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Aproximately 35 million years ago, in the Milky Way, a division
occurred within the galactic society which existed. The faction
of society which chose to use Dominion as its foundation and
vehicle of evolution rebelled against that which chose Love as
its foundation and vehicle of evolution. This division came to be
known as the battle between the forces of Light and the forces
of Darkness. This epic battle has continued into our present
day, and across all levels of reality, causing many difficulties for
our galaxy.

These Dark Forces spread across our galaxy, conquering with

great success, thousands of star systems. In response to the
growing strength of these inter-dimensional Forces of Dominion,
and to prevent further conquest, the Forces of Light organized
an Galactic Confederation, about 4.5 million years ago.

The Forces of Light, which had, previous to the creation of the

Confederation, already formed an alliance, became more and
more organized, and the Confederation evolved as a highly
complex organization, coordinating the defenses of the galaxy
while at the same time creating a forum of cultural and
governmental exchange between diverse civilizations.

The Galactic Confederation operates as a kind of United Nations

of the Star systems of our galaxy, with the sole objective of
facilitating and expanding the flow of Light currents in this part
of the Universe. The primordial source from which galactic light
is born is LOVE.

In light of this ages-old struggle, and the current planetary

situation which it has created (an abuse of power and resources
which has contributed to innumerable environmental disasters,
economic crisis´ and socio-economic imbalance), G.A.I.A
Confederation, a global alliance of Light Workers on this planet,
Earth, will officially be born on the day of 21/03/2011. G.A.I.A
Confederation aims to act as an earthly model of its stellar
inspiration, the Intergalactic Confederation, serving as a unifying
force between all races, peoples, tribes, communities and clans
that we may jointly reestablish the forces of Light within this
planetary transition, facilitating the ascension of Gaia and her
children and the construction of a New Earth.

The Ring, or Wheel of the Rainbow represents the
promise of Peace between all Nations and peoples.
The “Rainbow Race” comes to reenforce equality
between nations, and oposes the concept of a
superior race which conquers and controls other
races. The Rainbow Race comes bringing peace,
born of the consciousness that in reality, all races
are of One origine. The Rainbow Consciousness
brings to life the ideal that all colors and credes must
unify to work together, in view of the common good.
Jamie Sams – Cartas do Caminho Sagrado

“The next great race to emerge from all of the

modern races and nations,,, will constitute the fusion
of the totality, and the worldwide recognition of this
One Humanity is an essential prerequisite for its
Alice A. Balley - Os Raios e as Iniciações

The G.A.I.A Confederation is a global alliance, both physical and virtual

establishing a communication link and parallel organization uniting into
one organism to South America, Central America, North America,
Europe, Asia, Oceania and Africa. The G.A.I.A Confederation acts as
a revolutionary and activist movment which is pacifist and aims
at promoting sustainability, harmony and unity accross the


Political and commercial power is concentrated in the arenas of

the privileged few, and a code of defense for humanity in general
does not exist. The laws and treaties of the National
Governments exist to promote and protect personal and financial
interests, and aim to extract ever greater ressources from our
Mother and home, the planet Earth, without any respect or
reverence for her or for her children. The hour hás come to take
control of this Mothership, and to assume an attitude of respect
and integrity for everthing and one living on this planet. The
creation of a model of leadership which is efficient and dynamic
and which speaks for the Power of the People, and not just for the
interests of an Elite minority, is of extreme necessity.
The fundamental aim of this social and neuralogical reform, is the
formation of a system of creating a mass
consciousness/conscienciousness by means of online
communication. However, first and formost the work begins from
within, as we cannot counter any disequilibrium or pollution
which exists in our external environment if we have not first
established an inner sustainability and dedication to health and
balance. It is essential that each one cultivates his/her personal
efforts towards consciousness and understanding of his/her role
in the planetary transition.

From the moment that we transform the system into a Conscious

sócio- political entity, we are assuming our position as a galactic
society within the New Earth.

Our proposal is to use various tools wich balance art and the
technology of communication, mixing the wisdom of the ages
from ancient times to our present psybernetic generation
(combining psychedelics with cybernetics).

