreases secretion (ANSWER)

178) One more from ALDOSTERONE causes…SODIUM absorption..

179) Long scenario weight loss, fever, alcoholic, normal gram staining etc negative what is seen
on histology…


180) Azygous vein blocked causes dilatation of…

a) Right asending lumber and subcostal (ANSWER)..

181) Plasma proteins are normalized after haemorage, in

a) 1-3 days (ANSWER …. Not sure…!)

b) 3-7 days

c) 7-10 days..

d) LONG SCENARIO in which there were ASPERGILLOSIS features, farmer, and answer was
(branched hyphe on histolgy??!!

182) Which of them increased most in hepatocyte damage:

a) SGPT(ANSWER) (also called ALT) raised upto 10 times.. specific to liver.. in acute

c) GGT ( it is raised in cholestasis)

183)Dopamine to norepinephrine final conversion enzyme…

a)Dopamine beta hydroxylase (ANSWER confirmed..)

b) dopa decarboxylase…

184)which liberates fatty acids for oxidation something like it)..

a) LIPASE..??

185) physostigmine is anticholinesrtrse inhibitor it acts by:

a) crosses blood brain barrier to cause increased ACH release (ANSWER… as it crosses

186) sensorineural deafness was present:

a) webber laterized to normal ear ( ANSWER??.. )

b)rennie +ve
c) absolute bone conduction zero..

187)granulomas are characterized by:

a)epithiliod and giant cells… (ANSWER confirmed)

188) HIV positive at serology what will you do:

1) do further tests to confirm ((ANSWER)???

2) follow up and let him go
3) isolate him

189)keratin and vimentin are found in cancers are

a) intermediate filaments.. (ANSWER)

190 vagotomy above esophagus causes:

1) loss of acid
2)loss of movement at antrum
3)loss of antrum motility (ANSWER distal motility reduced)

191: HLA are:

a)Conatin MHC and cause immune reactions.. (ANSWER)

192) NH4 acts as a buffer at renal becoz:

a) it cannot be secreted
b) absorbs a hydrogen ion for each bicarb (ANSWER) ??

193) lonngitudenal strations on light microsocopy are in:

b)reticular (ANSWER)??
c)elastic.. ??

194) Posterior column medial lemnisucal carries:

a) vibration?
b) ASTERognosia..? (ANSWER).. its carried by this tract.. function of two point discrimination…

195) what is the role of HCG in pregnancy:

a) corpus albicans ( its degenrrated luteum if fertilization does not occur. So irrelevant.
b) testosterone in fetus (ANSWER)…

196):INSPIRATION causes….
a) increase in heart rate.. (ANSWER normal physio..)
b) decrease in heart rate..

197) difference of PO2 in alveolar vs arterial is:

a) due to some area lacking perfusion
b) due to some area lacking ventilation
c)this pressure gradient is necessary for the diffusion of oxygen.. (ANSWER BRS PHYSIO

198) keeping the End diastolic length constant, how can be CO increased:
1) by increasing the heart rate ((ANSWER best answer it was)


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