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In his podcast episode “Becoming a Whole Person”, Jason Rodriguez discusses his

childhood and early career. Like everybody, Rodriguez has many different aspects to his identity,

but he struggles with separating each individual element depending on his social scenario. To

some he is latino, but to others he is white. At one job he is creative, while at the other he is

analytical. Rodriguez never allows his identities to work coherently to create a whole person.

This podcast relates to the theme of identity because it shows the many aspects that are involved

in an identity and the importance of embracing each one of these aspects. Both of these points

are essential in creating a well-developed identity.

Identities are particular to every individual, so it makes sense that there are a variety of

different components of which an identity can be made out of. These components include

cultural identity, gender identity, and religion amongst other things. Jason Rodriguez says in his

podcast, “That’s when I realized that I was too white for the Puerto Rican kids and too Puerto

Rican for the white kids. It’s also when I realized that these were two very separate identities that

I can put inside boxes and take them out whenever I needed them” (4:45). Rodriguez has two

different cultural aspects within his identity. These components suit him the best and show

people who he is. That being said, he picks and choses when he wants to showcase these

elements as it is convenient for him. This pattern is mirrored in his professional identity as well.

Rodriguez says, “But those two lives never crossed. People from the creative side knew nothing

about my technical side and people from my technical side knew nothing about my creative side.

They were completely different identities” (7:25). Rodriguez has two very differing professional

personas. They represent both sides of who he is — a creative and an intellect. Jason keeps his
identities separate because he feels that they cannot intertwine. Every individual’s identity is

rooted in a variety of elements that make them well-rounded.

It is important to embrace every component that makes up one’s identity because they

make it whole. When the elements of identity work together, they can create a better

understanding for the individual. In his podcast Rodriguez says, “I would go to comic

conventions and be on a panel and I would introduce myself as a scientist and a comics creator,

and it was just freeing” (10:30). To be able to embrace one’s whole self can be a relief as there is

no longer a need to separate every aspect of identity. Moreover, once you are able to be your

complete self around others, you will truly feel accepted. Jason Rodriguez says,

I helped these kids find their voice and find a way to tell their story but these kids helped

me so much more because, for the first time in like forever, I was a Puerto Rican, I was a

white kid, I was a scientist, and I was a comics artist. For the first time in a long time,

my name was Jason Rodriguez and I was whole (13:16).

By learning about the kid’s stories, Rodriguez is able to finally understand his own story. It

allows his to fully piece together all of his personas into one finalized identity: Jason Rodriguez.

This is important because he now knows who he truly is. Embracing your identity allows you to

be a peace with yourself.

“Becoming a Whole Person” has a strong connection to identity because it highlights that

there many dimensions to a person’s identity and that fully accepting them is an integral part of

finding yourself. There are many layers to an identity, formed by your past and the past of your

ancestors. When you allow these elements to come together and fully accept them you will be

your intrinsic self.

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