To achieve success in our actions, we will produce vídeos, music,

photography, poetry paintings, sculpture and visual art of many
mediums wich carry messages to awaken and alert humanity in
relation to what is happening with our Mother Earth and her
children worldwide, so as to generate an internal reflection of
how we can become more luminous beings in harmony with the
Divine Plan.

In alliance with this artistic production we have an important trump

card available to us, which is the power of the Internet. This "weapon"
when properly used has the capacity to transform the world, for
communication and information is made available in a matter of
seconds, between many and for many, regardless of the space, time
or culture from which each sender or receiver of these messages live.

The G.A.I.A Confederation believes that through these new electronic

media ressources we can generate a neurological revolution from the
micro to the macrocosm, and achieve a democratic future for

Our focus is to promote the light while not necessarily fighting the
darkness, from a consciousness that to resist something is to give it
Power. As such, our battle will be fought peacefully and harmoniously,
transforming all attitudes that go against the natural laws of respect
for the earth and promoting the protection of matters of common
interest to all who inhabit this planet and seek evolution.

Positive information is our structural base and source of production,

and we have various "machines" and "factories" around the globe to
produce this message of awareness in the most creative way possible.

Each individual's clan has a commitment to issue such massive artistic

awareness for their entire relationship network via email, facebook,
twitter, blogs and so on. The message must circulate, spreading
outward in the movement of a spiral.

After all, we believe that beyond advancing awareness and making art,
there must be real and concrete changes in habits and patterns of
bevaviour Therefore it is of fundamental importance to co-create a
statute which affirms the rights and obligations of every inhabitant of
the New Earth, in addition to a collective of spiritual works wich
connect the hearts, souls and minds of each representative of the clan.


The creation of a website which contains webtiv, radio online,

blogs, forums of exchange and solidarity, tips on the economy
and e-commerce of ecological, spiritual and awareness raising
products, is extremely necessary.

This website will act as a pathway of interception between all of

the nucleus involved in the project.

We will establish power spots across the planet which will serve
as points from which to elvolve spiritual works of meditation and
collective visualization. The groups wich gather to perfom these
works at each power spot will enact each individual practice at a
common time, regulated by common guides – listening to the
same vibrational sounds and visualizing the same images etc.

Manifestos activists in the capitals of countries linked to the clan.


Each nucleus involved will represent one Clan and one Tribe and
will serve to meet its proper interests and origines.
The movement will need physical promotion in the form of
stickers, cards, clothing etc.
The movement will need a hi end PowerPoint presentation, which
contains all of the infomation of the movement.
The movement needs to inspire people to want to promote,
nourish and spread its vision and implementation, as well as
become actively involved in all stages of its creation.
A link between the movement, Co-CreatiOne and Cooltive must
be established, in order to demonstrate that there is a
cooperative of services and products available to the associates
of the movement.

Organization Structure
Reasons for the title: “G.A.I.A. Confederation”

Firstly, this title affirms our aim of preparing to assume the role of
planetary organization and communication between continents,
modeled after the Intergalactic Confederation and its function of
interchange between planets and star systems.

The other decisive factor in choosing this title is in relation to the

prophesy of the ``Warriors of the Rainbow´´, as related by
various North American indigenous tribes, such as the Cree and
the Hopi, whose legends tell us that when we, the societies of
Earth, were to approach global destruction and a complete
disrespect for Mother Nature (Gaia) and the delicate balance of
her ecosystem, a new tribe would appear, a tribe comprised of
individuals from all races and nations in search of the restoration
of ancestral wisdom which affirms the sacredness of All Things
and aiming to reestablish the Forces of Light on Earth. This tribe
would be known as the Warriors of the Rainbow. Thus, the
acronym G.A.I.A (``Guerreiros do Arco-Iris´´ in Portuguese, which
translates as Warriors of the Rainbow in Action), affirms the
prophetic rise of the Rainbow Warriors to act as we are destined.

The Rainbow has a powerful symbolism and medicine, which

represents the connection between sky and earth, the alliance
between God and humanity, and the integration of the 7 root
races with the 7 spectral colors, united as One. It is no
coincidence that the number 7 is a number which is cross-
culturally recognized as a number of potent, spiritual power, and
as such our work within the confederation is strongly guided by
the number 7 and its various forms of manifestation; such as the
7 chakras, the 7 cosmic rays, the 7 Chohans, the 7 archangels,
the 7 musical tones, the seven spectral colors, the 7 glands of the
human body, the 7 Elohim and the 7 directions (North, South,
East, West, Above, Below and Within).

