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1” write a description of a place youve visited your descrption should be

between 100 words

hello how my name is widman a year ago trip to the city of Ayacucho for
studies, travel with colleagues from the university and with an architect who can
guide us in the city, we left Huancayo at about nine o'clock at night in the course
the road was very dangerous because there was only one road for two cars and
had a slope was very hilly slope, we arrived at the city at 4 in the morning I
thought it would be cold but not the weather was very warm to that what we did
with my friends was to find a lodging we went around the park and found a
lodging but did not have enough rooms then the other group of students stayed
on the other side of the park, a few hours later we went to breakfast but we did
not know the place so as it is said in any city where you eat delicious is in a
market we ask what is a chicken broth so we can wake up after breakfast we
meet With the other colleagues in the main square of Huanta to move to the
Archaeological sites of the place we finished the tour at about five in the
afternoon we arrived at 7 in the evening to Huanta with a group of friends we
agreed to a nightclub bit went to the nightclub at about 9 o'clock in the evening
and in one of the streets there were full nightclubs and we decided to enter one
and we stayed until 3 o'clock in the morning, because at 4 o'clock in the
morning our vehicle left to go back to huancayo.

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