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AT rS California State University | School of SAN MARCOS Education {22S Tain Oaks Vey on San Mag, calor gros Texartay heer FORM 1: PROPOSAL FOR EDAD FIELD-BASED EXPERIENCE, EDAD 624A: Professional Field Studies and EDAD Fieldwork course # and title: Practicum Beginning EDAD 612: Development of Professional EDAD Course # and title for current semester: _Leadership Perspectives Student’s Name: Diana Salazar Semester: _Fall 2018 School Site: _Central Elementary District: _Escondido Union Site Supervisor Stephanie Rosson-Niess Email contact: Site(s) for Field Experience: Schools in the Escondido Union School District and if possible charter schools or private schools around San Diego County Leadership Standard(s) Addressed: CAPES: 3. Implementing the Vision 9. Managing Orgenizational Systems and Human Resources Project goal: What do you want to know or be able to do? ‘The goal is to experience a vast variety of meetings to gain perspective and knowledge on how va meetings are ran as well as focus how family and student involvement impact meetings ious, Project outeome(s): How will you measure your success toward these outcomes? Journal entries about my experiences observing different meetings, likes and dislikes on how the meetings were ran, family involvement, and student involvement, Activity Plan: Dates, activities, and events Contact various administrators and case manager to coordinate an observable meeting, Log in time spent in each meeting, context of the meeting, individuals involved, and where the mecting took place. Write a Journal entry after each meeting about my experience and my reactions of meetings J observed. Timeline: Weekly journal entries Student Signatuire:-—— Site Supervisor Approval cea in University Supervisor Approval: oe California State University | School of SAN MARCOS _ |Education _g3 South Twin ols Vey Road Sto Maren Calfoming96-802 Tyearsoosis TySansasee Feedback and constructive suggestions

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