Each continent will establish a structural base which will act as an

energetic vortex and primary center of information and operation
within the continent. Each structural base will be represented by
an officiating clan which will operate in the role of filtrating,
organizing, synchronizing and distributing all of the information
received from the affiliated groups, communities and clans of the
continent, as well as serving as a center of communication
between the administrative circles of each clan, continentally and

South América:


Structural Base: eCo-CreatiOn Clan @ Brasil

Structural Support: Aldeia da Paz, Guardiões da Floresta,

Rainbow Brasil, ENCA, Flor de Ouro, Aliança Arco-Íris


Base Estrutural- Pachamama Clan @ Costa Rica



North América:
Structural Base: Clã A.I.M (American Indian Movement) @ USA

Structural Support: Mazatzin, Ben Stewart & Tezka



Structural Base: Clã Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq (Uncle)

Structural Support: Martin, Boom, Solen, Chris



Structural Base: Sheva Clan



Structural Base: Byron Bay Clan

Structural Support: Byron Bay Community & Rainbow Serpent



Structural Base: AfroGalactic Clan

Structural Support- Gil Ron Shama, Nano



“A Roda do Arco-Íris representa a promessa de

Paz entre todas as Nações e entre todo o Povo.
A Raça do Arco-Íris vem reforçar a igualdade
entre as nações e se opõe a idéia de uma raça
superior que controlaria ou conquistaria outras
raças. A Raça do Arco-Íris vem para trazer a
Paz, através da consciência de que todas as
raças constituem na verdade uma raça só. O
Arco-Íris encarna a idéia da Unidade de todas
as cores e a idéia de que todos os credos
devem trabalhar juntos, visando o bem
comum.” Jamie Sams – Cartas do Caminho Sagrado

“A seguinte grande raça emergirá de todas as

raças e nações modernas... constituirá a fusão
da totalidade, e o reconhecimento mundial da
Humanidade Una é um pré-requisito essencial
para sua implantação”
Alice A. Balley - Os Raios e as Iniciações

“Quando o Tempo do Búfalo estiver para chegar, a terceira

geração de crianças de olhos brancos deixará crescer os
cabelos, e começará a falar do Amor que trará a cura para
todos os filhos da Terra. Estas crianças buscarão novas
maneiras de compreender a si próprias e aos outros. Usarão
penas, colares de contas, e pintarão os rostos. Buscarão os
Anciões da nossa Raça vermelha para beber da fonte de sua
Sabedoria. Estas crianças de olhos brancos servirão como sinal
de que os nossos Ancestrais estão retornado em corpos
brancos por fora, mas vermelhos por dentro. Elas aprenderão a
caminhar em equilíbrio na superfície da mãe terra, e saberão
levar novas idéias aos chefes brancos. Estas crianças também
terão de passar por provas, como acontecia quando eram
Ancestrais vermelhos. Serão usadas substâncias pouco
comuns, como Água de Fogo por exemplo, para observar se ela
continuarão a caminhar firmemente dentro do Caminho
Sagrado.” Profecia Arco-Íris

Havia uma senhora idosa da tribo Cree, chamada de Olhos de Fogo, que profetizou
que um dia, por causa da cobiça dos homens brancos ou Yo-ne-gis’, viria um tempo
em que o peixe morreria nas correntezas, os pássaros cairiam do ar, as águas tornar-
se-iam escuras e as árvores já não mais existiriam, a humanidade conforme nos
conhecíamos cessa de existir. Haverá um tempo quando os “cultores de legendas,
estórias, rituais culturais, mitos e todos os Antigos Costumes das Tribos” seriam
necessários para nos restaurar para o saudável. Eles seriam a chave da humanidade
para a sobrevivência, eles foram ‘Os Guerreiros do Arco Íris”.

