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Position Paper

Name : Evan Permana Sunjaya

Country : Uzbekistan
Topic : Eliminating the Problem of Honor Killing

Eliminating the Problem of Honor Killing: Uzbekistan View

for completing Nanyang Technological University Model United Nation

Honor killings are troubling in society because the victim will feel to shame
severity ends with suicide. Honor killing gives bad impact for the future if she/he is not
learning about the problem. Each country has a different case of honor killing. Honor
killing is affected by cultural. It is constructed by belief and religious. India and Pakistan
both have recorded rates of ‘honor’ killings of around 1000 per year, although as ever
figures remain unreliable1.

Uzbekistan showed the largest gap (-%14) of Muslims disapproving of women

(%60) committed honor killings versus those committed by men (%46) 2. The Muslims
were misogynistic in judging criminals and murder acts. Uzbekistan seeing honor killing
is not a sufficient explanation for the wave of murder. Culturally, this burst of violence
against women was an anomaly. Although ethnographic sources documented intimate
violence against women, we have found no evidence that Uzbeks interpreted codes of
honor as necessitating killing disorderly women3

Uzbekistan believe that solving this issue of international cooperation between

member states, and in order to achieve that goal, there are several actions proposed by

1. Amnesty of honor
2. Solved by religious and forgiveness with watched human right

Awareness, “honour based violence awareness network, honour killings by region, http://hbv- (accessed on 17th February 2017)
Freedompost, Honour killing, (accessed on 17th
February 2017)
Elizabeth D. Heineman, Sexual Violence In Conflict Zones From The Ancient World To The Era Of
Human Rights, page 68

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