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Diet is consuming food and choosing food by paying attention to the composition of food to be

balanced and in accordance with the needs of the body. Diet is done to regulate the consumption
of food consumed by a person is not excessive, appropriate, and balanced
1. Diet Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus or diabetes is a disorder of blood sugar metabolism caused by a
deficiency of the hormone insulin, causing an increase in blood sugar levels with all the
Diet goals:
• Provide food as needed
• Maintain blood sugar levels until normal / near normal
• Maintain normal weight
• Preventing too low blood sugar levels that can cause fainting
• Reducing / preventing complications
Diet for Diabetes Mellitus
carbohydrate sources are limited: rice, porridge, bread, noodles, potatoes
Restricted protein: animal high in saturated fat corned beef, sausage
Protein recommended: Skinless chicken, fish, low cholesterol eggs or egg white, lean
meat, tempeh, tofu, green beans, kidney beans, peanuts, soybeans
Restricted vegetables: spinach, beans, melinjo leaves, squash, cassava leaves, carrots,
katuk leaves
Recommended vegetables: High-fiber vegetables: kale, bean leaves, oyong, cucumber,
tomatoes, cauliflower, turnips, mustard greens, lettuce, celery, eggplant
Restricted fruit: pineapple, grape, mango, soursop, banana, avocado, sapodilla,
watermelon, cooked jackfruit
The recommended fruit: oranges, apples, papaya, guava, salak, starfruit
Beverages avoided: Alcoholic drinks, sweetened condensed milk, soft drinks, ice
cream, yogurt, milk

2. Diet Hypertension
Diet Hypertension is given to patients with blood pressure above normal
Diet goals:
• Helps reduce blood pressure
• Helps eliminate accumulation of fluid in the body or edema or swelling
Foods avoided:
1. Foods that are processed using sodium salt (crackers)
2. Food and drinks in cans: sardines, sausages
3. Food preserved: jerky, shredded, salted fish
4. Butter and cheese
5. Foods that contain alcohol for example: durian, tape
Recommended Foods:
1. Fresh food: sources of charcoal hydrate, vegetable and animal protein, vegetables
and fruits that contain lots of fiber.
2. Foods that are processed without or little use sodium salt, vetsin, powder broth.
3. Source of animal protein: use of meat / chicken / fish at most 100 grams / day.
Chicken / duck eggs 1 item / day.
4. 200 ml / har of fresh milk

3. Diet for cancer

Recommended Foods:
Healthy Food and Safe for Cancer Patients
1. Vegetables
a.Dark green vegetables: spinach, broccoli, mustard greens, kailan, katuk.
b. Light green vegetables: watercress, lettuce, chive, ashitaba or angelica,
leeks, kenikir, gotu kola leaves, god leaves, continued life.
c.Light-colored vegetables: cabbage, cauliflower, turnips, carrots, taro, sweet
potatoes, potatoes, bamboo shoots.
d. Fruit vegetables: eggplant, tomatoes, oyong, cucumber, young papaya,
pumpkin, corn, squash, red beans
e.Mushrooms: Ear mushrooms, Merang mushrooms, Oyster mushrooms.
2. Side dishes
Side dishes and foods that are safe for cancer patients: free-range chicken,
anchovy, free-range chicken eggs, tofu, tempeh, wader fish, tilapia, carp,
gouramy, catfish, pomfret. Some of these foods should be processed into
vegetables, pepes, or steamed
Food not recommended
food abstinence for cancer patients as follows.
1. Vegetables
Bean sprouts
- White mustard and kale
- Chili
2. Fruits
- Longan and jackfruit
- Durian, duku, pineapple and wine
3. Drinks
- Soft drinks or soft drinks
- Ice or cold drinks
- Alcohol
4. Salted Meat and Fish
- Meat (beef, buffalo, goat, pig)
- Salted fish processed from non-fresh ingredients 5. Preserved food
- preserved foods contain chemical compounds
5. Sea food
- Shrimp, clams, crabs, squid

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