Your Class Room

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Alyia davis

January 27, 2019

Your Classroom - Construct a 2-dimensional drawing of your current, or future classroom

National Education Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS)•T Address: Design authentic,

learner-driven activities and environments that recognize and accommodate learner variability.

This project was such a big learning experience for me, I have never done anything quite

like this before. I learned how to create an image from a birds eye view. I also learned how to

create furniture using different shapes and also learned how to use lines to make it look like my

room had windows. I was completely blown away by how well my image looked like an actual

classroom as a followed along to the directions. It was such a shock learning how big of a

difference the thickness of the line for creating walls could make to my image. My favorite thing

I learned was how to shade in the different shapes and add text and color to them, to label the

furniture.One of my biggest challenges of this project was trying to figure out how to create seats

for my desk. I Figured that would be the easiest part of the project so I saved it for last and just

that part of the project alone took me almost an hour. The easiest part of the project was

designing the layout of my class room. I always dreamed my class room would look like the one

I was taught in when I was a kid.

The skills learned for this project can be so helpful for teachers when setting up their

classrooms for the new school year. I plan on using what I learned in this assignment every year

when I start teaching. I will of course use my students names when labeling the desk. I feel this

will help me when grading and learning the names of my students. A physical education teacher
can also use this design method to help group up teams and where they will be stationed. They

can also use the skills we learned to add furniture but instead label the equipment that each team

will have to use.

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