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Alyia Davis

January 31, 2019

Can O’ Your Town - ​The goal is to create a label that tells a story about your home town, what

important ingredients make people want to visit, and from a marketing standpoint it should

visually "Pop".

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)•S Address: Standard 4 -

Innovative Designer -​ ​Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify

and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.

This project was like the dream home on steroids! I am so grateful I took the time to

remember how to use each tool effectively. The biggest struggle of this project for my was not

trying to use so much clip art to get my design across. It did take me a little longer but I feel it

showed a lot of my skill. The easiest part of the project for me was adding color to make the

design come to life. I purposely used more light colors to give of the sparkle of vegas. I learned a

lot about my home town during this project. The most rewarding part of this project was being

able to take everything I learned from the last three projects and bring them all together in one. I

took the time this week after complete this project to teach my nephew how to use these

programs and he picked up on them quickly. I guess you could say I feel confident now with all

the skills I learned now that I have put them to use and practices teaching the information.

This is a great project to use for a first week of class lesson. I think this project could be

used for an advanced computer class and be used to help students get to know their peers. This
project teachers students how to look up information and apply it to the lesson. It also teaches

students how to use information in a creative way.

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