Chegará o tempo de acordar quando todos os povos de todas as tribos formariam um

Novo Mundo de Justiça, Paz, Liberdade e o reconhecimento do Grande Espirito. Os
“Guerreiros do Arco Iris espalhariam estas mensagens e ensinariam todos os povos
da Terra .Eles os ensinariam como viver o “Caminho do Grande Espírito”. Eles lhes
contariam de como o mundo de hoje afastou-se do Grande Espírito e isto é porque
nossa Terra está “doente”.
Os “Guerreiros do Arco Iris” mostrariam aos povos que este “Antigo Ser” ( o Grande
Espírito) está cheio de amor e entendimento e ensiná-los como tornar a “Terra”
bonita novamente. Estes Guerreiros dariam às pessoas princípios e regras a seguir,
fazer seu caminho certo com o mundo. Estes princípios seriam aqueles das Antigas
Os Guerreiros do Arco Íris ensinariam as pessoas das antigas práticas de Unidade,
Amor e Entendimento. Eles ensinariam a Harmonia no meio das pessoas em nos
quatro cantos da Terra. Igual às Antigas Tribos, eles ensinariam às pessoas como
rezar ao Grande Espírito com amor que emana como as bonitas cadeias de
montanhas e flui ao longo do caminho para o oceano da vida.
Mais uma vez, eles seriam capazes de sentir alegria na solidão e em conselhos. Eles
seriam livres de ciúmes mesquinhos e amar toda a humanidade como seus irmãos,
sem levar em conta cor, raça ou religião. Eles se sentiriam a felicidade entrar em
seus corações e tornar-se como um com a raça humana inteira.. Seus corações
seriam puros e irradiariam calor, entendimento e respeito para toda a humanidade, a
Natureza e o Grande Espírito Eles encheriam, mais uma vez, suas mentes, corações,
almas e ações com o mais puro dos pensamentos. Eles procurariam a beleza do
Mestre da Vida—o Grande Espírito. Eles encontrariam força e beleza na oração e nas
solidões da vida. Suas crianças seriam, mais uma vez, capazes de correrem
livremente e desfrutar os tesouros da Natureza e da Terra Mãe.
Livres do medo dos tóxicos e destruição, forjados pelo Yo-ne-gi e suas práticas de
cobiça. Os rios correriam, novamente claros, as florestas abundantes e bonitas, os
animais e pássaros seriam repostos. O poder das plantas e animais seriam
novamente respeitados e conservação de tudo que é bonito tornar-se-ia um meio de
vida. Os pobres, doentes e necessitados seriam cuidados pelos seus irmãos e irmãs
da Terra. Estas práticas tornar-se-iam novamente uma parte de suas vidas. Os
líderes dos povos seriam escolhidos da antiga forma, não pelos seus partidos
políticos, ou aquele que fala mais alto, grande ostentação, fama ou atirando lama,
mas por aqueles cujas ações falam mais alto.. Aqueles que demonstraram seu amor,
sabedoria e coragem e aqueles que demonstraram que eles podem e fizeram
trabalho para o bem de todos, seriam escolhidos como os líderes ou Chefes. Eles
seriam escolhidos pela sua “qualidade” e não o montante de dinheiro que eles têm
obtido. Como os pensadores e devotados “Chefes Idosos” eles entenderiam o povo
com amor e veriam que seus jovens foram educados com amor e sabedoria de suas
cercanias. Eles lhes mostrariam que milagres podem ser realizados para curar este
mundo de suas doenças e restaurá-lo para o saudável e beleza.. Os trabalhos destes
“Guerreiros do Arco Íris” são muitos e grandiosos. Haverá montanhas terrificantes de
ignorância a serem conquistadas e eles poderão encontrar prejuízos e ódio.. Eles
devem ser dedicados, resolutos em suas forças e fortes de coração.

"Todas as pessoas que lutam por melhores condições de vida e saúde, pela
cidadania e pela natureza são guerreiros do arco-íris"

A rainbow is the link, the bridge between heaven and earth.

In the Bible it appears as a sign of the covenant between God and humanity:
And he added: "This is the sign of the covenant I have with you, with all living things
around you and with other generations: I placed my bow in the cloud that is the sign
of the covenant between Me and the earth" (Gen. 9.12-14) ... and a rainbow appears
for the first time on Earth ... So is reported by the ancients, the Bible, when the
discovery of land by Noah

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